Villains of Equestria 1,814 members · 3,442 stories
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stocking weapons with babs seed....

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Princess.....Twilight....:rainbowhuh: wait:pinkiegasp:no!!! alicorn Twilight pushes me into a trash compactor:flutterrage::flutterrage:

775566 June 4.
Shinning Armor why? We fought those sky pirates together.:pinkiesad2:

Me and The Doctor are eaten by cupcakes(a normal day for the doctor)

Group Admin

775566 Scoots threw me into a vat of molten metal… :fluttercry:

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775600 everyone gets a bad one today:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:
even me:fluttercry:

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775602 at least you can survive you'res:pinkiehappy:
not too many others (including myself) can say the same :ajsleepy:

775566 me and the queen of changelings get eaten:twilightoops:
While we're eaten we'll make love:pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

775609 I'm very sorry about that, but the thing is that i'm practically cold-blooded. i'd freeze to death within a few minutes or be crushed (it said a thick layer, so that could be about 20 feet or 5 feet.)

Group Contributor

775610 thats one way to look at the situation:rainbowwild::rainbowwild:

Group Contributor

775613 sorry to hear that:fluttercry::fluttercry::rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

775625 Yeah, it sucks, but given Sweetie's failure rate (she made BURNT LIQUID TOAST) i still think i might survive, so... yay, i guess.

The Doctor buries me in a garbage on a conveyor belt heading for a trash compactor. :pinkiegasp:...:pinkiesad2: but I look up to you... Fine then. :trixieshiftleft: I know a couple of people who'd enjoy my services...

Fluttershy takes over my body as a poltergeist...

...Not sure if want :unsuresweetie:

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775627 or you could be burnt to dead by liquid toast:twilightoops::twilightoops:

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775658 :twilightoops: huh... i think i'll just... um... uh... DISCORD NOW!!!

*Discord pops in wearing a ninja costume and throws down a smoke bomb. it clears to show me getting in Trixie's cart*

Me: GO GO GO!!! NOW!!!

Aug 10... I probably deserved it...

775622 time for her and I to make babies:pinkiecrazy:

775566 Me and Dinky are bonked by ass pancakes.......:rainbowhuh::derpyderp2:

Group Contributor

775833 click on the pic to make it bigger:unsuresweetie:

775915No, it's blocked by the library computers.

Discord butchers me in Cupcakes scenario.:flutterrage:

Group Contributor

776134 is it still...blocked:pinkiegasp:

My only question is who "Tiara Ultima" is...

776205No I was on a school computer when I tried again. Still though, Cupcakes with Discord instead of Pinkie, and me instead of Rainbow Dash.:flutterrage:

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776279 i think it's that weird monster thing under the name:unsuresweetie:

Princess Twilight brands me at least I got branded by a Princess I now have A royal brand *touch* OW shit Twilight stop touching it. :twilightoops: It still looks like it hurts I was just checking. No shit it still hurts you branded me.:twilightsheepish: At least you have the royal seal of a princess letter branded on you. yeah that is pretty cool.

Mare-Do-Well becomes a poltergeist and takes over my body.....I am okay with this.

I get in a fight an lose against....Nightmare Moon. Screw that, give me a bottle of chloroform and a bonesaw and I'll be fighting a pegasus!

:derpyderp2: "I just don't know what went wrong!"

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