Villains of Equestria 1,814 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 49 )
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Even I get startled just by looking at it:fluttercry:

Why... Why do I have the sudden urge to smile? I... I kind of want to hug her...

Group Admin

789055 Slightly disturbing.

Needs more detail to add ever more terrificationtasticness. :eeyup:

if you want me to get rid of this post please ask:fluttercry:

789055 *Yawn* I've seen scarier things in my parent's third desk drawer.

789068 you should see when my cats **** each other

Group Admin

poor thing could use a hug

789060 I want to hug her until she's sane again:pinkiesad2:

789063 then this picture will never leave the sight of the viwer:moustache:
Good thinking:pinkiecrazy:

Meh. Being a frequent member of Derpibooru, I see worse everyday.

789081 I don't think that's happening...
789078 You too, huh? Good, wait... Not good! I'm going sane! Now I need to write something weird to even everything out.

789076 I've seen two cats go at it. Pictures of me naked would be more disturbing than two cats going at it

Group Contributor

yeah that quite frightening:twilightoops::twilightoops:

Group Admin

789085 Only slightly though. Mainly because those types of eyes seem to stare into my soul…

789092 then i'll hug her until we make love!:pinkiecrazy:
Then we make kids:pinkiecrazy:
Now I feel like kissing her:pinkiesad2:

Group Admin

that moment when you realize she cut off her own cutie mark and sewed dashie's on over the injury.

got some issues there pinkie

this is what happens when we pressure that earth ponies are inferior! society is to blame!

789107 Sweet sweet sadomasochistic love.:rainbowkiss:

789107 It would be kind of awkward since she has no lips... But you could get her a piar of wax lips! Or borrow Rarity to, *ahem* test a new recipe.

789105 she is staring into my soul to:rainbowderp:
789112 We just made love:pinkiecrazy:

10/10 would have sex with.

Group Admin

789119 That's the only thing in a picture that will ever disturb me.

Besides furry… things. :moustache:

789119 She isn't staring into my soul I wonder why...Oh that's right! I have no soul.

Group Contributor

789121 The chainsaw might get in the way:pinkiecrazy:

789116 I'll do it with no lips too!:pinkiecrazy:

789132 Because of him!:flutterrage:

789121 I just had sex with her!!!!:pinkiecrazy:

Comment posted by XenoJohn deleted Mar 17th, 2013

itsssss sssso cute

789125 Oh god not furry things:fluttercry:

789155 Creeper: itssssss sssssso beautiful

Group Admin

789185 I'm only disturbed at how people enjoy those things. :moustache:

Then again, I have a different view on them.
Including the fact that I'll let them do their thing, but only do that.

789199 i'll f*** the color out of her eyesssssssss
COBRA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

789228 Creeper: You don't have any eyesssssssss under that masssssk!

789267 Creeper: do I?
me: that creeper has seen you with that mask off and naked........

Group Admin

I can't stop smiling. WHY CAN'T I STOP SMILING!?!

Exterminate it! Exterminate it!! :raritycry:


Damn thats sexy.

789708 me: well he seen you facing backwards when your mask is off and naked....

789952 Sexy yet disturbing:pinkiecrazy:
mostly sexy:pinkiecrazy:


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