Villains of Equestria 1,814 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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but seriously what are they doing:pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

794700 Umm... painting a drunken Berry Punch? This is weird even for you guys :trixieshiftleft:

:unsuresweetie: Huh?

:applecry: What?

:scootangel: We didn't know what we were doing...

i have no idea :derpytongue2:794700

I don't think they know either.

Group Contributor

*Sees title of thread*
"This is hoe background ponies are born":facehoof::facehoof::facehoof:
*changes it*
"This is how background ponies are born":moustache:
thats better:rainbowwild:

794731 Yeah that combined with that pic got that pervy mind of mine running. :pinkiecrazy:

Group Contributor

794707>>794709>>794711 and the fact there painting under berry's tail :twilightoops::twilightoops:
Then I find this comments on the picture's page

they see a red vag and they want to paint it green


Group Admin

794700 What is AB doing… :unsuresweetie:

Group Contributor

794794 :twilightoops:

and the fact there painting under berry's tail :twilightoops::twilightoops:
Then I find this comments on the picture's page

they see a red vag and they want to paint it green



Did you notice Sweetie Belle seems too interested while staring at Berry Punch, Applebloom seems slightly confused/unsure while looking at Sweetie, and that Scootaloo seems to be watching Sweetie.

I think we know the mastermind behind 'this' crusade.

Group Contributor

796518 never noticed :pinkiegasp:
good eye:moustache:

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