Villains of Equestria 1,813 members · 3,442 stories
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"Who are you!? I demand you send me back to my hive, NOW."

Now now, I brought you here to make some friends.

"I need no friends save for the allies of the hive! RELEASE ME!"

Well I'm sure you can be an ambassador for the hive then or something. They are like you here.

"What are you talking about!?"

There are those here that are filled with just as much hatred as you are. They'll understand you better than any other ally of the hive.

*looking around*
"They look like the sorceress that stayed with us for that time, but not quite..."

They're similar, yes. Now like I said, say hello...

".................what are you creatures?"

.....fine, close enough.

Group Admin


welcome to the villains group, you have two options.

take the blue pill, and you go back to your fics and enjoy whatever it is you enjoy.

or take the red pill, and I'll introduce you to freiza, and I'll show you just how low the comedy standards go.

It seems lately the newest members are a little weird, this group brings the strange out of people, how long before we're all infected? By the way, Welcome to the Family.

649028 I was curious as to how the two of them would interact, heheh.

649030 Indeed, all it takes is one weirdo to set off a whole chain of weirdos.
"Did you come here for your own reasons? What am I to call you, anyway?"
Yes, I did, and call me Croab (sounds like crow). Go back to staring at the weird-looking ones and trying to make friends.
"*grumble*, will you send me back to the hive after this?"
Of course, I didn't take you out with intent to keep you away from your family forever.
"Then fine. Hello, it is... good to not be attacked on sight by you."

I think the group got weird when Lord Freiza joined.:applejackconfused:So what's your story? Where u from and who's the other guy in your head?:pinkiecrazy:

649039 Yeah, that bit about Frieza sounds about right.
"I am not in his head, are you blind!?"

Name: Devourer
Stature: Humanoid
Height: 9 feet, 4 inches
Covered in a blackened, chitinous exoskeleton
Head resembles a dragon's, without spines or other natural head decorations
Feet resemble hooves with claws
Huge arms are long enough to reach knees when standing fully upright, similar to a Diamond Dog's
Capable of consuming anything that will fit into its mouth
Likes: Eating, the changeling hive and its inhabitants, children
Dislikes: Ponies, disloyalty, anything that threatens the hive

"What is that!?"
The information I gathered on you, with all the long or sensitive bits and such taken out and the rest in a compressed state.
"How would you know these things!?"
I'm a floating voice that can teleport you around. Just go with it.
"Ergh, fine. When do I get to go back to the hive?"
In a little while. You just get back to making friends.
Just wait, someone will talk to you before too long and you'll see why I brought you here.

Not sur wher your time zone is but it looks like most of the members are probably asleep(that probably means me too, probably should have picked a better time to introduce yourselves.) quick question what is the source of the cover for the other mother?

649051 Yeah, I'm kind of a night owl so it's hard to get these things done in the middle of the day when everyone's awake. Eh, they'll see it when they wake up. And perhaps I'll just go another 24 hours without sleeping again. Cover for Other Mother comes from the Deltora Quest Wiki: more specifically, the picture is a shot from the respective anime. Deltora Quest is a book series, if you didn't know (and cared to).

Never heard of it, might give it a look(if I remember later)

649058 If the fact that I'm writing a crossover fic of it doesn't say it already, I do highly recommend it.

Group Admin

Hi scary dragon-changeling thing!
we will chat about the superiority of changelings later!

unfortunately 1st period starts for me in 6 hours, so I better get at least a little sleep.

Pretty sure I would have to watch the series first before I read da fic(already had it on my read later collection) and since your recommending I would recommend you read my story.

"First period..... school? In six hours?"
...right, it was daytime when I took you....
"You mean I've been unconscious!?"
No, the worlds just have their day/night cycles at different points.
"......hello, whatever you might be... I cannot tell, as I do not trust anything I see here now..."
Just from being day to night?
"I trust NOTHING of what I see here! Why should I!? I could be DREAMING for all I know anymore!"
Fair enough.
".... you.... Thardoc? You believe changelings superior? I agree with that. They are... kind to me."


So Devourer, how, uh, how are you liking it in these parts?

"It is... uh, suddenly silent.... except for you, it seems."
Other people need sleep.
"It wouldn't be like that if it weren't DAY to me!"
"*sigh*, it is nice to be around beings other than my swarmling siblings that do not either flee or attack me on sight. If I had not been pulled away from the hive for this, I might even like it here a bit. Already in this place I have met three beings that didn't react to me with horror, with is a new record..."


Ah, it is refreshing to see another great predator intilling Fear into these herbivorous equines. As disheartening it is that I cannot quite figure out what you are, it is still pleasant meet someone that I don't have to worry about stepping on.

Introductions are in order, I am a human consciousness living inside Fenrir's head, he calls me The Liar. Since I don't remember my name, I have decided to adopt the name.

Yes, and I am Fenrir. General of Nightmare Moon's army and the aplha male of my pack. Given the strange qualities of this place, you are probably unaware that I am, in fact, a gargantuan wolf in appearance.

He means he used to be a General and an alpha. That was about a thousand years ago, during Luna's insurrection. His pack is dead and he just recently got released from Tartarus.

"What I am is... not important......... You share my hate of them? Perhaps this place is not... quite as bad as I thought."
Told you so.
"So Fenrir, you served underneath Nightmare Moon? I think I recall hearing of her at one point, long ago........ I do not recall having an encounter with her, but I do recall something of Tartarus. A wizard once tried to banish me to there. It didn't work."
...How does a voice get stuck in a giant wolf's head? And then named 'Liar'?


The bitch of a mare that dares call herself the Princess of the Night stuck him here, just so she would feel better.

As far as I understand I was summoned here to give a conscience and some semblance on intelligence to Fenrir, so that Luna could apologize to the loyal subject she had betrayed. I do not believe I was meant to actually be my own person.

Discord was involved, he was the one that opened the gates.

True, and then Luna was the one that let you go free, with me inside you. Also, the fact I do not know my own name is having the side effect of having me melding into Fenrir.

Your knowledge and silver tongue will serve my purposes.


"Discord? The Acoly--............. I never heard of him being capable of opening the gates, but I suppose it shouldn't surprise me."

Well, that's certainly interesting. Perhaps I shall spend time reading up on any information I could find concerning this...

649028 Only Frieza? I WILL EXTERMINATE YOU!

649024 Welcome new squishy.

Group Admin

last I checked frieza was practically perfect, and you still have a few glitches to work out.

In back, what's new?

"Squishy? I am anything but squishy... what exactly are you? Some sort of complex iron golem?"

He made a friend!

"....well........ yes....."

Nefarious call everyone squishy,I think he's a robot, n who's your friend?

Group Admin

he's some robot trying to take over the multiverse, would have failed by now if it weren't for his butler working behind the scenes, poor fellow.

why is it you detest ponies then? they certainly aren't perfect, but I'm not aware of any major wrongs they've commited


Well, how about the Elements of Harmony taking my Mistress from this world? How about my kind being eradicated for my loyalty to Nightmare Moon?

How about that time that Luna ripped me from my own reality to try and pervert your very nature?

"And the torment they inflicted upon me for so long, attacking me or fleeing in terror on sight? I've got more than a few.... mementos from encounters with the wretched things..."

"Fenrir and I appear to have some things in common."

Group Admin


have you considered suing your aggressors? worst case scenario celestia and luna dislike you more, best case your bretheren get freed from Tartarus, along with whatever else the state owes you.

as for Devourer, well, you don't really want to be around the ponies anyway.

"That is why I stay with the Changelings. They are not as evil as the ponies think, and their hive is far away from any such civilization."

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