Villains of Equestria 1,814 members · 3,442 stories
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I froze to death with King Leo... Who's King Leo!?

Group Admin

Me and Flim freeze to death. WORTH IT.

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779856 that is a good question:unsuresweetie:

Me and Princess Skyla are Sombra's Royal Advisors, sweet... who's Skyla?

Group Admin

779842 Trixie and Alek are turned into Crystal Ponies.

Alek thinks this is FABULOUS~!

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779862 yeah this is why I was hesitant to put this one up there are a few characters I don't know:unsuresweetie:
Like who Twinkleshine:unsuresweetie:

Lyra and I are trapped in Crystal for 1000 years by Sombra.

Jousting with Princess Skyla.

779882 I noticed that there were names that I never heard of before.

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779951 I think there named after ocs and blind bag toys:unsuresweetie:

Aug 10... okay?

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779998 Yeah i try not use games like this too often :unsuresweetie::unsuresweetie:
I like people to know the characters they get:yay:

780011 Well I've only heard rumors about Skyla. That's all I know about her.

Group Contributor

780020 yeah she a toy or something right now so she might be in season 4 or something:unsuresweetie:

780033 I just looked her up, and I think that little peak of what looked like Cadence pregnant may have been foreshadow... :pinkiegasp: or not... :applejackunsure: Hasbro confuses us and I don't like it. :ajbemused:

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780039 yeah there good at confusion :facehoof::facehoof:

780043 If she's not Cadence's daughter than... Hasbro you better have a damn good explaination why there's a 5th and baby Alicorn!...

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780047It's probably cadence's daughter...I mean look at the cakes there were no signs they were having children and then they did.:facehoof:

779842 Me and Derpy find Sombra's horn, uh oh :rainbowderp::twilightoops:

I was sent to the gemstone mines... with Derpy...

I guess you could say, that I just don't know what went wrong. :derpytongue2:

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780070 anything is possible in pony land...i mean the alicorn that appears in twilight's dream sequence for magical kindergarden could be cadence's daughter for all we know:facehoof:(most likely she isn't)

There from a non-canon picture book and French magazine for MLP

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780278 oh ok thank you for that:yay::yay:

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780262 it's from the lesson zero ep:moustache:

780374 I don't remember that... then again I don't really pay all that attention to these episodes... or any show for that matter...

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780418 o ok i'll just tell you what happened then.
twilight thought she was going to get in trouble and get sent to magic kindergarten. She has a daydream thing annd in one of the seats behind twilight is a filly alicorn:facehoof:

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the filly at the back has a horn and wings

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780588 the yellow filly with the purple mane on the right

Nitelite Sparkle? Either I get sent to the gemstone mines with Twilight's dad or I'm stuck with some shitty OC.

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780714 Shes to twilight left and my right...

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780714 pause it at :21 and look behind twilight

780848 I see her, but I don't see the wings. Maybe I need to put it on HD... :applejackunsure:

Edit: Never mind I see them now. HASBRO!!! I NEED EXPLANATIONS NAOW!!! :flutterrage:

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781072 yup random alicorn ain't it great:rainbowwild::rainbowwild:

781089 It annoys me... but I can't say it's a huge plot hole... if it's one at all...

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