Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 27 )
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* smiles * Hello my sin spawns.......

737462 What are you from? Cause I don't know who you are?

737464 I'm the doubt and fear that lurks in your heart. I'm temptation. I'm the killer of Harmony and Purity. I'm the gateway to the 7 Deadly Sins. For I lurk in the heart of every living being. You may call me........The Voice


Spawns of what?

737479 spawns of the Seven Deadly Sins.......

Dude Wassup! Where were you at the high school reunion?

737462 So, your like that little devil on my shoulder?

Group Contributor

another joins are ranks:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

737492 Messing with Charlie Sheen's mind.

737494 More on the lines of I created that little devil on your shoulder.

737483 So I am one of the 7 deadly sins or am I just like.....henchmen of the 7 deadly sins

Comment posted by Hydra deleted Feb 23rd, 2013

737526 You have given into more then one sin. There for you are human. So both. The seeds of sin belong in the hearts of all. No one is pure of heart.

Oh yeah I heard about that. So how ya been? How was your week? Whatcha do?

737531 * laughs * Well hello my child. You seem mad. Did I forget your birthday?

Now I get it......


"You know damn well what you did child." she answered before listening to the satisfying sounds of its arm snapping once again.

"*sigh*, you know that pain isn't necessarily the only way to do things," the Story Teller says as he appears from a nearby portal.
"Besides, I'm pretty sure that the wrath displayed isn't going to do much good against him."
He brushes some dirt off of his white suit and hat before continuing.
"And yes, I do plan to follow you around and let you know why various things won't work. I don't wish for you to take it the wrong way, but using suffering as a solution or tool for everything is like forcing the square peg through the round hole: it gets the job done but the end result isn't as good as it could be."

737541 Gave children nightmares, made wives cheat on they're husbands, made gangsters kill each other, and had tea with Lucifer. So pretty good week.

737551 / 737551

"I don't care!", she roared at the suited figure, "its the weak ones that talk about my domain so casually. I'll do whatever I need to teach them their place."

For a moment her form flickered before she performed an axe kick on the trapped being. She slowly withdrew her hind leg from the crater as The Voice lay within it.

737549 O so your on you're period. * snaps fingers and a box of kittens and rabbits appears * Have fun my child.

737564 / 737561
"Oh come on, not kittens and rabbits!"

737564 / 737551

Halting with her back to it, her neck cracked as her head made a 180.

"What did you say..." she whispered threateningly.

Group Admin

you created that little red dude on my shoulder? I love that guy!

man, I really wish I could do what he wanted more often, but this blue guy over on my other shoulder keeps threatening to horribly torture me nonstop for trillions of years if I do what the red guy says, he's such a bummer.

737570 * smiles * You seem to be on your period. I father knows and you can't hurt me I feed off of evil and sin. Your just feeding daddy. There's nothing you've done that I haven't done. So remember your father loves you but I love my self even more.
* laughs and phases out *


"Your not getting away that easily!" Echidna growled, glaring at where he'd vanished as a flickering portal appeared.

Stepping through it, she vanished from sight.

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