Villains of Equestria 1,814 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 59 )
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Group Contributor

derpy hugs me forever....I can live with that:rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

742822 AB randomly glomps me several times during the day. (Jan 16)

I'm okay with this. :moustache:

vynil scratch hug me all the day.........that good

ho and my bro is.......snugle nap with Celestia :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Group Contributor

742828 here she comes:rainbowwild:

Group Admin

742841 *dodges*
*runs while laughing sillily*
*AB chases*

Aug 10... Ah, it's nothing. I have scoliosis, so it won't do any harm...

Group Contributor

742842 she brought some friends

Babs Seed hugs me forever... I think I can fix that...:pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

lyra hugs me forever.... seems remarkably plausible if fanon lyra saw a human

Watching scary movies with Babs Seed.

Hot Chocolate with Octavia :yay:

Scootaloo and I have a tickle fight.
I'm doomed

Group Contributor

742891 tickling with hooves sounds hard to do :rainbowlaugh:

Celestial hugs me forever? AWESOME!

742822 I watch Fluttershy's bunnies with Cheerlie, boring :ajsleepy:

Sleepover at Zecora's.
Should be fun!

Group Contributor

742941 maybe next will be better:yay::yay:

Take a cuddly snuggly nap with... Applebloom. :trixieshiftright:

Sleepover at Sweetie Belle's house.


742822 me and rarity get scared and snuggle with each other?:rainbowhuh:
I feel a kiss on the lips moment will about to happen:pinkiecrazy:

Group Contributor

743384 i feel sorry for you getting Rarity:pinkiesad2:

Group Contributor

743705 shes so whiny and selfish.:raritycry:

743727 I know....:ajsleepy:
Oh god don't get me started with lil miss rarity!:flutterrage:

Group Contributor

743735 i don't know much about lil miss rarity:rainbowhuh:

here when you click the link and when you're there scroll down.
Then the madness begins:pinkiecrazy:

Group Contributor
Group Contributor

743769 so....she...cuts herself...i don't see the appeal...:facehoof:

743814 she child abuses her sister, she masturbates while stabbing herself.:ajbemused:
she tried to rape prince blue blood, she burned a heart on her chest.:ajbemused:
And there is MORE than that my friend:ajsleepy:

Group Contributor

743824 I know....I just don't see the point....especially since it's Rarity...:facehoof:

743830 She is discorded:ajbemused:

MANY others have gotten the point that she lost her mind (literary)
I don't know how you don't get it:rainbowhuh:

Group Contributor

743839 Oh i get it:facehoof: I just don't see the appeal...:facehoof:
oh well:rainbowlaugh:

743916 And here is a REALLY sexy pic of sweetie belle:ajsmug:

Group Contributor

743925 :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

Sweetie is Rqarity in disguise:pinkiegasp:

but at least that picture of sweetie belle singing is good to look at:pinkiesmile:

Group Contributor
Comment posted by Sweetiebellema121 deleted Feb 26th, 2013
Group Contributor

744008 You play world of war craft?:ajsmug:
If my P.C. was able to run a game like that!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowderp::fluttercry:

Group Contributor

744013 never touch it in my entire life:rainbowlaugh:

Group Contributor

744058 the only computer games i've played were the oregon trail, rollercoaster tycoon,


and pony fantasy 6

744092 I have played on the computer is Minecraft and counter strike

Group Contributor

744094 i have minecraft for my xbox:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

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