Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
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734147 / 735258

"Creating the shackle of your own foalishness. If you would Story Teller, shatter my leg." Echidna replied evenly while extending a foreleg.

Looking up from the black limb, the fainted mare had grown, he quickly moved to complete the command. Gathering the necessary power, he stopped, thinking of the absurdity of the request.

744063/734147 Xeno started moving his back legs out of the chain.
"If you....even think.....of hurting my family.....YOUR DEAD!" Xeno's voice and eyes changed as he finished his sentence.
Xeno started moving as the chain moved with him to, Xeno was heading to Echidna.

Xeno's insane half looked confused more than worried.

744063 / 744089
"...right then," the Story Teller said as he noted Xeno's aggression, smashing both of his fists into Echidna's leg and using a conjured concussive force to break it. "Er... have fun with whatever you're going to do."

Xeno rapidly smashing his hooves on Echidna's back legs.
"DIE GODDAMN IT!!!" Xeno said in such rage.

744111 / 744102

Even as the blows landed, Hot Arrow gave screams of pain. In the same instant Xeno's flank dropped as his metal legs warped and bent under invisible blows. His insanity cried out as he toppled, one foreleg extensively damaged as his hind legs bent at odd angles.

Story Teller watched all that transpired and finally recognized the runes for what they were. Staring as Echidna's broken limbs cracked back into place, he slowly shook his head.

"And since you were so rude to interrupt the demonstration..." Echidna said as she raised a foreleg and walked towards Xeno's crippled insanity.

Hot Arrows screams were reduced to gasps as the solitary chain around her neck tightened. It continued for a few seconds before the bipedal mare stood over the crippled stallion.

"...Still feeling in charge you foal?" she asked, placing a hoof on his broken front leg.

744279 / 744111
"Clever," was the only comment the Story Teller had for the moment. His mind seemed to be elsewhere.

"It doesn't.....make sense...." His insanity said.
"He.....He......No.....It can't be true.....No.....It can't." His insanity said looking at Xeno starring at Hot Arrow.
"Xeno.....That filly....That he really doing all of this just to be with his family? And why the rage? He shouldn't be doing that....anymore......"The insane stallion said in confusion

744377 / 744313

"The joy of the weak raising their hooves against me." a smile spread slowly on the mare's face as she glanced at the broken and panting filly. "And if you decide to try such a thing again, I'll add you wife to the fun..."

744405 Xeno's insane half looked at Xeno's daughter then to Echidna.
"What did you do to her?" asked the insane stallion

744802 / 744405
The Story Teller became oblivious to his surroundings: it appeared that he had broken again, though whether or not the events at hand had anything to do with it.

744802 / 744867

"I, did nothing." nodding towards Xeno, her eyes shifted to the Story Teller as she tried to make sense of his tumulus mind. "Your other half's little display of defiance may have broken her hindlegs though."

744889 Xeno's insane half looked at Xeno.
"heh.....he's seeing things......heheheh.......that's why he beat the crap outta ya.....hehehe" The insane stallion said.
"He thinks that your trying to kill his family...heheh"

744894 / 744867

"It doesn't matter. The more he tries to harm me. The greater the wounds that will appear on your bodies." she responded while walking over to Story Teller.

She waved a hoof before his eyes but he remained stock still, still lost in whatever thoughts were slowly feeding her.

"It seems this one is having difficulty coming to terms with another..." she mused, hearing the metallic scrape of Xeno crawling to his wife and child.

744894 / 745079
A faint shimmer of energy washed over the area, though only Echidna could feel it. It was centered on the Story Teller. He appeared to be remembering something vividly.
Though he was still lost in though, his eyes widened a bit. It appeared as though he was about to snap back out of his trance.

"Heh.....if he kills you we'll both die......heheh.......I can't wait to see the look on his face when he realizes what he is doing heheheheHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!"The insane stallion finished by uncontrollably laughing

745381 / 745121

"Your quite mistaken..." she told the crippled stallion."... Anything physical will simply destroy you and leave me to dance on your ash. And one more thing"

The insane one tried to keep track as Echidna vanished from Story Teller's side. He caught sight of her after she reappeared, yanking the metal creature that held Xeno up by his false rib cage.

"This is going to hurt~" she said sweetly as she placed the pegasus device between her and the reawakening biped.

745440 / 745381
The Story Teller suddenly snapped back into attention. He looked slightly panicked.
"Echidna my friend, you would do well to hurry with your business," he said urgently. "I fear that he is approaching. While he may not pose as much of a threat to you or I, he will most certainly interfere with your actions here should you wish for everything and/or everyone to remain in one piece."

"Looks like someone is acting smart.....for once in his life....heheheheheheh....." Xeno's insane half finished with a smirk

745563 / 745572

"Then we shall go to where it all began." she said, casually flipping a switch in the device's abdomen before tossing Xeno beside his other half.

Stepping over the unconscious mare to reach Hot Arrow, Echidna shuddered slightly in a mix of pleasure and pain. Shrugging the reaction off, she reached into the air and tore a flaming black hole. Motioning for Story Teller to enter, she gave Xeno and his crippled insanity a sickly smile before heaving the filly roughly on her back. Arrow gave a pained cry before a small thorn made her slump into unconsciousness.

"I'll be taking my prize. And I'd suggest you reactivate the device's movement before his wife awakes. I won't stop it next time." she said vanishing through the portal with the filly.

"well....shit....."Xeno's crippled insanity said.
He looked at Xeno who was starring at were echidna just left.
"heh.....heh.....well I'm fucked...."

The unconscious mare slowly woke up and starred at Xeno and his crippled insanity.
But no daughter

745613 / 745628
"I'm glad you took my advice," the Story Teller says as he steps through the portal behind Echidna. "I have no wish to meet with Zile again."
He looks around. "Erm........ where have we gone, precisely?"

The insane stallion smirked.
"Well your taking a filly away from her father for god knows how long.....does that answer your question?........heheheh......"

745770 / 745833

"Where it began." Echidna told Teller before the portal shut behind them.

"Xeno...did you...", still getting over the shock the unsteady mare walked over to Xeno's insanity as she warily watched the locked down machine. "Is it dead?"

Apparently she didn't know about the body switch as she tenderly checked his mangled legs.

Comment posted by XenoJohn deleted Feb 27th, 2013
Comment posted by Hydra deleted Feb 27th, 2013

746060 (sorry didn't read the thing where it began....I was too busy with other stuff:ajsleepy:)

Comment posted by Hydra deleted Feb 27th, 2013
Comment posted by XenoJohn deleted Feb 27th, 2013

746088 The insane stallion got up. moving his body limb from what happened earlier. but seemed to not worry about his condition.
"Free.....I'm free......freeeeeheheheh......" He finished with a grin.
He looked at the mare and Xeno, some how he passed out.
The mare fell but Xeno's insane half caught her before she fell completely.

He put the mare on her bed softly.
And looked at Xeno.
"It is a has been fun with you.....but they took your daughter for their prize...." The insane stallion chuckled.

He put him beside his wife.

"I....must complete something.....Echidna freed me.....And I can't let her live in this world nor any, anymore.....My gift to her will be meeting death....heheh....."he chuckled as he started to leave the cottage.

"Xeno.....have fun still looking like that indeed. After this....Its back to the rainbow factory...." He finished with a smirk.
Then his eyes glowed red. Ready for the hunt


Xeno watched helplessly from the confides of his locked body as Hide closed the door. He could already imagine being forced to be the tool of death for more innocent foals.

Why couldn't you have died that day Xeno thought, remembering the experiment that had first bonded him and the dying pony together.

As the insane stallion continued his quest of blood first, memories flowed through his mind.
what is that thing!?
"Ah that fear and pain that I brought to so many! Oh how fun it was.....The blood, the screams of fear of death. The lives that deserved to be ruined....Oh how fun it was....such fun indeed." He finished with a grin. and continued his quest

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