Villains of Equestria 1,814 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 27 )
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June 4....... Booooooring.:moustache::trollestia:

Group Contributor

me and rainbow do a driveby on Diamond tiara and silver spoon....
Take that you *******:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

Me and Apple Bloom are gonna do a driveby on Slenderman, because Amnesia is better.

Zombie Donut Joe clones.:rainbowderp: Awesome.

Also, someone was a massive troll or they're just plain stupid. Anyone who knows what I'm talking about should know.

756458 Lucky! I got Lyra :raritydespair:

756462Read 'The Evolution of Stan'. That should give you a new perspective of Lyra.:pinkiecrazy: Especially with your birthday situation.

Travel time and space with.....Nightmare Moon....Gotta admit that's does sound pretty awesome, though it's totally going to be one-sided conversation-wise.

756490Whoever made this birthday game. Ever notice that Trollestia is set for the 32nd of any month? Now how do you suppose that would work? Hm, I wonder.:ajbemused:

Group Contributor

756507 wow...I never noticed that:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:...thanks for pointing that's obviously a troll :rainbowlaugh:

Me and Cadence do a driveby? Hmm... didn't expect her to join me there. :applejackunsure:

Fluttershy zombie clones :fluttercry:

756418 Open the door, Colgate gets on the floor and everybody walk the dinosaur. What?:rainbowhuh:

Applejack is my true mother.

Twilight tied me to her bed? This could work....

me and Rarity have to destroy FOX news. :rainbowderp:



:flutterrage: YES! it's time to kick some FLANK!

Group Admin

756418 Luna and I become the mane villain of S4?

Wat. :rainbowderp:

me and gilda are the main vilain of season 4 yeppeee:rainbowwild:

756418 SPITFIRE AND I ARE COLLAGE ROOMMATES!!!:pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy:

756418 My mother is Queen Chrysalis. Hell yes

756418 me and shining armor are college roommates... FRAT PARTIES ALL DAY!

Twily and I do a Let's Play series on whatever game I choose... how about Super Mario Galaxy?

:twilightsmile: Hey, I'm pony!
Slippy: I'm not so pony!
:twilightsmile: and Slippy: Aaaand weee're the game ponies!

Me and rainbow dash create a lets play series on Gears of war Judgement. Hell Yeah she will throw up from all the blood and gore she sees

me and daring play slender
this should end well

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