Villains of Equestria 1,814 members · 3,442 stories
Comments ( 19 )
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Me and Trixie make a few Themed cakes I made a Halloween one and she made one that looks like the Alicorn amulet...I wonder why:unsuresweetie:


...*ahem*, I now live with Rarity. Bearable I would guess, and might improve my fashion sense.

I watch Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull with Trixie. Damn it that movie sucks, well it's better than the Room... :trixieshiftleft:

A wizard turns me into Twilight.:rainbowkiss: Sexy times await!:rainbowdetermined2:

Group Admin

802509 Celly and I make Sun Soda. :moustache:

"Brighten your day with a swig of SUUUUUUUN SODAAAAAAAA!!!"

Group Admin

I am King sombra's servant for a year. *sigh* I'll get my slinky...

Trixie is my aunt? Oh shit...

802509 I get coffe hyper while Discord records whatever I did in that state, why do I smell blackmail? :rainbowderp:

Group Admin

Make a video game with King Sombra.

Rezz: Alright Sombra!, give me a plot (sits back with a notepad and pen).

Sombra: First we enslave the Crystal ponies, and then we kill Mi Amore Cadenza!

Rezz: :rainbowhuh:
Uh....Ok....Whats the conflict?

Sombra: We find out how to work the slaves to death the slowest way possible.

Rezz:.....Ok you know what?
Good luck with that......

i make a cartoon with rarity
me: so rarity, what should the cartoon being about?
rarity: t shall be about these six pony's that use there special power things to save the world! (multiple times) :raritystarry:
me: rarity?
rarity: yes, darling?
me:that would just be a reality show about you and your friends

I film a movie with Luna :pinkiesmile:

802509 pinkie pie turns out to be my niece... This explains a lot

Group Admin

princess luna is my servant for a year


Group Admin


there better be stairs

I live with Applejack... Alright.:ajsmug:

Go-karting with AJ. Eh, can't be bad, right?

Rarity is my servent for the rest of the year...she had better not complain! I will have to go shopping...

Me and Chrysalis develop our own brand of soda. We're gonna take over teh world!

I grief Minecraft with Queen Chrysalis....Ok. I love Chrysalis, but griefing Minecraft? Kind of a weaksauce activity.

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