Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 23 )
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Group Admin

I save the world with Daring Do. :moustache:

No need to thank either of us. :twilightsmile:

Group Contributor

Dance off with flutter shy yay:yay:

Switch Lives with Pinkie Pie.
...could've been MUCH worse with September.

.....what happens to someone who gets September 30th? Or the 20th? Or 14th

Group Admin

729040 :pinkiesmile:

729041 Your brain explodes. :moustache:

Pokemon battle with Aloe and Lotus. Well I DO like double battles...especially when the odds are in my favor :pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

729047 You only get Zigzagoon and Rattata. :trollestia:

Dance off with the Doctor... I don't know how to feel about that...

Group Admin

729086 Better than April 3rd. :eeyup:

729057 Bitch, I get Mightyena and Shiftry! *loves dark types*

Best friends with Discord?!

Group Admin

729104 I would get Heracross and Breloom! :scootangel:
Or maybe Porygon-Z.
Or Manectric… :trixieshiftleft:

Group Admin

729109 Good for you. :yay:

Group Admin

729132 Or February 3rd

729027 I get in an eating contest with Big Mac, wish me luck guys.

Group Admin

729171 Best of luck. :moustache: (At least it isn't Pinkie. :trollestia:)

729134 Damn, the heart attack that person gets by the end of the day! :rainbowlaugh:

I have Featherweights cutie mark.

I got September 12th.

I would make a WAY better Luna.

I'm being stalked by Big Mac...

I have a dance off with Featherweight...and I win. :trollestia:

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