Villains of Equestria 1,814 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 30 )
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I accept that cherry loves someone else:fluttercry::fluttercry:

Group Admin

799320 I take Lyra in from the rain.

"Lyra, you don't need to do this. Bon-bon still loves you!" :pinkiesad2:

Group Admin

December 6: I don't even know who that is.

Shot and die in Cadence's hooves...
......does this have anything to do with so long ago, when I got "scandalous public sex with Cadence" on the NSFW one?

Lol Cadence has alzheimers.:rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

spitfire dies with my first child :raritydespair:

Group Admin

Are you fucking serious?! I get Babs seed screaming my name out while I disintegrate?!

Alright I'll admit it I've come to love these.
Don't stop em!

I rescue Twilight from evil? That's good. Can't have Twilicorn without the Twili.

Group Contributor

799329 A background pony from the winter wrap up ep (although I have no idea who it is...):twilightoops:

I don't normally say this but (like, never),

Silver Spoon likes somepony else... and what bad is in it...?

Group Admin

799477 Not just winter wrap up, I recognize her from several episodes, but I forgot the name the fanbase gave her.

i take number 6 from the rain....but who is number 6

Group Contributor

799545 I'm not sure in fact no one here knows:twilightoops:

799320 aw scootaloo pours her heart out for me

I accept that Babs loves somepony else?

Fine by me. Just be glad I wasn't born on the 19th, because I would've been worse than Godzilla when he goes on his rampages.

Octavia dies after giving birth to my first child...I have a sad now :fluttercry:

i get shot and die in the hands of.....who even IS that?
it's never luna :raritycry:

799320 I'm forced to kill Rarity to save the universe, another fic idea that I'll never write.

I rescue Lyra from evil. :ajsmug:

Derpy has alzheimer's? That explains a lot, I guess.

I accept that Applebloom loves somepony else *cough* Spike *cough* and I'm ok with that. :twilightsmile:

Oh my Gosh!!! You cruel Bastard! I love this thing!

I am shot and I die in Spitfire's hooves!

Group Contributor

799792 that plan has no flaws in it at all:moustache:

I get shot and die in Berry Punch's hooves.

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