Villains of Equestria 1,814 members · 3,442 stories
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look at this:flutterrage::flutterrage::facehoof::rainbowwild:

I'm mean look at these faces :rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss:

how could anyone hurt them

Group Admin

Everyone I've met loves them

801354 Awwwww. Why can't I fuck and kill all three?:raritydespair:

i'm sure that my queen will love to feed on them.......i mean.....HooooThey are so cute

I am tied on Marrying and Fucking Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Those two could go either way and I would be content. Sadly, I would just kill Apple Bloom.

WTF HAPPENED TO THE SITE?! It looks weird on my phone now D:<

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801381 yes it's all messed up I thought it was only me:pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

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801377 you could kill the bush it never said you couldn't:moustache:

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801354 *has heart attack*

(I would marry myself, kill the bush, and fuck the sky.)

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801395 the best answer:moustache::moustache:

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801426 Actually, I'll divorce myself THEN remarry myself. :moustache:

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801474 Thats hard to do:moustache::moustache:

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801495 Simple, I still keep may money. :moustache:

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801510 there are no flaws in your plan have a :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

Group Admin

801550 Of course there are no flaws, I planned it ahead of time… :pinkiecrazy:

Clever bastard...I am not going to think too far into the different objects that are at my disposal. Well done. I have been duped!

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801718 Just like how I'm going to… *grunt* *grunt* *grunt*… fight…*grunt* *grunt* *grunt*… YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! *mouth flies off*

801691 Screw the bush, marry Scootaloo/Sweetie Belle and kill Applebloom!

As for me, I just find them annoying to the point the only MLP FiM episodes I didn't watch were CMC episodes

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801883 I feel the same way about Rarity eps:rainbowwild::rainbowwild:

801956 I don't mind Rarity so much as she isn't specifically designed to completely miss the point

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802013 her eps are about dresses, jewels and impressing snobs...not really the best of eps:ajbemused:

802063 Actually I've enjoyed them and the Art of the Dress song was one of the best from Season One.

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802089 That was the ep i skipped in season 1 and the last 1 I saw after being pestered to see it, still skipped the song (heard art of the bed in fiw and couldn't stand it) :moustache: kinda boring an ep to be honest,

I'm a zombie. I eat all of them

First off: Scootaloo is staring into your soul in the second picture, or really intent with whoever she's watching.

Secondly: If we're to assume the growth of each CMC; I'd marry Scootaloo, life with her would be full of action and excitement. Buck Applebloom because she'll probably turn out looking like AJ only with a bow instead of a hat. And finally kill Sweetie Belle, after she finds her talent in singing she'll probably become famous and killing her will give me fame for taking the life of a celebrity.

In conclusion, If I did any of the above it would have to be all or none because their friends and they'd hear what I did to each of them, resulting in failure...

Comment posted by Dhuradhan deleted Mar 22nd, 2013

801354 801360 No, I dislike them. They're innocent and all, but I'm not a big fan of them. I do agree that they look cute and all, but their acts... they're just annoying. They're good for making others cry when they're in a sad story and make us angry, when the evil guy hurts them. Useful, sometimes cute and a pain in the rear end sometimes... in my opinion, of course.:eeyup:

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802483 I respect your opinion:moustache: I do believe they can be annoying at times but I think Rarity can be just as annoying if not more annoying in multible eps:rainbowwild:

802497 The thing is, I love everypony. Except the foals... The CMC is okay, since they have their good moments at least. But the other foals...? No... only Dinky...

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802436 Wouldn't you go to jail:unsuresweetie: sure you'd be famous but at what cost:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

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802501 Same for me except it's Rarity I can't stand:twilightsmile::twilightsmile: well I dislike spike more but Rarity is a close second:rainbowwild:

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802501 but at the end of the day there only cartoon characters:rainbowwild:(also Dinky's personality is fan-made :rainbowwild:So of course she'd be more appealing :rainbowlaugh:)

802513 That is why I don't really like the Spike and Rarity shipping... only when he is older and bigger...
I know, but still. She's a good filly. :pinkiesmile:

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802530 She's never had a single line in the show :ajbemused:(I like Dinky as well )

802538 Let me explain:
A few months ago, I had a dream. I was kinda not myself and thought about a lot of things... okay, doN't do drugs!
So, as I fell asleep, I dreamt about being together with Derpy, since I was her protector. and so, Dinky always got my muffin, since I didn't need the muffin and that made her cheer in happiness. In the dream, I wasn't in a relationship with Derpy, but we got together after a long time. (I fell back to sleep 3-4 times, that is why I had this long ass dream.) And oh my god that cheer, that smile and grin... every time I gave Dinky my muffin, seeing that she loves it... I woke up with tears in my eyes actually...

That is why I like Dinky and want to protect Derpy...

Hope that explains...

Group Contributor

802547 I understand:fluttercry::fluttercry: (it's a shame dinky and derpy aren't really related:fluttercry:)


Either way, you're an accomplice now.

Prison Buddies! :pinkiecrazy:

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