Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 33 )
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Group Contributor

Derpy is a spy

Switch lives with Derpy?

But I thought we were friends, Sweetiebleema121! This is going to be hell! I want my sex with Twilight ba-a-a-ck! :raritycry:

Pillow fight with Derpy... I'm gonna die from cuteness! Imagine her giggles and squees, when she swings that pillow! *le gasp* SOMEONE MAKE A PICTURE ABOUT IT!

roomate with in coming.


ok sorry

Group Contributor

Derpy gives me a present! :yay: I wuv you too Derpy.

754329 Eat dinner with Rainbow?
Awkward silences abound, because I have no idea what we are going to talk about.

Start a group with Pinkie...

Sounds perfect!

754329 Pinkie is not sure if do want. Whatever.

Applebloom wants to meet me? I feel special : D

754329 fluttershy likes my style:rainbowdetermined2:

754652 I wanted this :applejackunsure:

But Derpy, you're a good enough gift for me. :rainbowkiss:

Scootaloo's scared of me...
...I'M A MONSTER!! :raritycry::raritydespair::applecry:

AppleBloom you have been a spy all along what the hell I never knew it would be you. I thought it was Applejack this is one serious plot twist

Vinyl Scratch wants to meet me... okay?

Group Contributor

754636 it's this fluttershy

Group Contributor

...the poor thing what did you do to her:fluttercry::fluttercry:

Group Admin

754329 I rule the world with AJ… :eeyup:

Buy some apples…

…Or DIE! :twilightangry2:

Group Contributor

755213 thought you'd like that one:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:
And...I really don't like apples:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

755242 So be it.



Group Admin

755376 Lies! Thou art Sweetie Bo- *sticks hoof in mouth*

I didn't say anything. :rainbowderp:

Group Contributor

755389 huh what did you say:unsuresweetie:

Group Contributor
Group Contributor

755534 ...oh...what were we talking about....

(new head)
oh well:yay:

oh look small little creatures there so....huh....

Group Admin

755579 We were talking about space. :eeyup:

Group Contributor

755589 SPAAACCCCE!!!!!!!!:yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:

Twilight Sparkle commits suicide... oh...

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