Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 36 )
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Group Admin

747204 Bestie with Celly! :pinkiehappy:

We'll have tea while watching the Mane Six struggle with everyday shenanigans that are TOTALLY not set up by Trollestia. :trollestia:

Switch lives with Trixie, wait wasn't this one done before?:unsuresweetie:

Stuck on an island with Discord? I can totally deal with that.

We gunna have fun! :D

Mortal enemies with Big Mac. Who wins?
Master Assassin? Or Badass farm stallion?

747221 Badass farm stallion:pinkiecrazy:

Group Contributor

747204 I become mortal enemies with princess cadance...oh well:rainbowlaugh:

747204 Stuck in an island with DJPON3, can't I get a good one for once?

Been there, done that. Already enjoyed my apple-flavored cupcakes :rainbowkiss:

747304 soon my friend soon:pinkiecrazy:

747265 pinkamena and I conquer equestria:pinkiecrazy:

747246 I'm so bucked... in the face. YEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!

747327 indeed:pinkiecrazy:

Iron Pony competition against Spike.

Group Contributor

747325 747325 Rarity tried the same thing then Sweetie came and said

and Rarity was defeated and everyone cheered:yay:

Conquered Equestria with Gilda

747403 YAY:yay:
(sorry for the long reply, homework took too long)

Became mortal enemies with Gilda.

Group Contributor

(this one.....I blame minecraft)

747772 if they are too nooby then turn on peaceful mode....:ajbemused:

Group Contributor

747819 yup...those poor foal:fluttercry:

if you don't want to violently die by a creeper just turn on peaceful so we can't have anymore deaths:fluttercry:

please haven't we suffered enough?:fluttercry:

a message from the insanity of XenoJohn

Group Contributor

747951 yes too many lives....
but it looks like the tables have turned

748108 I sometimes think the bullies (i forgot their names:rainbowlaugh:) are really cute:rainbowkiss:

747204 I marry Fluttershy.:yay:

Group Contributor

748251 there personalities aren't:facehoof:

748290 you may now kiss fluttershy and have the best marriage with her:pinkiehappy:

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