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Does anyone else think that Sombra may have turned into a tyrant because he was possessed by a Nightmare? It's a short story arc in my headcanon.

2703036 No. King Sombra probably wanted to become an alicorn, but did it the evil way and became corrupt.

2703036 Sure why not? It explains why he's so good at giving other ponies what they fear most though his delirious dark magical haze
I personally like to think it was the nightmare of the crystal empire falling which prompted Sombra to rise up and seize the throne for himself to ensure the events of his nightmare do not transpire into real life occurrences of the empire. Like a massive ice storm for instance or some other type of disaster which Sombra has to relive over and over of seeing the empire being destroyed

Personally, I think that the Nightmare preyed on his lust for power and in exchange for it, turned him into the monster. He may have been loved by his subjects before the corruption, and when he turned, he abused their trust.

By Nightmare, I mean an actual demon that seeks out people in their times of weakness.
Luna wanted appreciation, so it turned her into Nightmare Moon and made her attack Celestia to usurp the throne. The crystal king wanted power, so his demon turned him into a tyrant and made him use his ponies as slaves to drive his conquest.

"No. King Sombra probably wanted to become an alicorn, but did it the evil way and became corrupt."
...That summarizes Sombra's history in my story almost exactly O_O

"What probably happened was Sombra was a student of Celestia or Luna. He get's delusions of grandeur because he's favored by the Royal Sisters and takes over the city he resides in (What ever the Crystal Empire was called before hand). Calls it the Crystal Empire because its grand sounding and names him self king."


In my story, the Nightmares are another name for demons that prey on desire, and are spawned from the consciousness of the story's antagonist. He is a being of complete, pure evil and the Nightmares are extensions of his will to cause pain and suffering.

I say he tried to become an alicorn by mastering dark magic but it corrupted his mind.

Um.... :

Sorry I'm kinda late to the punch, but what exactly do you mean "by a Nightmare"? Do you mean like the Nightmare Door? The first video I linked kinda sorta paraphrases my headcanon. I don't really think Sombra had much to do with Luna, but the similarities the second video points out are worth noting.


I mean they called her 'Nightmare Moon' because she was possessed by a type of demon called a 'Nightmare'.
Nightmare + Luna = Nightmare Moon
It's just my personal headcanon that I'm using for the fanfic that I'm conceptualizing.

In my story, the creature is one of many that are spawned specifically for the purpose of creating conflict and strife between families and friends. Luna and Celestia. The Crystal King and his daughter Cadence. Celestia and Luna a second time.

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