Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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If you were born Jan-Dec then you're a loser.

If you were born 1-31 then you should kill yourself.

I was born on Rectober 32nd, so I'm a sexy steamroller.

746660 What about Rectober 33?:pinkiesad2:

Group Admin

746660 I'm born on Dodecacember 41.5th. :moustache:

What does that mean?

Augustave 100th secondary leap year, at midnight and right at the falling stars time, where everyone can have a wish. And so, I wished to be born on Augustave 0, at 77:77, leap year and now I'm 27.6934351 years old. :trollestia:

Group Contributor

ut oh locust 11... now i have to destroy every hie story ever made...then jump off a building:pinkiecrazy:
well at least sweetie belle will be with me as well:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Well Augost 24... well... I destroy Celestia with a Kamehameha...

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