Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
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Group Admin

Hello! Rezz here with a list of change notes for the group!


1) Most of the admins have lost their power and are now known simply as members. Their power may be regained but there will be a limit from this day forth of only 6 admins. So once we have 6 admins we will never promote another unless a admin relinquishes their title and power or they do not post. If they have nothing to say they must still comment on a post every now and then to let me know that they still are active within the group.

2) Admins are no longer decided by a "Why do you think that you...." kind of questions. From now on I will be examining who is worthy of the title and the power that comes with being an admin.

3) New rule: You are no longer allowed to advertise your own group or story within the forums. If you do so you will receive a warning. After 3 warnings you are banned for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks if you break a rule again you will be permanently banned.

4) The title: Contributor is now only gifted to those who regularily post. Contributors are who we will be looking at mostly to see if they are worthy of being an admin.

5) Birthday Games have been lowered to one a week to maybe three games a week, depending on how I feel.

Any complaints or suggestions can be posted below or within the new suggestions/complaints thread that will be made after this.

Have a nice day.

((Note: If you were an admin but lost your power and think that you still have a right to your power please say so below and I will speak to you through PM's)).


You should probably create some kind of application for people to fill out.

I doubt you'll be able to accurately determine if a person is dependable enough to become an admin from observation alone.

And six admins might be a little too many. Maybe three or four would be more manageable.

Soundwave superior. Soundwave should lead.

Group Admin

3095045 I was barely an admin for any length of time...

Better to have administrated and lost than never to have administrated at all.


but it is a lot easier to just BS on an application then it is to actually go through with it on a day to day basis.

Well, you could require them to provide proof for their claims. Hell, you could probably do both. Have 'em fill out an application, sort out the applicants you think would make the cut, then monitor them for a short period of time. This process might take longer, but it would be much more efficient and beneficial in the long run, I think.

Group Admin

Four people managing six hundred? That seems like a bit of a stretch to me :unsuresweetie:

Well, it's not like they'll be monitoring all six-hundred members at once.


You are no longer allowed to advertise your on group or story within the forums

Thought I'd point that out. :rainbowkiss:

Group Admin

3095152 I'd say six admins is not enough before I would say too many.

Clearly you've never had to govern over a group of administrators. You want a small, controlled group.

Group Admin

3098741 You would be mistaken, I've been the moderator of a minecraft server with 30k members, and about 500-1000 relatively active at any given time, we had at least 20 mods, and it ran more flawlessly than anyone ever hoped to expect. (I believe we had 200+ players online at once during our events).

The best number of admins depends entirely on 3 things, the maximum number before diminishing returns, their quality, and how good their leader is. Clearly you have less experience in this than me, no worries though.

The only time having too many admins is "bad", is when the leader can't control them or doesn't choose quality admins.


I've been the moderator of a minecraft server with 30k members, and about 500-1000 relatively active at any given time

Group Admin

3100144 Nope, perhaps the largest poneh minecraft server in existence. I was one of the forum moderators, I wouldn't recommend bothering them though, a side effect of running such a large server with so many admins is they are some of the strictest, even harsh, admins you will find.

Reading the stats, to date there have been 555,577 forum posts, and 235 as most members online at any given time, here's the list of current admins be very afraid There are about 40 of them, hm, server has definitely gotten a little less active recently. I remember back when yogscast used our server's map for theire series Shadow of Israpony we would get what felt like 50 new players every hour. The mod that turned them into ponies was also made by one of our admins, Verdana.

Those were the good old days...

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