The Jazzy Fillyfoolers 245 members · 202 stories
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My little project i started writing about two month ago on a whim seems to appeal to more people than I would have expected.
I currently have 6 people interested in being players, and one maybe,
Six is the most Players I've ever had in a party at once, so the prospect of seven's a bit intimidating, BUT I'm perfectly willing to try!
That said, if groups of people want to try running the campaign in their own groups, I'd be glad to share the campaign notes when I have them written. (none of my own player though. No spoilers! :flutterrage:)
So, to be fair, I'm going to do this on a first come first serve basis, the only really fair way.

The current list of potential players is as follows.
Acreu Ball- Knightmare Mode: As long as he keeps rhyming, +2 Diplomacy and Bluff. If he fails to rhyme, He is shaken.
reader of the night

Preliminary Character concepts (Those I've been told of at least)
Tripl3M: Unicorn Sorcerer
Simply: Unicorn Wizard
Syvvak: Earth Pony Paladin
Acrey Ball: Zebra Bard
jmartkdr: (Earth Pony or Pegasus) Barbarian
Terrasora: Pegasus Rogue

That'll be have to be my cutoff unless somebody decides they'd rather not play, which is completely fair.
I'll try to keep this list updated.

sooo, yeah.
Other than that, I'll post any important news about the campaign here, and feel free to discuss anything related to it below.

OH! Also, this is a link to a website with a complete rules directory for Pathfinder, the rule set in which I've designed the campaign, and here is a Google Doc with all the racial information.

That's about all I have to say at the moment.
See Ya Space Cowboy.

Group Admin

The url fucked up.

God dammit, thanks for pointing that out man.
Fixed it.

Group Contributor

A ponified table-top, how cool! Kinda bummed that I missed cut-off, but I'd definitely like a look at the campaign notes when those are finished :twilightsmile:

Interesting... I will have to take a more detailed look later.

Do we need our own dices?
Cause i don't have any expect for one d20 somewhere as a lifecounter for magic the gathering...

You could bring in your own physical dice, but the website we'd be using has a built in dice roller, and for the sake of transparency, It'd probably be best to just use that.

Sorry man, I'll keep you in mind for any future campaigns though, cuz this one's been a blast to work on so far, and we have't even started!

Also, starting a second campaign would be freaking cool.
I've always though it'd be cool to moonlight as a campaign writer in my free time, so having other people play a campaign I wrote would be like a dream come true, you have no idea.:raritystarry:

Kody's reworking the Deity thing for the Cleric and Inquisitor classes, and I'm scrambling around trying to justify the cavalier class (it's not going well). other than that, I don't really have any specific plans for classes.

Ah, gotcha.
Both are fair game.

My issue with Cavalier is twofold.
I have a cavalier in my current campaign, and the thing is, most of the cavalier's class abilities are easily exploitable if you want to break your character.
The other issue I have is that the Cavalier class is based extremely heavily around having a Horse that you ride around the battlefield.
I'm assuming you get the issue right?
The idea of Ponies riding horses doesn't really make much sense in the setting.
Or weirder: Griffons riding Ponies.

Group Contributor

Egh! I just saw it!

(... burn the downgrade ...)

Yeaaaah, I have the players handbook for 4e, but nothing else, So i'm not sure i could run those. plus it'd invalidate the work I've already put in. :fluttercry:
This way, nobody has to spend money! :pinkiehappy:

It's funny you say that, because of how Pathfinder began.
My understanding was that Wizards released 4e, and a few months after its release, There was a large group of people unhappy with the edition.
Enter Paizo.
Paizo sees the market, sees a demand for continued support of 3.5, and decided to step in before anyone else does.
They design Pathfinder, and do a pretty damn good job of it too in my opinion, based heavily in the d20 system, which is the umbrella system based on 3.5 that Wizards made pseudo public.
Now, Wizards can't complain because Paizo is only using parts of 3.5 that Wizards made publicly available.
This is also why there's less outcry against 4e and the apparently upcoming 5e now than there was immediately after 4e's release.

*gets off soapbox*

One can hope, although I have to hope it doesn't kill Pathfinder.
It's the game I know the best, and besides, Wizards takes enough of my money as it is.

Alright, So one thing I'd like you guys to at least consider a bit is character creation.
I have a few things I usually ask of my players, nothing too grueling.
One of the things that I have the most fun with is the Role Playing aspect of games like Pathfinder.
In other words, I like the cast of characters to actually be characters, rather than a collection of stats.
To that end, there are the things I ask of my players:

1. I'd like at least a basic description of your character's personality. I know they have an alignment, but that's such an unspecific blanket statement kind of tool, that it's not always helpful. What does being Lawful Neutral mean in the case of your character?

2. I'd like to have at least a bit of back story. What events in your character's life have influenced him/her? Does your character come from a super wealthy background? Were they raised on the streets on Manehatten? I'm not expecting a dissertation, but a paragraph or so would be phenomenal.

3. I'd like to have some reason that your character is out adventuring in the world. (beyond the quick and dirty "my character wants to get rich") It helps to tailor the campaign to your characters if I know what drives them out into the world. Maybe they're on a quest given to them by a monastic order? Perhaps they seek revenge for the death of a friend? They could be interested in starting up a band of mercenaries, but first must earn money and seek fame? Whatever it is, chances are I can use it in the campaign sometime.

I don't expect this to be very long at all. Honestly, anybody who sends me a full typed page is exceeding what I think I can fairly expect. That said, I often find it fun to try and write out my character's back story, and can make the character more memorable and fun to play.

This is an outline that can help you through the basics of character creation. If you're new, looking through it isn't necessarily a bad idea. Or, if you wanted, you could try to get a hold of me on Skype, and I'd be glad to answer any questions/help out in character creation any way I can.

I don't particularly care what your character sheet looks like, as long as it keeps everything straight for you, it's doing it's job. That said, here are a couple links to different Character sheets I've seen that looked pretty good.
The Official Paizo Character Sheet
Neros' Character Sheet
These Character sheets are incredibly good, but only if you plan to never dual class or take a prestige class.

I'd also like to take opinions on how we should do character creation.
I've done a few methods in the past, and looked at a few more online, and come up with two that would work for this campaign.

1. 4d6. roll 4 six sided dice, adding up the highest three results, and writing down the sum. you do this a total of six times. Then, after you have your six numbers, you can assign the six numbers to your six stats. The biggest problem with this method is that it can occasionally lead to some very overpowered characters, as well as some very under powered ones. If we do this method, then everybody will need me on hand at the time of character creation to dive out re-rolls if the stat array is too weak, or lower numbers a bit if the character is too strong.

2. Point buy. You have 20 points you may spend on your stat numbers. the higher the number, the more points you have to spend. This method's more autonomous (we'd use the costs listed in the character creation outline above), and doesn't require me to be there. I'm not usually as big a fan of point buy myself however, so I'm putting it up for discussion.

As a parting thought, I'd like to share a bit about myself as a DM. I have a couple rules for myself that could be good for players to be aware of, because they'll give at least a basic idea of how I run a session.
1. Never say "no". If the players have an idea of how to go about solving a problem that I didn't think of ahead of time, then I'll try to think of how it'd work out, and go with that. If their solution turns out not to be a good one because of some aspect of the situation they aren't aware of, or haven't thought of, that's okay, and can lead to some of the most fun situations in the session! I instead will always try to say "yes, but..."
2. Everybody should be the main character. It happens that sometimes one player or another will just naturally have a stronger personality than others around the table. Even if that happens, I don't want everybody else to feel like a peripheral character in a story about that person't character. To that end, I'll try to tailor the campaign to the characters of the quieter players occasionally. Put them is a situation where they would logically take center stage, and play the hero. (this is one of the big reasons I ask for a few character traits)
3. Story over mechanics! I don't like to get so bogged down in the minute rules listen in the book while playing. If i run into something that I don't know the specific rule for offhand, I'll likely make a mental note to look into it later, make something up that seems fair on the spot, and keep going. In general, I think people tend to have more fun when the story keeps moving. This is also related to my last big tendency.
4. Tell a story. Role playing games tend to be more fun, to me at least, when you're playing a story, and not just a sequence of fights. Anybody can set a collection of monsters on a grid, make the players fight them, and move on to the next fight. I like to go in and write reasons behind the fight. What did the monsters want? why did the players run into them? Does this make sense with the overarching story?

I'll end this monster of a post with two final thoughts. If this seems a bit over whelming, don't worry. You still have at least two to three more months before things really start up. You can take your time with this. Finally, Preto's DM'ing rule #5. Everybody should have fun. If they aren't find out why, and Fix it!

Among a few other things yeah.

824793 i know the feeling of the money suddenly disappearing from my wallets and booster appearing.....

It didn't help that the art all through Innistrad was so god damn cool.
Needless to say, I have a shit ton of Zombies now.

824829 my problem was Return to Ravnica...
just love Selesnya way too much

btw, i'm trying to make a character for this here with hero lab.

Using the pony races, or one of the official races as practice?

proably first a practices one, then a written one for ponies..

probably gonna take a choatic good war caster..
and background: orphan or something like that, adopt by exiled or something war caster, taught him magic, then gets killed, revenge stuff

Sounds good.
Let me know if you need anything.

so that's what I have till now. Names are still missing though.

Name: ?1
Race: Unicorn
Gender: male
Age: 24
Size: medium
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 206 lbs
Languages: Common
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Sorcerer

- Orphan, who got adpoted by a former Sorcerer (Name: ?2), who has fallen from honor.
- Teach ?1 everything from manners to magic and war casting.
- ?2 got killed for reasons unknown to ?1. (Reason: The Leader of the Mageguild (that's ok?) wanted him dead, due to his knowlegde about the Guild and their secrets.)
- Now works as a mercenary, while looking for clues for the death of his adoptive father.

- very economical, since living as a orphan till age of 14
- cunning and untrusting
- helps other orphans or beggars, due to knowing what they are going through

STR: 10 -2 (Race Bonus)
DEX: 10
CON: 12
INT: 10 +2 (Race Bonus)
WIS: 11 +2 (Race Bonus)
CHA: 14

i found three nice character sheets, if anyone is interested.

LittleMars Pathfinder Character Sheet
Neceros's Character Sheet

So, I'm not finding this war caster class.
Or is it a description of what you'd like the character to do?


i was thinking, that he would basically travel through Equestria and be a mercenary/soldier for hire.
and he tries everything to find reason for the death of his father...

Ah, now i get it.
That's based in 4th edition D&D, which is different from Pathfinder.
The races, saves, and classes all work differently.
Sorry if i wasn't clear about that.
The links in my original post lead to the Pathfinder resources. Sorry for the mix up. :facehoof:

825727 oh, ok. someone posted that here and i thought that class was cool :pinkiehappy:
gonna fix it

Holy cow.
I just read through the races there. On top of the fact that it's 4e, I konw enough about 4e to konw that those races are really poorly balanced.

Tried to lie and got caught? It's okay, just roll your bluff check again!
Want to play a fighter, but also want to call down the power of the gods? Here! have access to powers from two separate classes!

They can take Dragon powers? As in the powers available to the big dragons in the bestiary? God I hope not! Some of those are absolutely brutal from what I've seen!

Worst of all on the broken side of things: Changelings.
Their shapeshift gives them access to any racial ability of any form they take. Including the draceounus, dragon, weather control from pegusi, levitation from unicorns, and death avoidance from Griffons.

On the total opposite side of things, Earth Ponies have basically nothing going for them. :facehoof:

Sorry If it seems like I'm harping on you man, but holy crow, I'm fairly confidant that trying to plan a campaign around those balance issues'd drive me insane. :facehoof:

(Dang it Josh and Simply, why you no have posts in this thread I can reply to!)
So, a general status Update.
I have all the introductory quests lined up and ready to go.
Additionally, my schedule will start to clear up in about 3-5 weeks. enough so in fact, that I'd begin to entertain thoughts about trying to start running in.
Probably bi-weekly to start out with the option of changing the frequency later on.
SO! with that in mind, does anybody have any thoughts on what time would work best for them?
I'll still technically be in school at that point in time, but my weekends will be completely wide open. so anytime from 3pm on Friday to 8pm on Sunday (Central US time) would be perfectly fine.
After school officially ends (a few weeks after that) Then I'd be open to rescheduling to basically any time during the week. So, any thoughts/concerns/times that work better than others/times that totally aren't an option.

PS. If it came down to it and we can't figure out a good regular time, then we can try setting up a different time each week we play, but that'd be a bit of a hassle, so I'd rather avoid that if possible.

PPS. I know we have a few newer players, which is absolutely great! I remember when i made my first character it was a bit daunting, and in light of that, I'd be glad to share any advice, general knowledge, clear up any terms, ect. anybody may need. I'd even be willing to meet up with anybody on skype or If they want me to help them through character creation. Though, keep in mind, i will never explicitly tell you "do this." it's your character, and for me telling you explicitly how to do something would doing you a disservice. I'll gladly share ideas on how to accomplish something. Want to be a dual wielding fighter? I can suggest feats and the like that complement that, help you try to reason out how to make that work, ect.

PPPS. If nobody has any objections, then i think we'll be going with the point buy method of deciding stats. (described in one of my wall of text posts above.)

Group Admin

I am probably the most flexible. Tell me a time, and I will most likely be good.

874679 Unfortunately I work on weekends, so would be restricted to Sunday nights (and I can't even be certain about those :twilightblush:) Friday and Saturday nights are right out though.

I don't want to commit if I can't promise to be there most of the time, so if my restricted schedule is a problem I'll bow out.

Alright. I'll think about it. I want to ask Simply, Josh, and Reader of the Night before coming to a decision on that.
If It turns out that Friday or Saturday is the only day that'll work for them, then I may have to ask you to. I'm really sorry, and hope it doesn't come to that though. :applejackunsure:
If that does happen, and your schedule changes, let me know. I don't mind adding a player to the party late, assuming the party isn't already running giant.
I'll let you know as soon as I know more myself.

880832 Heh, don't worry about my feelings, I have ponies. :pinkiehappy:

Also, it suck if you can only make every other game anyway. Hospitality business sucks. :ajsleepy:

Yeah, I always feel bad when somebody can't make it with the group i play with IRL.
Today one of our guys couldn't make it for the second time in a row.
It's especially bad in that case because not only is his character getting left behind, the current DM's character is with him and getting left behind. (The group switches off DM periodically.)

Still, I'm glad you're being understanding about the possibility.
That was my biggest fear with this one. a group of six is hard enough to coordinate.
Eight could end up a nightmare, and I'd feel terrible asking anyone to bow out. :fluttercry:
As I said, hopefully it won't come to it.

So, having heard from everybody who'll be playing, it sounds like Sunday's going to be the day. The time's still up in the air though.
One other thing I should mention is that I'd like to see the basic back stories for the characters at least a couple days before the first session. (maybe that Friday?)
If you want to PM it to me, e-mail it to me (, or however else makes sense to you, go for it.
The other thing we'll need is tokens for your characters. I'll leave that up to you. All that entails is that you get some picture to represent your character on any battle maps. If you want to draw it yourself, that's awesome! If you want to steal a picture off the internet (lord knows I've done that enough) go for it. As long as you have something to represent your character. (It doesn't have to look exactly like your character. just so long as we can distinguish your character from every other character.

886200 Are we talking this Sunday (the 21st of April)? And what programs will I need to have downloaded? (Skype, special pathfinder map program, etc?)

If this Sunday, I'll need a quick response to get ready.

Not this Sunday.
I was thinking two Weeks from this Sunday. sorry, my bad. :facehoof:
As far as programs, you technically shouldn't need to download anything.
The website we'll be using (because it's free :trixieshiftright:) has a built in voice chat.
That said, having a microphone so we can hear you speak would be preferable, but i think there are ways we can actually work around that if It's a problem.
Also, Skype is the intended backup if the built in chat doesn't turn out to be so good.

As far as getting ready, you still have plenty of time, I'm just trying to keep the group informed before it's an issue so that people have lots of time to get stuff together. (backstory, character sheet, icon, ect.)

886254 Okays. :twilightsmile:

I'll be playing a pony barbarian. Not sure if earth or pegasus, will decide and detail later. :scootangel:

Awesome! You can join Kody in the front lines!

Group Admin


Sunday will be good with me. I will get you my backstory some time in the future.

Group Contributor

Alright, it looks like I'll be playing a Pegasus Rogue; I just have to work on the backstory a little bit more.
Expect some form of a wall of text sometime soon :twilightsmile:
But I do have a question about the token. Are we sending you an image file or uploading the pic to the site that we're using?

That... is a good question.
If you have one in mind, and want to help me test if you can, as a player, upload your character icon, that'd be awesome.
I'm already registered as the DM in the campaign, so I definitely can upload icons. If you guys can upload your own though, it'll save some time on my part, as well as a bit of space in my slowly filling uploaded art limit.

Group Contributor

Not a problem! Link me to the site and I'll test it out.

886390 We will obliterate your enemies of the Jazzy Fillyfoolers? My enemies or your enemies or...:applejackconfused:

Whatever, let's just go kill stuff.

This here is the player link, which will take you to the page where you can join the campaign as a player. You'll have to sign up for the website, but that's free. (unless you particularly want to give them money.)

After trying out the built in voice chat in the program, downloading skype would be a good thing. is a great website in quite a few different ways, but the voice chat isn't too spectacular.
If you don't have a microphone, and it wouldn't be too much of a financial strain, getting one would also make everything a lot smoother. This'll be possible if aren't on a voice chat, but it'll be a fair amount easier if you are.

Also, an open note to everyone involved, when you have your character icon, you'll have to send it to me, because you can't upload it as a player, only the DM can apparently.

reader of the night
Group Admin

Time today, when shall we play?


Time today, when shall we play?

A good question, albeit 2 weeks early. (you aren't the only person to make that mistake, I just suck at making things clear when I organize them.)
You, jmartkdr, and possibly Acreu are the people who had a possible time preference, so If you could give me a time range on Sundays, then that'd be good. Also, please specify the time zone you're in, (or convert the times to US Central time if you want to be really nice to me) so know how these times actually line up.
This is the last bit of organization stuff I have to figure out, I promise.
Thanks to everyone involved for being patient with me, and bearing through the confusion caused by my apparent inability to organize things.:facehoof:

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