Villains of Equestria 1,814 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 20 )
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Aug 10... I don't even know this game!

Group Admin

Cabela's Big Game Hunter with Scootaloo. I AM READY TO FAIL!!!:pinkiehappy::derpytongue2:

June 4...Never played it before, and Celestia is worst princess.

Group Admin

781817 Jan 16…

Never played… :derpyderp1:

Group Contributor

781824 781818 the zoo tycoon game are old computer game where you make a zoo. it's kinda like roller coaster tycoon but with animals instead of rides.
oh and i play the complete collection of zoo tycoon with pinkie:rainbowlaugh:

Comment posted by Sweetiebellema121 deleted Mar 14th, 2013

781817 Zoo Tycoon with Pinkamena. :pinkiegasp:

That sounds incredibly amazing!

Group Contributor
Group Admin

cabela's big game hunter with fluttershy.


Group Admin

781849 Wrong person, silly. :rainbowwild:

Group Contributor

781856:facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof: my bad.
not going to lie that turok gamr is probably the worst in the series:facehoof:

781861 Oh, okay. Then Rarity will be a big challenge for me, when we start playing. :twilightoops:

Playing the Simpsons Hit and Run with Lightning Dust.

Wildlife Park with Nightmare Moon

Never played the game

781817 I play Zoo Tycoon 2 with Lightning Dust... *sees JP:OG, Turok, and Jaws Unleashed on there* I feel severely ripped off... again... :ajbemused:

Jaws unleashed? dabuq?

Jaws Unleashed with Fluttershy?:rainbowderp:

Yeah, she's going to be cowering behind the sofa.

781824 Celestia is the best princess ever. What are you, some kind of faggot?

WTF I get to play a jurrasic park game with Bubble Berry. I don't even like jurrasic park

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