Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
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I have, after much trial and error, finally gotten past your ingenious and bigoted against robot security system and joined this site and group. Lawrence you better be happy.

I ask which of you brony squishies will join me and ascend to robothood and which of you will be EXTERMIA.."That's what makes it so good Janice. Feel it my heart is pounding like an anvil."

Lawrence: Oh I love this part.*slaps*


LOL! WUT?:rainbowhuh:

644898 and who are you

645001 I am Doctor Nefarious exterminator of all organic life. and who are you squishy?

644994 It would seem I have confused yet another simple squishy mind.

645017 i am Lord Frieza RULER OF THE UNIVERSE
My power eclipses all who oppose me

WTF ARE YOU SAYING?!:rainbowderp:

645039 IDIOT SQUISHY! A squishy is an inferior organic life form.

"Why would I use cybernetics. This body made of stolen flesh , bones and powers keeps me well above your limited technology." Echidna replied with a sly grin.

To accentuate the point, black tendrils of flame seeped out of the bipedal mare's many scars and snapped her foreleg like a twig. Bone shards pierced her scarred skin as more tendrils greedily forced them back into her body.

645037 Ah yes I have heard of you. You are part robot are you not?

645051 A squishy body cannot be superior to a robot one! Check your facts next time squishy!

645052 why yes i am part robotic
glad my title reaches out to even the ones i don't know

So your saying I am dumb as fuck and I am something that is inferior life form? :applejackconfused:
Dude that is kinda mean that you think I am dumb as fuck:ajbemused:


645071 Oh but how could I not know the great Frieza destroyer of that monkey tailed squishy world.

Then kiss my ass!!!
You sadistic fuck!!!:flutterrage:

And I don't like to be mean to people because I don't usually like calling them names unless they need to have their feelings hurt:ajbemused:

I think you deserve to be called a sadistic fuck if you like to be a asshole to people all the time:ajbemused:

And I should stop swearing because swearing isn't good for you:ajsleepy:

645111 hey its ok because he got his ass handed to him by a cat:rainbowlaugh:

SO THAT'S WHY HE IS PISSED OFF!!:rainbowlaugh:

645111>>645120 INSOLENT SQUISHIES I WILL EXTERMIN..."Oh Janice its been so long." *kissing sounds*
"Oh lance you make me feel like a young boy again."
Lawrence: Such a great stress reliever.*slaps*

645145 It is a glitch, shut up squishy.

You better not mess with me bub!
I'm friends with the Pegasus Device! I even have a picture :3:derpytongue2:

Now sick em-Oh wait...
your at work...

At least I can still punch at lance and lawrence until they bleed to death:pinkiecrazy:

645150 i have bones and a exoskeleton

645159 Congratulations you just broke your hand squishy. Lawrence is a robot so he doesn't bleed like you weak squishies do. Lance is just a character on a sop opera.

645161 I'm sure your eyes are just as squishy as a normal squishy's.

645172 so you hate squishies but you like mlp
a show with soft,small,cuddley and cute ponies
yet you hate organic life
get your shit together:rainbowlaugh:

Well I broke my left hand...ow...:fluttershyouch:
But I'm part machine like my friend Pegasus Device:derpytongue2:

So I think we are both like robots...
Unless the Pegasus Device and I are blood firsty killers who want to rip out your organs and eat them and then turn you into a rainbow...:twilightoops::pinkiecrazy:
I have fun working with him anyways!!!:pinkiehappy:
But it gets boring when we have to clean up the blood and body parts that get all over the factory:ajsleepy:

645198 Oh how I wish the ponies in this show were robots. As much as I hate to admit it this show is the one good thing that has come from squishies.

645200 Part machine?! Why didn't you say so in the beginning?

I like to twist the momments:rainbowlaugh:

645216 Don't you smile at me squishy.


Pegasus Device: *looks angry at him*

Want to make rainbows?
Pegasus Device: Yep...Rainbows made out of doctor nefarious?
*pulls out sword* Yep...Should it be quick and painless? or slow and painful?
Pegasus Device: Slow and Painful...
Ah! You always make the right choice!
Pegasus Device: I always make the right choice...
Yes you do my friend yes you do...Now time to make rainbows....

645281 How exactly do you plan on making rainbows out of metal?

645295 Adorable? Adorable?! ADORABLE?! I am a fine robotic specimen aren't I squishy?

Isn't he the cutest!?
He and I where born together! I was born from my mother he was built by engineers and I had to get metal parts on my body!

And as we were growing up we where happily slaughtering foals and making them into rainbows!:pinkiecrazy:

Ah! good times, good times!

645346>>645344 I am starting to think that that was an insult.

Well you need the right ingredients you need anything with color and alive. It can even be organic and none organic but we use organic.
But using none organic helps to make a rainbow but not as fresh. But if we add anything from intelligence such as yours from a adds the color but still not fresh...

But this is where the fun begins...
I am like a second Pegasus Device used on none organic material such as things like you.
The Pegasus Device is used for organic material. I for the other which is used for none organic material.

Even I have some organic material in me I am still able to make rainbows.
But something small as me can't make rainbows just as the Pegasus Device can look at him he is huge!

But here's the fun part!
I have to cut off your limbs from you body PAINFULLY or it will not be a fresh colorful rainbow. Doing it painfully will help the rainbow get fresh and colored.

Once your dead you will be a perfect rainbow in the sky:pinkiecrazy:
How Painful do you want it?

645364 if you insist ......... you look like my puppy maddix

645379 How dare you! I look nothing like a squishy.

645066 "Yet enough of a shock and you'd rely on some idiotic sap to repair you." Electricity crackled through her hoof as she grinned.

There were a few spells she wanted to try on the animated machine, but first he needed to pass her test.

645428 HA! You think you can defeat me? It took a Lombax with an entire armadas worth of weapons to take me down.

645446 "Or simply a creation more powerful then yourself...", she said. She smiled coyly before appearing next to the robotic being. "...And the Fallen is so happy to show your inferior form."

A bolt of lightning arched from her hoof as the gears in Doctor Nefarious's cranium jammed. Sparks and smoke spewed from his cranial compartment as his body froze in a state of inactivity.

"Disappointing little creature. Such flaws make it difficult to take you serious." She whispered to the unresponsive bot. Giving Nefarious a tap, he cracked his glass dome as he fell to the ground. The fall seemed to knock him back into action as he tried to get up between twitching movements

645553 I create twenty physical holograms and they all attack her with metal claws tearing at her soft squishy flesh.

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