Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
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Group Admin

…For the Universe's BEST VILLAIN!!!! :pinkiehappy:


Tickets will be sold from Feb 4-10. Why? Cuz we can.

There are 12 spots open for contestants too! :raritywink:

See you there on Feb 17.

Me, I once skinned a guy's head, threw sand and salt all over his skinless face, doused it in pepper spray, and sewed his face back on.

I would like to nominate my glorious leader, Lord Frieza!

I stabbed a guy then I opened his stomach then I ripped out his lungs then I ate them then I ripped of his d*** and then set it on fire then I skinned all of his skin then I ripped out his brain and I ate it to:pinkiecrazy:
Then I ran over his body with someone's car I stole because I was bored.:pinkiecrazy:
Then I raped his corpse because I was drunk then I dumped his body down some waterfall that I found:pinkiecrazy:

That all happened last Tuesday:pinkiecrazy:

Even if I posses the powers of darkness, the sun, fire, wind, earth and ice, I would be destroyed on the first round.

So count me out.


687868>>687863>>687861>>687842>>687822Hello mortals.

687881 Well speak of the devil.....litterally.


687882 Hmhmhm. I seems I am well known here.

Group Admin


It appears we have 4 contestants. :moustache:


687908 And one winner.

Group Admin

687914 You added one person.
Unless you're counting me.

I am just announcing the event. :eeyup:


687921 Foolish human, I've already won.

Group Admin

687923 If that is so, then there are three contestants and one winner.

However, we would love to see your actions toward ultimate villainy.

Group Admin

687931 Five total.
I wonder if the great mechanical Doctor is joining.


687928 Turning the world into a desert wasteland, and turning every human into a sub human zombie that can only feel despair, hate, and pain isn't good enough, and forcing three little girls to view this hell knowing it was all their fault isn't good enough?



687941 Oh please you are little more than a talking can-opener.

Group Admin

687938 It's great, but we need a Villain version of Death Battle going on here. :eeyup:
Villain VS Villain madness.

687941 Alright, six competitors! We may need to reschedule the event. :moustache:


687952 Madness? Hmhmhm madness is my specialty.

Group Admin

687959 Madness, chaos, tyranny – anything villainous is available in this tournament.


687966 I'd lick my lips in anticipation but that would smear my lipstick.

Group Admin

We are in preparations now, for 16 contestants total.
The event will take place once all spaces are filled.

An announcer will be needed considering I may not be there.

I once posted a first comment, even though I wasn't first.
Then I spread a chain letter.

Group Admin

687996 Definitely worth a spot. :moustache:

Pfft, I invented 4chan.

687948 YOU INSOLENT SQU...WHAT IS IT LAWRENCE?! ...What?....He is who?..........................

687983 I have decided not to take part in this tournament because umm... My grandmother died yes that's it my grandmother oh I am just all torn up inside I can't possibly fight like this.

Group Admin

688028 :trixieshiftright:

Back down to five competitors… :trixieshiftleft:


688028 Hmhmhm I didn't know robots had grandmothers.

687822>>688041>>688028>>688014>>687931>>687861>>687863 >> .....*grins*.......* a shiny red rubber ball appears * the ball begins to bounce * .....come play..........*grins*....

Group Admin

688072 Are you joining? :trixieshiftright:

688077 .......*grins*....

Group Admin

688082 Okay, we have six contestants once more.

688083 .......*grins*....

688090 Anyway, good luck buddy, you'll kinda need it.

688096 .......*grins*....

It's common knowledge.

Silph Scope!!!


You will all be exterminated!!!!


"That idiotic doctor was no threat, I even took control of his thread." the bipedal mare said with a chuckle as she sat up in her stone throne. "I'll be joining whether you approve or not, Alekusu."

Rising from the throne, Echidna gave a sadistic smile as she slowly walked through the crowd of creatures and ponies. Standing before Alekusu, she tilted her head as she stared into his eyes. "Find me a decent opponent or it'll be your head on my wall."

Group Admin

688328 :trixieshiftright:
I'm just the announcer.

It's a tournament for any villain to join. :unsuresweetie:

I don't choose anything. Plus I have Guest Character Immunity(TM), so good luck doing that.


I am best villain.


see? only the most devious of individuals would say that.

The man would've died halfway through that first sentence, this means he didn't suffer at all.

You are a little

Yeah he did...
I forced him to listen to that song and listen to lavender town tone....:pinkiecrazy:

But he was mostly listing to Justin Bieber as I was killing him...:pinkiecrazy:

Lavender town tone...

Click it and listen to it....

it'll never leave...:pinkiecrazy:

Well make sure you don't have headphones on...:ajbemused:

Even that song can scare some of the most insane terrifying people in the world...:pinkiecrazy:

That's why I never listen to it...

Because I'm smart!:pinkiecrazy:

I grew up playing Pokemon, such a tone will do nothing.
I sat through the ten hour version.
Stop spamming creepypasta, I look at them before bed every night.

Same to I do read some before I go to bed...

And I like to show creepypastas FoR nO REasON:pinkiecrazy: because I like to try to scare the living f:rainbowkiss:ck out of them:pinkiecrazy:

And I'm a fan:rainbowkiss:

And YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!:flutterrage:

Because ya smell weird:pinkiecrazy:

Before you continue with your rampage of mediocrity, let me show you what real death looks like.


People do more horrible things to each other on a daily basis. Crappypasta doesn't compare to real human cruelty.

Let's not forget that all Creepypasta stems from human imagination.

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