Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Group Admin

I now have a kindle to use. So I can write my story :yay: I´m still learning how to use it. So my story is back on track. Also I welcome the newest members of the group. I hope the group is to your liking.

719980 Yay.:yay: awesome news.

On a side note I just noticed we don't have a Blueblood folder.

Group Admin

719988 what do you mean by that?:rainbowhuh:

719995 Blueblood doesn't count as a villain? My bad, sorry.:fluttershyouch::fluttershyouch: *Comment retracted.*

Group Admin

720002 Well maybe there should be a folder for him.

720006 I sounded like a douche didn't I? :fluttercry: I didn't mean to:fluttershbad:. I hate communicating through typing sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between assholes and non asshole people.:fluttershyouch:

Group Admin

720014 you didn't so don't worry. But maybe there should be a folder for him.:twilightsmile:

Why do you have a kindle for?:rainbowhuh:

The only thing I know about it that it is used for READING stories. :rainbowhuh:

I didn't know that stories can be made on a kindle!:twilightoops:

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