Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Group Contributor

Even if your not an inuyasha fan you have to admit Naraku's theme is creepy.:pinkiecrazy:
If only there was an mlp villian with a theme like this.

Group Contributor

731552 god I loved inuyasha! I wish more crossovers of that were on this site

Group Contributor
Group Contributor

731586 naraku would make a great villian for the mane six cause of his manipulative personality and his views on friendship.(also the final acts is on dvd):yay::yay:

Cue person making a Naraku account and joining the group just because.

Group Contributor

731817 now that would be funny:yay::yay:

Comment posted by seki108 deleted Feb 21st, 2013

731552 Ah, nostalgia.:fluttercry: Also, thanks. This reminded me to place that order on Final Act part 2 :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:(never got why they split this season into two parts on DVD, while every other season got one box set :derpytongue2:).

Group Contributor

732195 most animes seem to be doing this like naruto shippuden and bleach.:rainbowlaugh:

I remember this

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