Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
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Hydra #1 · Feb 15th, 2013 · · 1 ·

"Apparently Hydra, the stupid creator of mine, felt we should try to find a theme song for this conglomeration of weaklings and cowards. Initially I suggested a slaughterhouse video, but 'apparently' its to graphic for some of you." Echidna said before glancing at a few creatures in the horde. "Anyway place your theme below with the url and a connected Youtube video if you can find one."

Her skeletal muzzle turned to a smile before the anthro-mare continued speaking. "If you simply want to fight... make sure you're prepared for a life of servitude and crushing despair."

She paused when she noticed a dislike above her comment. "You're to kind anonymous foal that wishes to feed me strife. Feel free to do what you will in a cowardly manner."

Just for the hell of it

"Ah, but of course you knew I would show up here!" said a familiar person in white. "But what should I choose?" he asked himself while growing flustered. "I've had so many moments worth of songs, I JUST CAN'T DECIDE ON--"
A small portal opened nearby and a girl's voice came through. "Just pick one, go with the one you used in the Greyt War or something."
The portal closes.

"......right then. Er, here."

The Story Teller begins dancing oddly as the music plays in the background.

Before she can bug anyone, here's mine:

Possibly, for such a motley group of clowns such as ourselves:

719840 / 719310
"I hereby change my vote to this one!"

719840 / 720065

I hear your a religious man Dark. Let me teach you of the carnival...

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