King Sombra Fan Fiction 1,701 members · 1,390 stories
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In my fanfic, Prevailing Shadows, Sombra was originally good, but he still represented shadow. What cutie mark should he have? I suggest reading the second chapter to get a better understanding of his powers.

It depends on what you think his destiny is. Their cutie mark tends to be a combination of hobbies/talents and that. I would consider giving him a cutie mark combining Twilight's and Luna's, if you're focusing on shadow magic.

Alternatively, something less obvious. Rarity's talent is finding gemstones, but her goal in life is to be a renowned seamstress who creates the fashion trends of Equestria. There is a lot of wiggle-room, although I guess that is kind of what you're going for. Sombra's cutie mark is probably not indicative of what he will become, unless it's really subtle, like the crowns cutie mark that Fancy Pants has, maybe. :pinkiesmile:

That's way too on the nose. But I do like it! :rainbowlaugh:

2741916 Sombra always knew he would grow up evil; it was his destiny. :moustache:

2741973 Actually, in my cannon, he didn't realize. So I can't have too evil a cutie mark. Maybe something darker than simply a normal mark of shadow.

2741871 I have something similar to that. Except it has his silhouette. I then took it a step further and inverted the colors.

2741907 I could do a generic combination of Luna's and Twilight's. And maybe also some subtle hint. :)

To all of you, Thanks!

Well, my theory for combining their cutie marks is using the background splash of darkness that Luna has in her cutie mark, and then using either the single large star that Twilight has, or the surrounding smaller stars in a slightly different array. It's the only real way to insinuate darkness and possibly magic that I can think of.

Personally, I think that his lust for power was partially derived from his lack of a cutie mark. His lack of a cutie mark became one of the factors that lead to his vulnerability to possession by the Nightmare.

[hocking intensifies]

2741836 I always went with his cutie mark as: The Darkness in the Night time :trollestia:
Just... so much... power... *salivates*
Mmm mmm yes, crystals, grrrrhurhurhur
*salivating intensifies*

2742177 Yes. Another idea could be to take a sunburst and make it black, or even have it be a vortex or black hole with stars. Thanks for the ideas!

2742203 I had considered that as a possibility, but seeing as Celestia and Luna had cutie marks, I decided to give him one too. What is your fan fiction called?

2742460 I'll keep his hunger for crystals noted. XD

2742648 I haven't officially named it yet, or posted it for that matter.

2742716 Ah, I see. Do you want to follow each other so we can keep tabs on the others cannon?

The Crystal Empire story arc is rather short in my story. I do have a bit of a plothole in the ending sequence, so if you'd like to help me out with that, we could discuss something. Otherwise, I wouldn't have much to talk about.

Black crystals jutting out of a shadow! Generic in that ponies would just assume it has something to do with crystals but quite descriptive when you think about it!

It seems to me that Sombra was 'order' gone bad, as opposed to Discord being chaos gone bad. That in mind, his cutie mark would probably have something to do with order or law. I imagined it is a plain white diamond, bisected by lines drawn from opposite corners, shaded to make it look '3D'.

Something like this, but again, shaded and with solid lines:

Watch this if you want an interesting take on him.

2741836 A crown formed by black crystals, maybe with green outlines.

2742873 We could always throw ideas around.

2743676 That is good idea. I'll keep that I mind.

2744315 Actually, in my mind, it was more the brothers were chaos, and the sisters order. The sun and moon follow a cycle, while light and shadow mingle in an eternal dance. Them being chaotic allies me to make them more aggressive than the sisters. Good idea though.

2745763 Another good idea. :) Like this, I'll have cutie marks for Sombra and the Shadow Inquisition!

If I don't use your cutie marks, they most likely will be used an another pony in the Shadow Inquisition.

2745710 Wow... Interesting. Thanks for the new look. Probably won't be able to incorporate that, but maybe draw from it. :)

2741871 omigod that would be the most badass cutiemark since rainbowdash! :pinkiegasp:


I dunno - crystals are naturally ordered, and he has an affinity for it. Moreover, he ruled with an iron hoof and seems to have utterly dominated the Crystal Ponies. These aren't aspects of chaos; they're aspects of order. Order gone bad, yes, but still order.

Discord just tormented ponies for shits and giggles; Sombra wanted to rule them.

Moreover, Celestia and Luna exhibit aspects of both chaos and order - if anything, they represent balance and harmony rather than either extreme.

2751990 I didn't mean that they were purely chaos or order, just landed to it. I guess you could be right, and I have Lumor and Luna lean toward chaos, with Celestia and Sombra leaving towards order.

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