MoonLight 894 members · 93 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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Peppy Greyskull
Group Admin

So, as the title says, tell me what your fave MoonLight story is. Doesn't have to be mine cause I know that you all have your own tastes and such. (It better be mine or I'll shoot a puppy) Lol j/k but seriously. Favorite MoonLight story GO!

I haven't read many, sadly. It being hard to look up based on ideas since you can only look up tags and ponies, which is very limited at times. Anyways, out of the very few I have read... I love them all!

Tho I do like these one, After That Fateful Night for shipping. Mainly cause it has sex and doesn't skip 2 of the hotness, (wish it didn't skip any of it, but oh well), and Twilight actually is used as a slave and after a while likes it :twilightblush:

As for non shipping, or atleast non as far as we know, Embracing the Darkness. I love it cause vampires! Twilight goes evil, or corrupted and all that. Love those kinda stories with her being the main chatacter and having her being corrupted and/or evil, which is in both stories I mentioned lol.

So yup, Embracing the Darkness, and That Fateful Night my favorite. Tho, I only like That Fateful Night more cause It's longer and Embracing the Darkness hasn't updated in a while :fluttercry:

Tonto the Trotter
Group Contributor

Well a couple of my favourites include...

Peppy's Story. After that Fateful Night. With two editors, it can't help but be well written.:heart: Good story, good characters. And plenty of Darkness :pinkiehappy:

Embracing the Darkness as Jirodyne said. Vampires and Ponies. And not the crappy sparkling one's either. Really well written and enjoyable.

Janushyde's Entwined. It's a really intriguing story. With lots of potential, I can't wait to see where Janus takes it. But I love it already :heart:

Night's Favoured Child. A great story with Nightmare Moon, the empress of Equestria and Twilight as her student.

Dusk and Dawn. I really enjoy this story too

Group Contributor

To be fairly honest I haven't read a MoonLight shipfic (sry i only read shipfics and nothing else) yet that i thought was good... but then again i've only come across 3 twiluna shipfics that i thought was any good, so i might be a bit picky about what i think is 'good' and what is 'readable/enjoyable but not quite yet good' :P

Oh, I forgot one! Not sure if it counts... but Past Sins! with Nyx! It was so cute seeing NMM as a filly raised by Twilight. :pinkiehappy: Don't know if it's on here tho.

Really it's yours Peppy. Love the whole set up too much.

So far, Peppys indeed. The shipping feels so natural in a way.
It's not over the course of a week, it takes its time and lets things develop AND has a grand adventure-esque them over it. Fantastic story.

Other than that, it's so hard to find any-
I really liked Nights favoured child, and stuff.
There's also the "Nightmares don't last forever"
Not all that dark and serious, but I still have enjoyed it a lot so far.


Well, there are two Past Sins sequels in the non-shipping MoonLight catagory. Which it is to be wondered why you are not at least tracking them.

223431 Been reading other stories :pinkiehappy: I have like 30+ stories tracked on here, a lot more I watch for on EQD, and many more, some non-mlp aswell, stories over at Fanfiction xD:pinkiehappy:

Group Contributor

fMy favoret Moonlight stories would have to be after that Fateful Night I love how much you're expanding the world, exploring the relationhips between both cannon and non cannon characters and well they Nightmare Twilight relationship is just growing in such a facisnating way. Though this is a no brainer given how much I over analize the thing in the comments.

Next we have Nights favoured child. I really find this alternet reality fic very intresting. i think it explores Nightmare Moon in a way most fics don't I mean for example look how tired she is of ponies bowing and scraping to her. Then there was the bit when shipp fliped her lid at Northstar trying to convince twilight to attend her Nightmare worshipping cult.

Aside from BB's really fun Nightmare's don't last forver i have one more in mind but it's kinda cheating, and a bit depressing. I can't recall the name of it but someone over at put up then apprently took down a Nightmare twilight centered fic with a damn intresting premis. Basicaly Nightmare and celestia had a deal Nightmare would allow for the return of the tatus Quo if she was allowed to have Twilight Sparkle as her own. Some time ( think it's implied to be months afterword) Nightmare is otraged by Twilight's affection for Celestia and comes to ponyvil to claim her prize dragging twilight away through some portal to parts unknown. amd that's how the first and only chapter ended. I wish I knew why the auther took the fic down I really wanted to see where it was going.

Group Contributor

Definitely After that Fateful Night. Its good, it had a slow amount of shipping but it was my style of a story and I enjoy it alot. The little bit of sex is good too, a good edition plus it added a little comedy.

223462 I know of the fic on your talking about the author's name is Defiled one your comment reminded me that i wished to PM the author about it so i just did a PM to the author asking why it was taking down and unfinished on behalf of those who liked it and wanted continued

Group Contributor

Ah cool I hope you hear from them soon, even if it isn't put back up I'd just like to know why it was taken down.

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