Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 10 )
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721717 Surviving in San Lorenzo with Fluttershy...I don't know what San Lorenzo is but I'm guessing we're boned.

shining armor start a rebllion against me ......i'm doomed

Me and Twilight Sparkle are served with Yossarian (:rainbowhuh:WTF is dat)

Me and Lightning Dust get golden tickets. I may not survive...

Escape Paris with Lyra. Hm.

Me and Bon Bon care for Black Beauty.

Hmm, I'm attending Hogwarts with Twilight Sparkle. Could've been worse...

Me and Daring Do care for Black Beauty. What's black beauty?

Group Contributor

723945 it's a story about a horse named Black beauty

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