Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 28 )
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me and sweetie belle captain ship in faster than light....could be worst.......but whn i will get Chrysalis =(

Aid Denton in Deus Ex with Pinkie Pie.

719175 lead a nation in civilization with Colgate...if it were possible the first thing she would do is give everyone a free dental health plan.

Me and Discord are leading a nation on Civilization.

Group Contributor

me and big mac are fire emblem tacticians....and I just got fire emblem shadow dragon yesterday:rainbowlaugh:

Derpy and I are party members in Paper Mario.

Group Contributor

719230 paper mario was a better series when they had partner characters like goombella

Fire emblem with Twilight Sparkle... not sure what this means... :twilightoops:

Group Contributor

719244 the first paper mario was good but thousand year door was the best....after that the series fell apart:fluttercry:

Group Contributor

719248 ever play a fire emblem game :unsuresweetie: their fun:yay:

719267 No, I never played those... and I have never played a good game before... :twilightoops:

Group Contributor

719304 really:pinkiegasp:
if you have a wii i recommend paper mario the thousand year door; Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance(these are gamecube games but can be played on the wii) and super smash brothers brawl
if you have ps3 or xbox 360 i recommend dead space 2 (if you like horror action that is)

Me and Lightning Dust raid the vault. Meh, not bad :pinkiesmile:

719309 I only have an old ps2, poorly working. I have skyrim for a year now, but my computer is a trash and can't run the game on it. I doN't have a wii, ps3, xbox or any kind of 'today' gadget... aside from my acceptable mobile, which only has 100MB as a memory...

719175 Search for the Amulet of Yendor in Nethack with Fluttershy.

I'm okay with this.

Group Admin

719175 Captain ships with Rarity…

WHY!? :raritycry:

Group Contributor

719315 sorry to hear that:fluttercry.....

Group Contributor

719315 how about ponymon and pony fantasy 6 there both rom games and are pretty good:yay:

Group Contributor

719354 a fate worse then death:rainbowwild:

Group Admin

719396 I've never played that game.

Never even HEARD of it. :twilightoops:

And it's funny how June - November would have been PERFECT for me. :raritydespair:

719374 nope... nothing famous. No mario, Legend of Zelda, crash or anything like that. I never had a good game... :ajsleepy:

719203 Thats... Kinda scary...

Group Contributor

719444 download pony fantasy 6 onto your computer it's fun :yay:

I become Pokémon master w/ Vinyl Scratch :yay:

Me and Braeburn are party members in Paper Mario.


Me and Discord are Fire Emblem Tacticians.

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