Villains of Equestria 1,814 members · 3,442 stories
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Last season had the "you saved my life now I have to work for you to pay off my debt."(Spike at your service) episode which is one of the 2 most cliched Episode types there is. So i'm sure the other cliched episode type will come eventually.The one I'm talking about is of course the amnesia ep. Just about every show has an amnesia ep so i'm sure mlp will eventually.

Now heres the bigger Question which character would be the best for an amnesia ep.

Twilight wouldn't work in my opinion because of the whole alicorn thing; and an amnesia Applejack would just be silly. Pinkie pie maybe but I'm not sure how the ep would work.
Fluttershy might work as well but to me an amnesia ep would be better suited for either Rainbow dash or Rarity. Between the two of them though I think an amnesia Rarity ep would make the most sense.
Like the story of the ep would be Cmc go over to Rarity's carousel boutique for some cutie mark related thing then while doing something; something heavy hits Rarity on the head; She loses her memory then starts running around town doing crazy things while the cmc try to stop her.:rainbowlaugh::rainbowwild::rainbowlaugh:

Well anyway it's just a thought :twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

793900 I hate cliched episodes... I hate em so much! :raritydespair:

793900If you think about it, it could work for any character, even Babs Seed. You just need the right setup, and the right follow-through.

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793902 as do I but every show has'em at some point...:facehoof:

793906 They should be burned to the ground...

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793905 I just think Rarity would work the best. Not the biggest fan of Rarity you see so an episode where she isn't herself would be an ep of hers I would probably like:rainbowwild::rainbowwild:

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793908 that they should *throws "spike at your service" ep in a fire*
thats better:rainbowlaugh:

793911 Exactly... if there was any episode that I hated... it was that one, and I normally enjoy Spike episodes, with the exception for his birthday. That greed thing he went through makes no since...

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793913 yeah spike eps are kinda hit and miss:facehoof::facehoof::facehoof:
(personally I can't think of one i'm fond of...the whole Rarity thing kinda drives me away from him.)

793917 Yeah, I can understand that he'd have a crush on her, but she ruins scenes with him. :applejackunsure:


Shut it you... :twilightangry2:


Their probably working on an episode that will finally bring closure to the whole Rarity and Spike relationship. They did show Fancy Pants in Ponyville after all.

As for episodes with cliches, what if Blue Blood is reintroduced. The episode would probably have him trying to 'woe' the new princess (Twilight) and separate her from her friends, under the pretense that she was better then the average mare.

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794279 I could see them doing that

If anything, what if they reintroduce the Diamond Dogs during said amnesia episode with Rarity. Then they could manipulate her into thinking she was born to work for them.

Or another redemption episode involving a certain prick of a griffon :trixieshiftleft:

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794338 true
that would make sense:moustache:
I'm sure gilda will be back in season 4

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