Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Group Admin

1. It shall be held on the first week of March.
2. All contestants, please give a short introduction to be used.
3. Killing other contestants will be possible. However, all contestants will be buffed so that death will be harder to achieve. This will mean that more pain and torture is available.
4. I am a lazy prick, and won't be announcing.
4.5. We need a new announcer.
4.75. No Hydra, you can't kill the new announcer either.

No problem.

"Buck that! I'll do as I please you little wretch,MMPFH" Echidna's voice was quickly cut off as something muffled her.

I'm going to introduce her I guess. What do you want to know?

That she's an overpowered sociopath that can read memories if she comes in contact with others, uses runic magic and can steal abilities if she 'consumes' part of some creatures flesh. She is also rather tactical and tends to plan things with multiple outcomes.

Should I go on...?

Group Admin

716176 No that should be plenty. You also won the silly number of the week! (716176 is your comment number)

Hi, I am Chuckward.
I invented 4chan, Fox, and red and black alicorns.

Group Admin

716207 I would wish you luck, but I don't think you need it… :pinkiecrazy:

Yo, what's up. Name's Slippy.

I wrote a Grimdark fic about Rarity dismembering ponies, deleted it, and began writing comedy shipfics so that I could get popular and post my Grimdark fic again. I'm also writing a story that includes Flim and Flam removing Scootaloo's organs and firing her out a cannon. (It's a work in progress. In fact, in that fic, Scootaloo gets a lot more punishment than the Super Silly Bacon-hair Bros. can dish out.)

Also my name is Slippy but I have never played any Starfox games.

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