Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
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Finally!!!!! one with Sweetie belle that doesn't involve death and stribtease.
Just me and my favorite pony snowed in; sitting back drinking some nice hot coco:yay::yay::yay:

757631 Lyra invites me to Christmas dinner? Maybe sexy times await? But if not hey she should still be fun to be around, conversion topics basically make themselves around her. Human and all.:pinkiehappy:

I use the Grapes and Powerflower Tristan as a tree-topping angel.

I don't like this.

757667 Aug 10... wut? ... okay...?

757631 Snowball fight with Twilight and Zecora.

757631 I'm stuck with Applejack?

Alright, go ahead, Sweetiebellema121, give me a lethal injection. Hell, even a lynching or electric chair is fine by me. Just do it quick, before the snow starts-



Dhuradhan, King Sombra, Cadance and Shining Armor sat around a small fire in the common room of the Crystal Palace. The frosty windows provided a view of the dark blizzard outside.

King Sombra was very grateful to the monarchs of the empire, and wanted to repay them... with a song. He pulled an acoustic guitar from his cape, cleared his throat and began.

"Crystal, crystal, crystals, crystals, roargh wah wah wah, slaaaves...
crystals, crystals, wraugh hargh, blugh-hugh slaaaaaaves!
Slave slave slave slave crystals crystals, crystals, cry-"

He was cut off by the sound of the door slamming against the wall. In the torrent of frost stood two warriors, King Sombra's worst enemies.

"King Sombra, your crimes have not been forgotten! Leave this place, foul creature, or perish!" Slippy shouted, brandishing a tree topped with The Great and Powerful Trixie.

"Cut the ye olde crap, Slips." Babs Seed rolled her eyes. Slippy frowned, and King Sombra stood up. The purple hate in his eyes flared.

"Cryyyystaaaaals..." he mumbled, standing there menacingly.

"CHAAAAAAAARGE!" Trixie screamed. Slippy, Babs Seed and King Sombra jumped into glorious battle.

Meanwhile, Dhuradhan, Shining Armor and Cadance froze to death because Slippy left the door open and let the wendigos in.

757631 Snowed in with Shining Armor... Why do I get my least favorite characters today? :ajbemused:

Edit: Damn I misread that, I'm snowed in with Luna! Awesome! :pinkiehappy:

757723 This comment... wut?
757698 Exactly...

757730 On one of the previous birthday games I got "take down King Sombra with Babs Seed." And on this one I got "Use Trixie as a tree-topper." And you're snowed in with Somby-Womby, so I decided to write a story about it.

757631 cadence and go christmas caroling?

Group Admin

757631 Make X-mas cookies with Braeburn?

Finally. Not married to that dude. :moustache:

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757723 Freaking beautiful. :rainbowlaugh:

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757894 Eeyup. :eeyup:
Checked records (legally and illegally) and everything.

Group Contributor

Go caroling with Luna:yay:

I use sweetie belle as a christmas tree angel nice

Me and Twilight steal Santa's sled

I am holding Rainbow Dash's head while she throws up in the toilet. "Man, I thought you were able to handle Gears of War Judgement." I said as she goes back down into the toilet.

She lifts her head from the toilet. "No I can, if its worth all the fans from the Let's Play series. The chainsaw execution caught me off guard. You should have told me about this before we started this series." She said as she got up and walked bad into the video game room.

"Yeah thank god that Sweetie belle wasn't in the room when we did that. I don't want to scar my best friend for life." I said as we sat down and got ready to play again.

"Yea where is she anyway." She said putting her mic on.

"Well she kinda offered to be my christmas tree angel this year." I said as I put on my own mic.

"What is with that anyway, oh well you can tell me later we need to get out another Let's play Gears of War Judgement for are fans we only have til tomorrow to get one out. Oh and next time I pick the game for the Let's Play series." Rainbow said.

"Oh, and what would that be." I said turning to see what game she had in mind.

"Well we should play some Uncharted-" Rainbow said before she said til she was cut off by me.

"No way in hell am I playing a PS3 game I hate the PS3." I said with a straight face.

"You owe me and besides if you don't play it then I quit." She says taking her mic off.

"Fine, but were even after that." I said.

"That is fine by me." We turned the game back on and I charged a locust with a chainsaw and used it to kill him. At that same moment I smell some kind of foul smell and a rainbow maned pegasus over at he nearby trash can.

"This going to be a long night." I said.

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