Villains of Equestria 1,814 members · 3,442 stories
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everyone lets have a birthday game day :rainbowlaugh:

I murdered a fork because of the voices.:pinkiecrazy:

Group Contributor

Sorry, I got chapters to work on :trollestia:

Besides, I'd probably end up posting something that's already been done, seen, or is not all that interesting :trixieshiftleft:

746879 Ok fine. :trixieshiftleft: Does it have to be MLP related?

Group Contributor

746878 I dance with my dog cause thats how i roll :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:
I wish my dog...was still here to dance with:fluttercry::fluttercry:

Group Contributor

746884 naw anything you want:yay:

Group Contributor

746887 Good...

746878 I danced with my psychiatrist because voices told me to.

I smacked my psychiatrist because that's how I roll.

Group Contributor

746890 yup (you can put up a doctor who if you want):yay:

746895 Well it's the only other birthday game I can find...

Took over the world with Sarah Jane Smith. R.I.P Elizabeth Sladen

The Doctor facepalms because he's hungry... seems reasonable

Hosting T.V. show with Jackie Tyler, god help me...

Why can't I get any Daleks?! Damn you random chance...

746909 The only birthday game that I actually found interesting. God lord, I fear that this fandom has become freakishly obsessed...

Group Contributor

#1 I take over the world with the 11th doctor
#2 the doctor eats a pizza then falls down a hole
#3 i host a tv show with the 11th doctor....

746878 I danced with a goat, because I hate myself...

Yeah, that's me...

Stranded on the island with the 3rd doctor.
Get a strip tease from a Cyberman that's being eaten by the Vashta Narada............
Stalked by the 3rd doctor.

I could care less about being stalked on an island by the 3rd doctor if there's a confused, dying Cyberman giving me a striptease... :unsuresweetie:

746927 The 11th Doctor seems to like you. I would guess pizza is like alcohol to Time Lords...

747005 I think you should be scared when a Cyberman gives you a striptease while, somehow, being eating eaten by the Vashta Nerada

Precisely. Hard to focus on anything else when that's going on...

Group Contributor

747088 seems that way if the doctor didn't notice the hole in his way :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

747118 Yep.
747097 You think in 1,000 years he'd finally learn...

Group Admin

746878 I fell in love with myself because my mother told me to… :applejackconfused:

746914 Become best friends with Martha Jones.
The Master sets himself on fire.

I wake up handcuffed next to Daleks. :twilightoops:

747188 That sounds like soooooome night.:rainbowkiss:

747188 1. Lucky bastard
2. Weird...
3. Well, you either slept with a Dalek or they kidnapped you... either way not good.

Group Admin

747191 Apparently, Twilight used a cloning spell. :moustache:

She is currently humping herself. :twilightoops:

I am now running away from my homosexual clone while being yelled at by my mother. :raritycry:

Group Admin

747197 Weeeeell…

…Sorry, currently hoping I am not going to get extermin-

Group Contributor
Group Admin



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