Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 22 )
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Selling lemonade with twist :twistnerd:.....oh well could have been worse:facehoof:

Group Admin

773704 Trick or treat with Featherweight?

:unsuresweetie: Oookay…

At least I'm not being… chased… by Spike.

get a cutie mark with featheregd....who in the hay he is

I get Cutie Pox with Twist? :twistnerd:

BFFs with Twist? Nope, no thank you...

773704 Do super dangerous stuff with Snails.... *Puts a gun to his head again*

Group Contributor

773803 "dodge the bullets":rainbowwild::rainbowwild:


.....i already hate him

Group Contributor

773811 yeah so do I...:rainbowwild::rainbowwild:
He was only in 1 ep and i don't think he had a line of dialogue:facehoof:

773812 Got sick off candy with Babs...Is it just me or does that sound dirty?:trixieshiftleft:

Comment posted by MetaKnight145 deleted Mar 10th, 2013
Group Contributor

Silver Spoon's slave...

Got da Cutie Pox with Pip

773704 Pipsqueak and I play in leaves together?:twilightoops:
If pipsqueak turned into a mare for a day:unsuresweetie:

Group Contributor
Group Admin

Slumber Party!!!... with Diamond Tiara. Eh.

I get to choose what will happen with Silverspoon. Muahahahahahahha. :pinkiecrazy:

Silverspoon lost a bet and is now my servant. :rainbowkiss:

773704 play make believe with pipsqueak.

Me: why "make believe"? C'mon lad! We're gonna be real pirates! *puts on Buccaneer's Bicorne and equips the loose cannon*

Pipsqueak: :D

I'm late with mine

I figure out that Apple Bloom's actually a changeling

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