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Comment posted by Mr. Grimm deleted Feb 7th, 2013

699837 / 699906

Dark graciously tipped his hat to the mare as she arose from her throne.

"Breaking foals? I'm afraid to disappoint you, but as you can see, I am no foal," His yellow eyes flashed before continuing, "I am a stallion." The threatening grin on the mare's face did not seem to disturb him. He gave her a sickly-sweet smile in return, slowly trotting closer to her and the other being.

"I'm a showman by trade," he said, "I once ran a carnival, thought it no longer exists. But I can do...other things..."

699954 / 699906
"The type of magic? Now that might be tricky, I've seen many types of magic with similar powers. One world populated by Humans with one who specialized in such attacks, one world where--" the Story Teller stopped. "Maybe I should just get onto my answer."

"Now then, the type of magic. Judging by the Jabberwock's condition," said the Story Teller while glancing towards the body, "I would say it's cutting magic: Vorpal type to be precise, as there is no sharper type, which is required to truly defeat a Jabberwock. Again, just going by what I've seen here: it could be any number of things I've seen, though the sheer ease at which it cuts does point towards Vorpal...ity.... heheh, vorpaility.."

The Story Teller turned to Dark. "Well, what sorts of things? You seem like a familiar sort of creature, you don't appear to be entirely pony. A sort of..." the Story Teller shuddered before continuing. "Dream Eater?"

Comment posted by Mr. Grimm deleted Feb 7th, 2013


Dark looked over the white-suited stranger before replying.

"I can do many things," he said, "But I find my talent rests in supplying the needs and wants of others." He smiled. "And as for my identity, while you are correct in guessing that I am no mere pony, I am not a 'Dream-Eater'."

"Well that's a relief," said the Story Teller. "I had a run-in with a Dream Eater once. Let me tell you, they are................... egh......... quite dreadful in the most unfathomable sense."

699954 / 699993
"Perhaps you can create a body for this thing then...", Echidna said as the ground at her feet revealed the Jabberwock's head rising from the ground.

It seemed to be in incredible pain with its snout pierced on a stone spike while gray swirls of magic flowed around its severed neck. Pulling it from the stone skewer, she tossed the large head to Dark like a sack of apples.

"Now back to your answer...", she said while turning her grin towards Story Teller, "... For someone that knows so much about magic, how could you not recognize the magic was the incorporation of high movement wind magic causing a destructive vibration around an object. The perfect shield and sword when dealing with mortal beings."

"Oh it's wind magic, is it?" The Story Teller said. "I should've guessed, you do love your elements so. Like I said, I've simply encountered so many of similar nature..... I still should've figured it out though, I guess."

A small portal opened behind his head and an arm covered in brown scales reached out, smacking him across the back of the head before retreating and disappearing. The Story Teller turned and batted at the arm while laughing even after it had disappeared. Echidna's ear twitched in annoyance at his sudden distraction.

700617 / 701839

Dark raised an eyebrow at the gargantuan head as it tumbled to a stop at his hooves. Its bulbous eyes snapped out of their glassy state and focused on him. The creature's antennae twitched as Dark pushed his hoof against its side, shoving it over to the beast's body.

"That would be quite easy, considering all you had to do was place his head back to his neck," said the stallion. He turned back to the mare as the reptile's neck and head muscles began to reattach. "But I can tell you want more..."

The Illustrated Stallion continued to lope towards the beings.


The Jabberwock's pain-addled thoughts churned over and over as its head grafted back to its neck. Its eyes looked over to the stallion as he grew closer towards the two beings. He knew what it was. He knew what it did.

And he was afraid of it.

Dark suddenly noticed the Story Teller staring at him, having finished swatting the air where the arm used to be. He continued to stare for several moments before his face lit up.

"Dark!" he said. "I know you! I remember you now, it's strange to see you here this way though I don't imagine you'd recognize me as I am now," he said happily. He did a childish little hop and a small happy clap at his remembrance before stopping. "Oh... er, sorry," he said, apologizing.


Dark cocked his head to one side, peering curiously at the white-garbed stranger.

"Do I, now?" he said, "Would you care to refresh my memory? I've been traveling for so long, some times I forget everything I've seen..."

"Yes, it was quite long ago, QUITE long ago... you were much more..." the Story Teller gestured oddly to Dark, ".....bipedal. You know what? Here, this should help."

An image of a human teenager with glasses and long curled hair flashed: Dark recognized him as a boy who had managed to refuse the carnival before disappearing for other reasons long in the past.

"I was in one of the forms I am fonder of than others," the Story Teller continued. "One of the ones I keep dearest to me, which is why I suspect you might not recognize me as I am now."

702567 / 704068

Intrigued with the new development, Echidna watched in anticipation as Dark strode towards them. Apparently the Jabberwock knew something, but she wasn't going to play that card yet.

As Story Teller greeted the newcomer, she gave a twitch that Nidhogg quickly understood. Scratching the damaged scales from his neck, he started to mold them with his ivory claws.

Meanwhile, Echidna watched the two interact. She still had four questions for her new slave.

Noticing Nidhogg's sudden new occupation, the Story Teller was snapped back into focus.
"RIGHT THEN," he said, "Sorry, I'm not exactly the most... er, focused of people. Four questions remain, do they not?"

704068 / 706330

Dark watched the image of the boy disappear. It stirred a vague memory from his recollection. But that had been another time, in another world, and was so minor an event that it was hardly worth remembering.

"I see," Dark murmured, "So, who is your friend?"

He didn't know how much the white-garbed stranger knew of his true nature. But if he knew enough, and brought it up, things could get...out of hand, very quickly.

"Oh! This is Echidna! She and I are currently working out a deal," the Story Teller said. "I asked to be her servant, and she agreed that if I could answer at least eight of ten questions correctly I wouldn't have to wear the odd, most-likely-enchanted collar she has produced."

"....say, where are you going?" The Story Teller asked, spotting the Jabberwock backing away.


The Jabberwock's wary gaze shifted from Dark to the Storyteller. The reptilian creature immediately felt concern. The storyteller had saved his life. The Jabberwock had no desire to see him ensnared by Dark, nor did he wish to see him forced into slavery by the monstrous madmare. Keeping an eye on Dark, the creature slunk over to where the three sat, and slowly rested himself on the ground.

"Nowhere," said the beast.

"Well I suppose it's nice that you could join the party, but nopony's blaming you if you wish to leave," the Story Teller said. "I was simply curious is all."

He turned back to Dark. "Hm, what was it you said you were here for?"

711925 / 711912

"It would be wise for him to remain...", Echidna said.

The golden dragon behind her growled at the smaller reptile to accentuate the order before continuing his assigned task. Meanwhile, Echidna walked past Story and casually used her cracked hoof to grab Dark's jawline. Moving it side to side with jerking movements, her eyes judged him silently.

Keeping his muzzle emotionless, the tattoos gave his true feelings away. As many of them started to twitch, Echidna lifted his head and intently stared into his eyes.

"Now for the seventh question Story Teller, what is the best way to break stupid foals; to torture them physically or by ensuring they live their nightmare's in real-life?" she asked aloud as Nidhogg placed what he'd been making in his glowing jaws.

"A mixture of both, but if you absolutely have to choose one then the second method is the most effective," the Story Teller said. "I did that to some people once. Good fun! Good way to resolve grudges, too."

"Correct, why do you think I turned the pitiful creature into that metal golem he fears. He will be free to do what he wants but will never be accepted by the ones he loved."

Hearing these words, the image of Xeno's separated bodies popped into Story Teller's mind. He shuddered as he re-imagined the events leading to the separation. The only sane way to describe it was as unorthodox surgery.

"Yes, quite... awkward of an experience. I never was one for surgery and such."

"......*ahem*, right then. How many questions remain? Three? I shall be glad to answer them!"

712111 / 711912

Flicking the decorated stallion's nose with a hoof, he broke eye contact as a thin trickle of dark liquid flowed out. Turning away from the mildly wounded stallion, the scarred pony looked back at the other biped.

"Correct so onto the next question, why does Dark have tattoos that can come to life." she said to their surprise.

712036 / 712111

Dark met the mare's gaze, his own eyes flashing a deep yellow. He said nothing, but continued to stare. And as he did, Echidna felt something. There was something stirring in the deepest, darkest parts of her mind, dredging up her desires. A vision befell her, one that softened her hard stare. What she saw was her greatest dream made reality... And this stallion had the power to give it to her.

"Each one represents a soul. Each soul is one that he has enslaved to his own purposes."
The Story Teller recited the knowledge as though it were nothing to be alarmed of.

712234 / 712238

But where's the fun in that? Dark heard her think as he saw a smirk creep on her face. Seeing his hoof rise into view, he recognized his first mistake about the mare. Pain exploded in his mind as the mental connection was twisted and warped to the ancient mare's will. At the same time his traitorous hoof jammed itself in his mouth before it painfully opened his mouth.

Hearing the sounds of struggle behind her, Echidna's smile widened as Nidhogg dropped a white hot bridle onto her extended hoof. A slight sizzle could be heard as she held it aloft so the wretch could view his fate. Gripping the stallion by the mane, she shoved the burning bit into his open mouth as the dragon scales locked in place behind his head. His corrupt hoof hung limply in her grasp as the stallion fell while trying to remove the burning scales. For the next minute the air was rent with the stallion's screams of pain and the smell of scorched flesh.

With the skin around each piece showing third-degree burns, four runes glowed from the bit. The fur and flesh healed back over the various bridle parts with gruesome scars being the only evidence of their existence. Collapsing from the sudden relief, Dark hardly noticed the bit conform to the roof of his mouth as he lay panting.

Story Teller jolted slightly as she turned back to him with a joy filled expression.

"Wonderful answer and that makes it five correct with two strikes. Don't worry, your shackles aren't the same as this foals. Are you ready for the next piece of trivia?" she asked, her eyes gleaming similar to her last outburst.

712492 / 712238

Dark ran his tongue over the bit that had fused to his mouth. He straightened his hat as he stood to his hooves, turning to gaze at Echidna with surprising calm. He smiled.

"The stuff of nightmares is our plain bread, we butter it with pain..."

The stallion moved closer. There was a strange energy about him now, one that gave off a cold, miserable chill. Echidna thought she heard faint music in the air.

712492 / 712528
The Story Teller winced at the display before him.
"You know, that's not going to work," he said. "He's... well, he, erm......." he seemed to be struggling for words. "He happens to............ nevermind. He seems to have summed it up succinctly."

The Story Teller shook his head. "I am indeed ready for the next trivia question!" He seemed to have brightened back up startlingly quick. Then, he seemed to grow a confused look. "But by my memory, I have seven correct."
Different voices, some female and some male, and one being Frear's sounded from the air around the Story Teller.
"What you are..."
"A creation of yours...."
"You are immortal..."
"You take the powers of others..."
"Your other creations..."
"You love disharmony..."
"Wind Magic..."
"The best way to break someone..."
"The Illustrated Stallion's tatoos....."
"We have a single question left, my friend," he finished himself.


Echidna broke into a screeching laugh as both beings confronted her. Disciplining the stallion came first though.

"You are like me, but you lack the ability to feed on what truly matters...", Dark's mouth glowed before his body trembled into a forced kneel with his head held in undignified defeat, "...the soul, the desires, the flesh and the emotions. Those new restraints of your are meant for more then just pain foal!"

The aura started to chill the very air as Dark glared at the standing mare. In his mouth, two of the bits runes glowed as it forced his body to move and made a part of his shoulder crawl.

"Hah! is this all you'v got wi...!" Dark's eyes widened as he felt his magic weaken as a tattoo dissappeared from his shoulder.

"Now behave before I take everything that is yours." Echidna said before pushing the angered stallion's muzzle into the dirt.

She then turned to the Story Teller as the voices continued to speak. "You noticed my error but that no longer matters, here is my final question. Who was it that sealed me away before I could start the second great war of the realms? And I want names not the creature..." Echidna's eyes gleamed as she scooped the shackles from the floor.

The Story Teller remained silent for a few seconds. They seemed to span longer than they should've as the Story Teller tilted his head.
"Names. Names? More than one? Is there more than one name, or a single one that I must state?"


"I require them all, ye of shaken faith." Echidna answered while clinking the shackles together.

Another moment of warped silence passed.
"If I may ask one last thing, how many names are there? That is my final question before I answer."

712800 / 714098

The Jabberwock watched nervously as Echidna further humiliated Dark. For a moment he almost felt sorry for her. Enslaving him was like drinking an insidious poison, one that would pain its victim tremendously before killing it.


"We are alike in more ways than you think..." breathed the stallion as he rose once more to his hooves, brushing the dirt from his muzzle. "So, it would seem you have won this round. Tell me, what is it that you would have me do in your service?"

"There are eight but your knowledge may not stretch back that far, young one." Echidna said with a snicker before turning to Dark. "As for you... do whatever you wish. Corrupt others, run your pitiful carnival or slit your own throat and bleed to death. When I desire something you'll know..."

Letting the sentence hang in the air, she turned back to the struggling Story Teller as he tried to figure out the names.

"Eight, eight eight eight," the Story Teller repeated to himself. He closed his eyes for a few unwarped seconds before opening them in surprise. He pointed limply to Echidna.
"The knowledge does not yet exist, does it?" he asked, slightly in surprise. "You are subject of a dimensional anomaly in which the events have happened yet have not at the same time..."

A voice began to ring in the background of the open air, centered behind the Story Teller: the words were indistinguishable, but gradually growing in volume and clarity. He continued to stare and point.


"Is that your answer then." she answered with a cruel grin.

The shackles clinked ominously as she walked, teasingly slow, towards the flustering being. The sound behind the body was an annoyance, but didn't seem to do much else as she drew closer.

The voice continued to grow louder and clearer: it was the Story Teller's voice, though he didn't move his face.
"Did I... Did I ever........"

The voice suddenly sounded clear, inches from Echidna's face though there was no source.
"Did I ever tell you........ how fickle time has made me?"

The Story Teller let his arm drop and gave a drifting smile.
"How long do you think it will be," he said, ignoring Echidna's question. "Before it happens to you?"

Echidna felt some sort of importance in the question; a grave significance. She stopped her advance.

714874 // 714891

"As you wish," replied Dark. The corners of his mouth turned upward as he felt a tingling in his shoulder, the same shoulder from which Echidna had stolen a tattoo. A new image began to take shape on his skin, one in the shape of a twisted, writhing dragon.

The smug smile on Echidna's face faltered. She hadn't seen what had happened, but rather, she felt something. Something churning in the pit of her stomach. Something terrible had happened, and in another moment she knew what it was.

Her powers were gone.

715020 /714994

"How dare you...", Echidna growled.

Two pieces of furred flesh fell from her as before she vanished from sight. The flesh turned to dust as Echidna reappeared before Dark. One of her forelegs forced his head to the side as the other latched onto his back. Opening her jaws wide, she bit into his shoulder as the the runes in his mouth flickered. Blood poured around her jaw as she pulled her head back with a ripping noise.

The dragon tattoo and most of the surrounding flesh hung from her skeletal muzzle as crimson flowed over the white of Dark's shoulder bone. Losing the tendons meant the leg was useless as the runes in his mouth glowed fiercely.

"...I was the one to kill them...", Echidna said while wiping her bloody muzzle. "...bleeding to death will be to simple."

The dragon tattoo and Dark's fur reappeared in the place of the lost flesh on her body as the rues magic stopped his bleeding but stopped any other healing attempts on the stallion's end. A small slime covered thorn grew from her hoof before she jabbed it through the exposed bone and into his body. Snapping it at the hoof, she left it embedded as knelt to glare into his eyes.

"Experience true darkness foal", she said as Dark's eyes turned milky white and his body was paralyzed.

Looking away from the blind stallion, she slowly stood up as she turned to Story Teller.

"Now what were you saying again child?" she responded as her look of rage turned to one of sadistic joy.


"A witch without her powers is a miserable creature indeed." Echidna heard Dark's voice in her mind, seeping through her thoughts like an oil-spill. "I should have told you, I don't work for free."


And you should know when you are mistaken about your position... Echidna retorted before blocking out the annoying existence with a mental wall of various memories.

The jumble of various thoughts, dreams and nightmares she'd dredged from her old victims flesh blocked him out. His body remained frozen as his mind tried to find a weakness in her mental barrier of what seemed to be thousands of memories.

The Story Teller seemed oblivious to what was going on.. mostly.
"If I am the child, then you are the infant," he stated, his view drifting upwards. He didn't seem to be looking at anything in particular, or even the ceiling for that matter.
"Time takes its toll, a powerful force when paired with all eternity has to offer. You and I will exist, as will Dark and the Jabberwock. Frear, Tara, Sleytra, the robot you first started the conflict with, and Paradox will exist as well. We will all last longer than is imaginable: forever. And it will take its toll. It will take its toll, and it will take it when the full brunt of eternity bares down upon you."

He focused his gaze on her. "So when will it happen? When will the unrelenting force and its accomplices, the impossible, immovable, indestructible, and the unknowable, defeat your seemingly impervious will?"

He focused on Dark, though it seemed as though it was simply a random movement. "Echidna, how long ago were you created?"


"I've been here since the beginning but did not receive form until she became desperate to destroy them. I only managed to destroy their bodies. Now that the seal has become undone I've learned their souls have found allies. Allies their children prepare to battle me. Now answer the final question teller of stories and trickster of minds." Echidna answered with her glazed eyes wide and her fleshless muzzle grinning widely.

"I can only take guesses," he said, oddly clear all of a sudden and snapping out of his trance. "But as I said... time has made me fickle. Mayhap that I answer out of curiosity to see if I am correct, that our deal is partially called off?" he asked, waving his hand to reveal the red rune missing. "I now have a few conditions to the deal. Of course you're welcome to negotiate or force your own conditions or lack thereof."

He shook his head for no reason. "My first condition is that I wear the collar. Even if I had succeeded at the last question--" (a voice whispers in Echidna's ear, "Fluttershy Rainbow Dash Twilight Sparkle Rarity Applejack Pinkie Pie Paradox Blitz") "--you could have simply ordered me to wear it afterwards. Shall I go on?"


"Feel free to...", Echidna chuckled as he showed his apparently empty palm, "...but remember that it is the ones that sealed me you must name."

A rune flickered to life on the shackles before she stopped and waved a hoof like she'd just remembered something.

"Almost forgot, come out of hiding and stop using this damned puppet if you want the rules changed so easily." she said glancing at the suited figure.

"My guess was what was whispered to you, dear friend," he said as he picked up the collar. He examined it for a few seconds. "Are these replaceable? Because I'm pretty sure The Judge may eventually find us and attempt to destroy me. If he succeeds, we'll be needing a new one to go on when I regenerate."

He flipped it around, tossing it up and down a few times in his hands.
"...oh right, the decoy."
His body faded away as another one of him stepped out of invisibility and took the collar from his previous fading form. He glanced at Echidna. She gave a sarcastic look back.
"Oh alright."
He repeated the fading process again before placing the collar onto his hat just above the brim. He smiled widely, obviously having intended to be slightly obnoxious.


"Just to be sure..." Echidna said with an annoyed look as tendrils branched from her form.

Avoiding the visible creatures, they sliced though the empty spaces to ensure the grassy plane was really as empty as it seemed.

The tentacles caught no invisible forms. It appeared as though this was the true Story Teller.
The tentacles waved through the air a considerable distance: he had no airborne hidden forms either.

"It is the true me," the Story Teller admitted.


"Your palm then", Echidna said with a bemused look.

"Aaaahaha, I really did remove it you know," he says, holding out his blank palm for a reapplication.

"...what exactly did it do again? I doubt an explosion would be elegant enough for you."

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