Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
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645568 "Such a desperate attempt", Echidna chuckled. Stomping a hoof on the ground, three soldiers of stone emerged. The two soldiers wielding mauls made short work of the holograms as the third knelt before its creator and handed her an obsidian sword.

"Struggle more and know despair." she said, casually picking up the blade as the kneeling golem grabbed a piece of the broken holograms as a weapon.

645624 "Desperate? Ha!" I grab five dark matter bombs and toss them one at a time at the ground spreading a dangerous and deadly shock wave each time.

645652 Placing a hoof to one stone golem , it exploded and caused a counter shock to nullify the effects. Her broken foreleg cracked back into place as she brought her sword up casually.

"Your attempts leave me with little enjoyment, like torture without trauma." Echidna said before licking the volcanic glass blade to test its sharpness. She gave a satisfied smile as her tongue split in two.

645682 "So scared that you must mutilate yourself to keep your wits in the fight? Typical squishy stupidity." I pull out two ray guns and scissor their beams right at you.

645696 "To feel pain is my pleasure", Echidna responded while tilting her blade slightly. One of the soldiers rushed forward to attack as the rays reflected off the crystalline blade. The reflected rays narrowly missed the robotic creation as he dodged.

"Anymore pathetic tricks you'd like to attempt", Echidna said with a bored expression.

645740 "Mega bots!" Six mega bots teleported into the area.

Each one fired a very fast string of missiles from their backs and rapid-fire blasts from the plasma cannons on their arms at her.

645771 Echidna's stone soldier moved in unison as they attacked the automatons as they fired on Echidna. She shortly disappeared from view as the barrage landed on mark.

"Not so smart now you stupid squishy", Doctor Nefarious said as the dust slowly settled.

"This looks important...", a female voice replied behind him.

His glowing eyes went dark as Echidna cut through some loose wires on his neck. Alarms went up in his HUD as affected hardware was listed, along with a disconnection to visual sensors.

645874 "Lawrence! Engage the teleporter!"
"Of course sir."
"Sorry squishy maybe next time." I am teleported out of the area.

I can try?!
Well if you try to fight the Pegasus Device he'll be eating your insides by now!!
If you even try to attack me you'll start to beg me to turn you into a rainbow!
This is why in the rainbow factory 'where not a single soul gets through'
Without us that would haven't even be apart of the song!

*cracks knuckles*
If your willing to fight be my guest...But your small and puny and it seems that YOU will brake your had if you punch one of us...

Pegasus Device: Lets give him 10 seconds to run...It'll be funner if we play cat and mouse...
I agree...10 seconds to run it is then...

645568>>645553>>645379 All of you non Force Wielders need to just sit down and chill the fuck out! Before I open up a can of Darth Whoop ass on all y'all.

646162 "And the orphan joins the fray." Echidna smiled as she turned to the newcomer. The raw emotions coming off him made her lick her lips hungrily.

It was at this point that a large, Victorian Chimera-Dragon-Beast stumbled into the battle, a look of confusion in his fiery eyes.

"Good lord," he burbled, his long neck snaking down from his great height to peer at the combatants, "What in the name of Sir Gammer Vans is going on here?" He closed his jaws with a loud snap, his frightening incisors clacking.

646715 "Interesting form, perhaps you'll bow like the fire drakes did." Echidna's golems and sword crumbled as she spoke. Placing a forehoof to the ground she summoned a pool of white hot iron. Getting back on her hind hooves, the iron floated between her raised fore hooves.

You dare talk to a dark lord of the Sith like that? I have destroyed Thousands of Creatures more evil than you! *lightsaber flys to my hand and ignites* Shall we dance the dance of death? *the raw force began channeling through my veins*

648789 &646715 "It seems that the orphan needs to know his place." Echidna said as she turned from the draconic beast and allowed the ball of molten iron to fall. Unarmed she looked at the wheezing sith lord and chuckled. "You will kneel or die, that I can assure you."


The monster of the Tulgey wood let out a cry of dismay as he was covered in molten iron.

"That's not terribly friendly of you," he cried, shaking the liquid metal from his scaly hide, "You could have damaged my waistcoat." He swung his mighty head around to check his illustrious garment for damage. His bulbous eyes narrowed as he spotted a patch of singed fabric.

"By the Makers, you have damaged my waistcoat. That simply won't do." The creature reared up in a threatening manner, "I'm afraid I'll have to engage you in battle." His thorax expanded as he inhaled a large quantity of air, which whistled as it soared in through his obtrusive teeth.

His jaws opened, letting out an inescapable jet of fiery liquid upon the offending party.

649288 Raising her foreleg, the blistering liquid was countered with a bright blue flame from her hoof.

"Your elemental attacks are lacking, impudent drake." Echidna responded as the differing flames collided.

The sound of cracking ice could be heard as the blue flame froze the liquid as quickly as it reheated. The battle of fire and ice continued for a few minutes as the creature's thorax started to deflate. Echidna grinned as she turned her head to the creature. Using one of her hindhooves she started to carve symbols easily into the stone floor.


The Jabberwock let out a sharp wheeze as he ceased to emit the liquid flames. He then shot an indignant look at the offending party.

"Lacking?" he coughed, "My dear, I am relying on my natural-born weapons as opposed to your ostentatious show of sorcery." The massive reptile pounded his chest, and a small puff of smoke shot out of his nostrils.

The creature then noticed the pony scratching out symbols. His antennae twitched in annoyance. Quick as a flash, he whipped his long, snaking tail, pitching the pony across the battlefield.

649338 With a deafening crack, Echidna's body collided with the stone wall and fell in a broken heap. Slowly placing a foreleg beneath her, she got back on her hind legs. Her head lolled on her back as one of her forelegs bent at an impossible angle with bones showing. Using her good fore leg, she snapped her head back into place as her broken one did the same.

"You didn't think it be that easy did you." the Jabberwock heard from his left as the bipedal pony's afterimage disappeared.

He felt a light tapping as he swiveled his massive head to see Echidna on his back.


The Jabberwock suddenly noticed that the pony was now hanging on his back. His eyelids drooped flatly as he sighed at the smiling equine.

"No, I didn't think it would be that easy," he murmured, "When in battle, one must not underestimate one's opponent." With that he unfurled his wings, clapping them together behind him. The pony found herself caught in-between the scaly membranes,

649474 "But are you really prepared." Echidna's muffled voice said.

Tendrils of dark flame pierced the thin membrane of the Jabberwock's wings, stitching them together as streams of blood trickled from the wounds. Both of her cracked hooves slowly pierced the membrane as she grabbed the wings near their base. With the sound of creaking bones, she forced them to painfully bend past their limits using her unexpected strength. The drake cringed as he felt the wings near their breaking point.


The Jabberwock winced as the pony sliced and damaged his wings, apparently trying to tear them out their sockets. In doing so, she had made a terrible mistake.

She had made him angry.

With a hideous screech that sounded like a swarm of locusts devouring a manticore, the creature flexed his wings, tearing them loose from the stitches and the pony's grasp. Ignoring his own injuries, the reptile-beast staggered back into the wall, pressing his shoulders against the stone in an attempt to squish the sadistic equine.

653073 "You shall kneel creature." Echidna yelled as her eyes gleamed with menace.

The flaming tendrils consumed the flesh still in their grip as they flew towards the jabberwock's face. Like gruesome surgery, the needle-like tendrils stitched themselves into the reptilian flesh to form a muzzle under his skin and through his muscles. Jumping from the creature to avoid the stone wall, Echidna landed with a cracking of stone. She strode toward the symbols she'd carved as the drake behind her struggled to stay put while being dragged toward the foreboding text.

"We'll see how much your worth to me alive creature... Then I'll decide if you live or not." she called over her shoulder as the jabberwock gave a muffled screech through the confining tendrils.


The Jabberwock found himself in a most unsatisfactory position. His face was burning with pain, and he was being dragged toward a strange, glowing rune on the floor. The creature's eyes narrowed at the infuriatingly smug face of the equine. Very well. If she wasn't going to play fair, neither was he. Ignoring the discomfort, he opened his jaws, tearing through the tentacles.

"Pardon me," growled the Jabberwock, " But if you intend to drag me to that rune, I will be forced to point out that it is impossible."

As predicted, the equine didn't heed his warning, and continued to lug his gigantic body closer to the symbol.

"Alright then," said the Jabberwock, "You leave me no choice." He cleared his throat before continuing.

"The distance between myself and that rune can be divided in half. Likewise, you can divide the two halves into halves. If you continue in this manner, you will discover that you can continue dividing forever. Now, this will likely result in an infinite number of increments. Because it will take some time to cross each increment, attempting to walk the entire distance will take forever."

653771 "Amusing... but rather boring I must say. It in no way affects your predicament and simply makes the distance to your cage sound all the smaller", Echidna finally said after listening to the creatures drivel.

She continued to drag the large reptile as the tendrils reinserted themselves directly into his jawline. Finally standing in the runes Echidna smiled with glee.

"Now what to do with you?", she said as metallic clinking could be heard coming from the circle she stood in.

The Jabberwock noticed that the tendrils connected to her body seem to seep downwards as they headed for the runic lines of text. He had to think of a good reason fast or he wouldn't get out of this unscathed.

I bow to no one except the Emperor. *force lightning shoots from my fingertips and hits Hydra full force*

654481 & 653771 Echidna gave a roar of pain and pleasure as the lightning hit her form. Turning her glazed eyes upon the sith lord, a grin spread cruelly upon her twitching face. Taking a wheezing breath while the electric assault continued, Vader found himself gasping for air as his air intake failed to suck in new air.

"Elemental attacks are a specialty of mine. How long can you hold your breathe for in a vacuum of dead air I wonder." Echidna replied as some of the tendrils dripped onto the runes.

Becoming desperate, the sith lord sent a strong barrage of arching lightning that she caught on her left hoof. The rest of the tendrils leading from her to the Jabberwock separated as she countered. The only tendrils still remaining connected to the symbols by her hooves. These started to glow a deep green as rune covered chains twisted over them.


In the time he had used to explain the impossibility of motion, the Jabberwock had formed a plan. A rather brutish one, but the situation called for something unsporting and sneaky.

The moment the tendrils were locked back in his jaws, he snapped his neck up, smashing the mare against the ceiling. In less than a second he whipped his head down, slamming her back onto the ground. He repeated this attack several times in rapid succession until he was certain he had dealt a considerable amount of damage.

Comment posted by Hydra deleted Jan 27th, 2013

655035 (I need medicine...)

A doorway opens out of thin air nearby, the outline forming and then the inside quickly blinking into existence, showing a white void on the other side. A moment later, a humanoid being flies through and skids across the floor on his face.
The stranger stands and brushes himself off, at first seemingly oblivious to the current events and the beings who were too busy to bother with his sudden appearance. He is garbed in white clothing and a top hat, with his face covered by some sort of purple facewrap that leaves nothing revealed, instead having upside-down yellow triangles and a jagged red line seemingly painted onto the front to imitate a face.

After a few seconds, he looks around seemingly startled, surveying the scene before him.
A Jabberwock, a creature the stranger had not seen one of in quite some time.
A Sith Lord, of whom he had heard of in the past but avoided during his stay in their world.
An equine of considerable, gruesome power.
Bits of robot scattered about, with no actual robot left around.
A glowing rune emanating some sort of vicious power.
The Sith Lord and the Equine were having some sort of deadly lightning-catching contest.
The Jabberwock was seemingly struggling with having somehow gotten knocked slightly out of the flow of time.
There was considerable amounts of blood and bits of bone in some places.

"......I think I took a wrong turn somewhere...." the stranger says, looking back towards the portal that spat him out; it closes unexpectedly. "...right then," he says, seeming slightly disappointed. "At least there's much chaos here. Might as well enjoy my stay!"
The stranger sits in a corner and watches the fight intently, seemingly enraptured by every move of every fighter.

654992 / 654481 / 656542 As the Jabberwock spasmed from the runes mental assault, Echidna turned her wrath upon the insolent orphan that had attacked her.

"You believe me a foal that wouldn't notice another being of disharmony", Echidna said dangerously as the lighting barrage ebbed.

Clutching at his throat, Vader fell to his knees as he tried to rip the pony apart with the force. Chunks of flesh flew from her body but underneath was a form clad in pure black flames. Walking over to the sith lord as her body jolted with each tear, she grabbed his helmet and rammed him face first into the ground. The sound of cracking metal and bone could be heard as the body convulsed before lying still. Turning towards the newcomer, Echidna gave a sinister smile as her torn-off flesh was skewered and collected by her black tendrils.

"Perhaps you will be more of a challenge. I haven't even used my full strength yet." She told the newcomer in a mocking tone.

"........oh bother."

The stranger stood from his chair and looked around. "I was hoping for more of a show to watch rather than be in, but if you insist......."
"I don't know how long I would have to stay here to fully align myself with this odd world, so I probably won't be able to reach full power either... oh well."

His arms lengthened ever-so-slightly while a white cape generated around his shoulders.
"But what exactly would you be? You look undead, but an abomination is not out of the question. A combination of both? Perhaps an aberration? There's no telling without either your information or some personal experimentation... am I allowed to ask questions?"

He shook his head. "Ah, I'm getting off track. Physical trauma doesn't seem to do much to you, but it does look fun. Let's give it a go, shall we, and see where it takes us from there?" The stranger assumes a pose with his arms in front of himself, resembling someone cowering away from something.


The Jabberwock was vaguely aware that a newcomer had entered the fray. However, he was rather preoccupied with fighting against the strange magic that was currently assaulting his mind. The mare's magic was dark--most likely Eldritch. But the Jabberwock was from a time and place where insanity was the norm. A bit different from the madness of these creatures that he now saw, but lunacy all the same.

The Jabberwock broke through the hold on his mind, as well as the prison spell. By now the wounds of his wings had healed--The mare did not know how to do him lasting harm.

The gigantic monster turned to the mare, his eyes blazing with a fiery anger as he stood to his full height. His snaking body writhed and twisted horridly, sharp scales scraping against one another. His wings unfurled with a loud snap, casting a shadow over the equine. His long, spidery claws flexed as he let out a bone-chilling roar, his jaws rapidly chomping up and down as his arms shot forward, the spear-like tips piercing her chest.

Grey hoof is the best villain my friends .
Now lets not fight but party.
Come to my party, my friends.

663999 / 664660 / 664688

Tilting his head, the stranger silently smiled as he watched the claws pierce out of the bipedal pony's chest. His emotionless eyes hardly comprehended what happened next as the Jabberwock gave an unearthly screech of pain.

It pulled its arms back so fiercely that one of them snapped off from the effort as his claws were left imbedded in Echidna, with part of one arm. Small black tendrils twitched from the amputated limb as they continued to burrow through the flesh and bone. There was a cracking noise as the bones were crushed and the Jabberwock's flesh was absorbed into the mare's body. In the span of a few seconds the impaling claws were gone and her body restored.

"More", she whispered as she turned to the wounded drake. There was a thunderous boom as she tackled the Jabberwock. The gargantuan creature fell from the powerful ram as she stood over him with claws similar to his own srouting from her hooves. "MORE!", she screamed in delight as she tore at his exposed belly with the claws. "MORE! MORE! MORE! AHAHAHAH!", with each maniacal shout of bliss she gored the jabberwock's insides as she was splattered by its blood and pieces of reptilian flesh.


664660 664982
The stranger pointed and laughed as the eldritch pony continued to maul the Jabberwock, seeming to find it hilarious.

"You really like his flesh, don't you?" he said after a few seconds. "You must, since you're not trying that hard to kill him! Then again, even you might not have available to you what you need..."

The stranger stopped himself. "Hrm. Ah well, I suppose it's time I actually did something." He raised his arms upwards and closed his eyes. A few seconds later, he lowered them quickly and Echidna was hit by an invisible force not unlike that which the sith lord was using, powerful enough to wrench her off of the Jabberwock and send her flying into the far wall with a fair chunk of the Jabberwock still in her new claws.

"Not all that creative, I know, but my mind blanked when I readied the spell, I had to do SOMETHING."

"I'm sorry dear sir-that-is-more-than-he-seems, but we are kind of busy for a party. Unless you consider this a party in itself."

664982 / 665815

The Jabberwock lay in a heap, looking more like a carcass than one of the most feared monsters ever to exist. He was missing one arm, his torso had been torn open, and he was fairly certain the pony had taken out a chunk of his liver...All wounds would heal in time, but there was one thing she had damaged that would not...His waistcoat.

"You...You monstrous old wench," he spat. He looked over to the newcomer, who had been kind enough to throw the mare off of him. "Thank you good sir..." The reptile then noticed his attacker, who had been thrown against the wall. He saw that she had absorbed part of him, taking it for her own. This served to further infuriate the beast, who had copyrighted his anatomy many years prior to this event. However, the mare's greed for his form had opened a whole new venue of attack. The Jabberwock's mouth twisted into a weak smile.

A chuckle echoed out in the mare's mind.

665967 / 665815
Landing lightly on her hind hooves, Echidna looked towards the stranger with predatory eyes. Something about the Jabberwock's failed attack seemed to have awakened something in her as she swayed from side to side.

Hunger, maim, feed, empower, destroy, wrath, strife, torture, pain...death. the Jabberwock heard her think as his mind was assaulted with various images of the white robed stranger experiencing brutal deaths, full of suffering and strangely with the consumption of power as its base.

Noticing one of these images included a stone guillotine blade severing his reptilian neck, he noticed she'd turned her eyes towards him as the claws receded into her hooves.

"First you'll need to be taken care of", she said evenly as she placed a glowing hoof to the wall.

665967 667053
The stranger met Echidna's eyes and sensed the intent to kill him.
"Now that's more like it..." he said in a lower voice than before, no longer sounding confused or jovial. He closed his eyes for a moment that could've been confused with a longer-than-normal blink, but his foe could tell it was intentional. Immediately, she could sense a sort of energy gathering inside his body.

667127 / 665967
"Mine...", Echidna murmured from behind the biped as she thrust a shard of the broken wall through his neck. The after-image by the wall disappeared whilst a stone blade fell from the ceiling towards the Jabberwock's wounded form.

A rune on the shard glowed before parts of it branched in different directions for greater damage as Echidna let go of it

667127 / 667194

With the speed of a lightening bolt, the Jabberwock's neck snaked out from beneath the advancing blade's path. There was only an inch of clearance between himself and the stone shard as it crashed against the floor, exploding into thousands of fragments.

"Let's see," thought the creature, looking to see the mare stabbing the newcomer in the throat, "Let's see what I've got to fight with... A delighted smile suddenly spread across his pained features. He recalled a pleasant visit to the Green Midget Cafe in Bromley, where he had learned a catchy tune from the resident Vikings.

"My good mare," the Jabberwock thought, "Have you a taste for Spam?"

The creature proceeded to assault the equine's mind with an endless song, playing over and over, growing louder with each passing moment until it was all she could hear.

667194 / 667691
The stranger opened his mouth as his eyes grew wider. A stifled gurgle escaped: the spike was apparently blocking his air passage. He reached back and attempted to quickly jerk himself free: no use, the spikes now ran through his body as they branched to do more damage.

A few seconds later, it seemed as though the color was draining from him: even the white parts of his suit, unstained by blood he did not bleed, seemed less colorful somehow.

Well the Pegasus Device and I are already robots...

And we work in the Rainbow Factory...


I think we can't join you, because we would be breaking our promise to forever be loyal to the Rainbow Factory...

Pegasus Device: Yeah...I'd rather stick with the Rainbow Factory, because I like killing things there:pinkiecrazy:

Me too!:pinkiecrazy:

667691 / 669435 Her ears twitched slightly from the annoying noise as her frenzy continued.

Noticing the stranger stagger slightly, she did something unexpected. Her hoof crackled with electricity as she plunged it into his back. He screamed in pain as the stone branches stopped moving as his muscles convulsed. The color of his attire brightened slightly as his vital functions were given a boost.

As he stood frozen from the locked muscles, Echidna placed her muzzle beside his ear. " prepare my meal or I'll start with you." she whispered as she painfully turned his head towards the wounded Jabberwock.

670259 / 667691
The stranger's eyes were as blank as ever, though brighter due to Echidna's charge to bring him back from presumably the brink of death. The Jabberwock felt them train on him, and then felt them focus backwards towards his captor in a way that only he and the stranger could understand.
"I..... see........ you......!" He says, his voice now partially unblocked by the spikes. A split-second later, he exploded with an unearthly-loud snapping sound, the force of which sending Echidna flat up against the wall behind them. There was nothing left of the body.

Six long metal spikes, approximately three feet long each, suddenly fly across the room and impale her in six spots: one in the abdomen, one in the chest, and one in each leg. Spikes extruded from the tips that were open to the air, looking like grappling hooks and preventing her from easily sliding out of the pin.

"AHA!" came the stranger's voice from across the room. "You didn't think I'd be done in so easily, did you!? A decoy can go a long way, and a convincing one EVER MORE!" His voice was much more aggressive than before.
The stranger seems to appear from thin air with a shimmer of light. "I'm a lot harder to hit than you think! MUCH harder than you think!" he says as spheres of shimmering energy gather in the air behind him at shoulder height.

"You wanted a challenge? COME AND GET IT!"

670326 With a roar, the very stone around her began to crack as the metal spears started glowed white-hot. The melted spears clattered to the floor as crimson runes glowed on her forehead. Similar runes appeared on the various furred flesh covering her body as green flames and black tendrils slithered from her scars. Leaving two crushed pits in the ground, she lunged at the stranger.

"INSOLENT LITTLE CREATURE!" She shouted as he raised his hand.

670326 / 670458

"Meal?" the Jabberwock cried indignantly, grunting and growling as he tried righting himself, "Is that what you intend to make of me?" He looked over as the mare tore herself away from the wall, lunging at the stranger. The creature hissed as he unsteadily rose to his claws, the wounds almost fully healed. He flexed his new claws, their spidery digits twitching horridly. He desired very much to claw the mare's innards out as she had done to him, but knew that physical attack would result in more damage.

His anger and frustration melted away the song he had sent into her psyche. The dissonant cogs of his mind turned and spun in all manner of impossible ways, conjuring up something else to throw at her. The Jabberwock thought of all the fierce things he had ever encountered; the bestial Bandersnatch, the mournful Jubjub bird, brawling Kalidahs, the cruel and horrific one-eyed Witch of the West, and among the fiercest, a harsh and murderous pirate who clawed people with his hook.

670458 / 670770
Before he could perform his intended action, Echidna collided with the stranger and the two went tumbling backwards into the wall, stopping with Echidna on top. With another roar, Echidna's hooves sprouted gruesome claws from some forgotten eldritch beast she had absorbed long ago, covered in runes and blazing with an unearthly flame. The claws did their job perfectly, cutting through the stranger with a single swipe.

Something was wrong.

The stranger stared back at Echidna, who only returned the stare after looking at the black void behind the cloth she had ripped open and burnt the edges of beyond recognition.
"Ouch!?" he stated matter-of-factly before his body exploded just as before, sending her crashing into the ceiling though she did land on her hooves mostly unharmed. The explosion didn't have as much of an effect as last time.

A shimmer in the air beside the Jabberwock indicated his presence as he reappeared. "And do you know what makes a good decoy? The target's belief that it's the real one!" he says smugly as the Jabberwock turns its eyes to him. He returns the gaze, clears his throat, and speaks:
"Dear Mr. Grimm, perhaps a blitter of more-or-less is the proper libbling mogit? Or, in a case otherwise, we might merely galumph for a smidgen?"

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