Lightning Dust Is Best Pony 550 members · 500 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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The Bricklayer
Group Admin

Well ladies and gents, she's back. Now, has she grown up? One must wonder, but judging by this, I don't think so.

YES YES YUUUUSSS this is all the awesome

6543870 Judging by that look she just shot, I'd say she still has a ton of resentment towards Rainbow Dash for getting her kicked out of the academy.

The Bricklayer
Group Admin

Let's be fair here, Lightning had that coming really with all of her recklessness. Not someone I'd want to fly besides, if they're willing to kick up a tornado just to clear some clouds.

Metalmare has returned!

She's back. Oh, and it looks like she's brought friends.


I'd look at the photo, but it won't load. I might need a link or something,

Group Contributor
T6 #9 · Aug 17th, 2018 · · ·

To avoid spoilers, considering I've seen the French pre-release and a translated script, I'll say I'm rather mixed

I'm glad she's back for 100% though

Here's hoping she'll be a minor villain later on that gets reformed

The Bricklayer
Group Admin

Got taken down by Derpibooru pretty quickly.

The picture is broken. Please fix it.

The Bricklayer
Group Admin

I can't. Derpibooru took it down.

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 13