King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
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What would our lord and master look like in the Equestria Girls world?

2681584 He'd look every part of the bad boy. The rebel. The guy who's too cool for school.

2681594 The first one makes Sombra look like Draco Malfoy, the second makes him like Godot.

2681584 I don't know about the Equestria Girls world, but I always think of him having a Alucard esque to him, eh.

2681601 I said Equestria Girls world. :ajbemused:

2681610 Yep I know, but I can't see him as a teacher or a teen, eh. He's just too awesomely evil for both in mah mind, but hey that picture is pretty awesome don't you think?

2681637 But hey I atleast found him in the EQG World, eh.

Behold his awesomeness! slightly dropped, but still awesome!

Bonus points in the awesome department for taking in Fluttershy in his thrall!

2681660 He doesn't look like a teen or a teacher. Just an awesome asshole which is equally awesome, eh. That picture is a possible story right there just waiting to be written, eh.

Because there is a lack of them, I'm thinking about writing a Sombra fic where we see him in the Equestria Girls universe.

2681601 I like this one best of all

2681677 I'd read that, eh. I'll read that hard.

2681690 And it only took moi two minutes to find it, eh. Share it mah friend and spread the awesomeness in hopes that someone will write a story from the inspiration from it.

2681629 ... Principal? Superintendent? :rainbowderp:

2681893 Hmmm, maybe an asshole principle from the school down the street? That could work, eh.

2681927 Or maybe an asshole corporate business man trying to buy the school only to destroy it just so he can build an awesome 'FUCK YOU' tower in the area, eh.

2682017 Well he's the most adult looking EQG Sombra i could find that isn't dressed as teacher, eh. Plus he does look pretty awesome for a older looking cartoon teen, eh.

I think that since Sombra isn't an alicorn, he shouldn't be in the administration. He should be a punk asshole. His eyes smoke and glow because weed gives him his power.

2681716 hm I think I already am

2682249 Then keep staring at the picture, and play some inspirational music as you do so to increase creativity and think long and hard about a plot that goes with the picture, eh.

2682422 And don't stop until you atleast have one written chapter. Ignore the needs of your stomach and keep going.

Hmm...I do imagine him as a leader of a biker gang, you know, leather jacket, sunglasses, badass atittude, all that good stuff.

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