Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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so how about them Yankees?


canadian!....why did i just say that

771851 The Yankees are but a small light bulb in the overlapping pizza that is the refrigerator of life,:pinkiecrazy:

771876 The Yankees suck stay away from my pizza Yankees


Fluttershy, with Discord~
Sitting on that tree~
First comes spring~
Then comes fall~
Discord will warm her, all day long~
Wait a second, this actually is pretty catchy. Now to add some beat boxing and have a rapper repeat it multiple times in a song.

Here's the beatboxer I have in mind:

Why notz? Wrong beat or is Fluttershy to much of a 'friend' to handle?

772952 I'm the mighty Discord i can handle anything


Except being rejected by the most docile pony known to man, beast and celestial beings...


And ponies, she's considered the most docile by pony standards as well.

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