MoonLight 894 members · 93 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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As you all probably know (unless you've been living under a rock), the founder of this group, Peppy, was banned some time ago. Since he's been banned and can no longer manage the group, we're going to need to make a new one.

I've taken it upon myself to create the MoonLight 2.0 group, which will become the new "official" group.

We're going to need to start hauling all the fics from this group to the new group, so please do so if any of you who'd be willing to help out.


3944543 Wait, when did he get banned? And why?

He was banned because the mods didn't like him very much. If I recall correctly, he posted some rather harsh critique on some story, and the mods used that as an excuse to ban him.


It was actually, like, the final straw in a long list of things. he was banned about 6 times with warnings before being permabanned


Why not just ask knighty to transfer founder powers to another?

Shouldn't be that hard.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Yeah, what Skeeter said. PM a site mod (Obs or Knighty) and ask them to transfer group moderation responsibility to you.

Didn't know I can do that... Thanks for the heads up.

I have sent a PM to Knighty and will attempt to have group ownership transferred to me or someone else. If that doesn’t work, I can make MoonLight 3.0 public so we can move there.

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