Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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Group Contributor

Heres my first try

and heres my second try

I like these results better although i think i got rainbow dash because i said i wanted scootaloo as a pet :rainbowlaugh:
Heres the link if you want to try it for yourself

1. Applejack
2. Twilight
3. Rainbow
4. Fluttershy
5. Rarity
6. Pinkie (My scores weren't even moving towards her!)

Group Contributor
Group Contributor

762435 post your results :moustache:

762445 Whoops, too late. Maybe next time...

Group Admin


Fat lie. (I only work hard when extremely motivated.)

My first try, I had Applejack. The second I had Twilight. Was wanting to shoot for Fluttershy until I realized that I'm not exactly the textbook definition of introvert.

...Unless there are live bees around me, then yes, Dirty 'Introvert' Bit :fluttershbad:

Group Admin

I am also not competitive.

I should be skewed towards PP, FS, and Rarity. :moustache:

762394 I made one of my OC's and then I made my official OC:pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:

I did that. It gave me a full Applejack with near full RD on my first try. Second try it gave me a full RD, AJ, and Twi, with a 3/4 full Pinkie, a 1/2 full Fluttershy, and nothing on Rarity. Hah, suck it Rarity!:rainbowlaugh:

Comment posted by Mr Popo deleted Mar 6th, 2013
Comment posted by Mr Popo deleted Mar 6th, 2013
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