The Jazzy Fillyfoolers 245 members · 202 stories
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reader of the night
Group Admin

I am in the 1+ timezone.
And i am free from, lets see about 10 AM till 4PM.

Okay, so 4pm to 10pm my time if I've done my conversion correctly.
That's a pretty range of available times then.

901067 for me, after 4pm Eastern, so is that 3pm Central?

Indeed it is, So we'll probably aim to try and meet up at 4pm Central Time (5pm Eastern Time, 10am +1 Time zone, and I'm not sure what time zone's everybody is in, but I'm sure those aren't the only 3) and most likely start playing around 4:15-4:30 Central Time if Past experience is anything to go off.
I'll try to let the other guys know.

902771 Okie Doki Loki. I'll have to get my hands on the pathfinder version of barbarian. (Rage powers! How do they work?) and do all the math and stuff.

For background, I'm thinking obessed with vamponies (for no reason) and always carries blessed* garlic oil that can be ignited and thrown at suspected vamponies**

*assuming he wasn't scammed, again.
**suspects to be determined more or less randomly, possibly including other PC's (though I would probably allow him to be stopped by another PC with no difficulty)

How serious are we going to be anyway?

I'm a great believer in a healthy mix between goofy and serious.
In my IRL group, for example, our Healer Pippin split his time in a party (like the social gathering) about halfway between finding the passport papers we need to get off an island, and trying to get a princess drunk in order to get her in bed. (the end result was that we ended up with passage off the island, but not knowing where to go because Pippin ended up drunk in a stranger's room without telling the rest of us where he went.)
Even my own character will occasionally go on long winded tangents about how people she doesn't like/enemies we are fighting are fascist overlords, regardless of their actual political beliefs. (Jinx has a bit of a revolution/political activist theme, to the extent that she has a rank in the Craft Barricade Skill, and a literal soap box listed in her inventory.)
In short, joking around is fun, and if we aren't having fun playing, then what's the point? But we also to some extent have to take some of the plot seriously, otherwise nothing will ever go anywhere. And We're perfectly capable of advancing the plot while still goofing around and having fun.
The personality traits you've listed sound fine, so long as they don't get to the point of interfering with the plot at all times.

As for the barbarian powers, this Is the pathfinder Barbarian page. :twilightsmile:

902819 I wasn't going to give him any actual anti-vampony skills except "axe to the face" (an ever-present comfort in times of need).

Just a quick to be a little more interesting than class and race. More detail to follow.

Axe to the face is quite the useful skill in many situations.

Group Contributor

According to my calculations, 4-2=2 :twistnerd:
So that's 2:00 p.m. for Mr. Sunny California (me) which is perfectly fine on my part :pinkiehappy:

Uhhh, So apparently I'm a god damn idiot and figured Reader of the Night's available time span wrong.
Instead of starting being 4pm-10pm my time, it's 3am-9am my time. Just a tad different.
So I'm going to put it up to the group. I can manage it (except the week of my exam) but I'm going to put it up to the group. Knowing that our times would subsequently be in the range of 1am-7am to 5am-11am, does that work for people in general?
Also, Reader, are you positive there aren't any other times you can work?
I don't want to tell everybody they have to stay up all night if I don't have to, and I want to be as inclusive as possible.
This would be the issue with time zones...

905051 Did these time suddenly become 1am- whatever Sunday morning or Monday morning? I'm confused.

But I don't think 3 in the morning will work for me at any time, and Sunday morning (even daytime) isn't an option for me, I have work.

sunday morning.
I accidentally converted 10am from my time to reader's, instead of vice versa.
so it's sunday afternoon or no go for you? good to know, i'll keep you posted.

Group Contributor

Everything's getting all wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey :applejackconfused:

reader of the night
Group Admin

Hmm i could also do the evening.
So lets say, (my time) 7 PM till around 11 PM.

That'd work out almost perfectly.
My inclination is to say try meeting at 8pm Reader's time (2 jmartkdr's time, 1 my time) and going form there.
I'll warn you guys that Under this plan, you'd both miss an hour or so on the end of each session unless jmartkdr gets off work early, or Reader stays up late, but I've actually had a group do something similar, and it was actually really manageable. We'll just group consensus control the missing person't character (or conversely, you could each control the other person's character when they aren't there.)
If that sounds good to the both of you, then we'll have a great time set up, and I'll do absolutely everything I can to keep you guys from missing much that's super important, and everything i can to make this work for you guys. Fair?

Awesome, sorry to keep bothering you guys about this, and thanks for the willingness to compromise.

So! the official time for Pathfinder Equestria/PonyQuest will be 1pm Chicago time. (2pm east coast time, 8pm Reader/Tripl3M's time, 11am Terrasora's time, and possibly a few more that I can't think of offhand) on Sunday May 5th.

reader of the night
Group Admin

Ahh its alright man.
Time is set up and ready to roll.

Well, here it it!
T-1week until session number one!
I and PUMPED to see this happen, and i hope you guys are too.
for anybody who still has to, this is the link to the website we'll be using to run the session. register at your leasure, and come ready to play!
Also, You still have a week, but a brief back story for your character would be great.
Additionally, remember to send me the image file you want to use for your icon. (Or if you ask nicely, Acreu Ball may be willing to draw you a picture if you give him a brief description of your character and ask him nicely. Still, even if you opt for that route, be sure to have a backup picture on hand in case Acreu as other things on his hands and doesn't quite finish everything by Sunday)
Other than that I have nothing i could request!

(pssst. For those of you who want to join me in putting yourself in the mindset for epic fantasy, click here)

926409 Very good choice of music, Sir :moustache:

reader of the night
Group Admin

I may be joining in the evening, that day. the 5th of may, it is a national celebration of the Dutch.
Liberation day, and i am going to my hometown after a full year, the place where the libaration from the Germans was signed during WW2.
And i am going to bang my head until all i can feels is broken glass and nails under my skin and mosh my body until i am sour and beaten.
Also known as me having a good time when metal is involved.
We ussually stay around 6 or 8 PM.
So that would mean that i am home around 7 or 9 PM, guess i'm going to pull an night job on this one.

I hope you have fun at your concert.
And don't worry, if show up whenever you can, we have a few others who may be late as well, so it's no biggie. :twilightsmile:

reader of the night
Group Admin

I would hate to miss out on a thing like this.

Yeah, like i said, don't worry about it.
Even if you don't get home until 9PM, you'll still only be an hour late, and you won't be the only person showing up mid session anyway.

926409 Here goes:

Character name : Haymarket

Haymarket had a pretty typical upbring for an earth pony. He lived on a farm, harvested grain, feed the chickens, and did all the things farmcolts do. The homestead wasn’t the sort of place where adventures happened (except for the catching of frogs and whatnot) but news came to market along with vegetables, pots, spices and all the other things found there.

The next dutchy over, several days trot but still the same kingdom, did not have such a peaceful existence. They were overrun by an army of the dead. An army lead by... Vamponies.

At least, that’s what they said to Haymarket. And he made a choice that day, to do what it takes to make sure that never happens here. Unlike most boyhood pledges, this one stuck. He trained. He practiced. He got his hands on a lot of garlic.

His breath was legendary.

His brothers would take care or the farm. His sister would marry nice farmponies and have little foals of their own. He had made a vow. So had a lot of colts, but so many were forgotten when the fillies came around. Haymarket didn’t forget, though. And unlike so many, when he could, he set out into the world. To rid it of Vamponies.

(note that Haymarket does not have any particular vampony hunting skills... yet)


Earth Pony Barbarian 1

strength 15
dexterity 13
constitution 16 (14 +2 racial)
intelligence 8
wisdom 12
charisma 10

hit points 15
speed 40 feet
initiative +1
perception + 7
AC 15 (+4 armor +1 dex)
touch 11
flat 14

Fortitude +5 / +7 (+2 base +3 con / +2 raging)
Reflex +1 (+0 base +1 dex)
Will +3 / +5 (+0 base +1 wis +2 Iron Will / +2 raging)

Acrobatics +2 (+4 rank +1 dex -3 armor)
Perception +7 (+4 ranks +1 wis +2 Alertness)
Sense Motive +3 (+1 wis +2 Alertness)
Survival +5 (+4 rank +1 wis)
Swim +0 (+4 rank +2 str -6 armor)

base attack +1
Grapple +3,
Greataxe +3 (1d12 +3)

Feats: Alertness, Iron Will
Favored terrain: Urban (if not allowed, then Underground. Wherever the Vamponies are.
Equipment: Greataxe, Scalemail, garlic, about 25 gp worth of camping gear (how much detail do you want here?)

Is that good or do you need more detail somewhere? I also need to get my skype up and running if possible I know, but my home internet sucks so that might be an issue later, I'll try to work on it later this week.

Looks good.
I even get your stats! :raritystarry:
Urban's absolutely allowed as a choice for the favored terrain.
Everything looks great.
Let me know when you have skype up and running/send your icon picture over my way when you have a good one picked out.

935199 I still don't know how the hell a pony uses a greataxe (teeth, yes, but are their necks really that strong?) and does that count as two-handed wielding (for damage purposes?)

Somewhat like this?

And yeah, it still counts as two handed.
By and large I'm using Equestria for the setting, not to re-write all the mechanics.

Session one complete!
Status report
Level 2 acquired!
Mysterious unicorn seen!
Giant Timberwolves fought!
Shopkeeper friend made!
Cutie Mark Crusaders almost killed!

Player near death count: 7
Player death count: 0
DM Derp count: 3

Next Session: May 14th

952987 *applauds* Nearly killing the CMC.

Group Contributor

He had to put Rarity on standby. RARITY was supposed to save us :ajbemused:

Dude, don't joke about that man. Rarity'll kick your ass. :ajbemused:
You were fine without her!

Game session review:

Overall, I think we did pretty good for a new group that had no real idea who was coming to the table. No rules arguments, no bad attitudes. I think we all had fun, which is the main thing. :pinkiehappy:

Yes, the technically derpyculties. :derpytongue2: I had plenty myself; I will try to find a way to make flash run smoother by next time, that was a huge ass-pain for me and annoying for the rest of you I'm sure. I suspect a day of computer maintenance is in order. There were some skype hiccups as well, but overall I think that worked well enough once we got it going. :ajsmug:

The encounters were tough (maybe a little too tough) but that's just a matter of scaling to party size. I'm sure Preto will improve the plan for next time. Also, party needs a cleric. :twilightoops:

Overall, once we got going (and the dice became nice to us) we really kicked some butt and had fun! Can't wait to play again!

Speaking of; May 19th; is that Mother's Day (US)? Because if it is, I can't play.

Nope, mother's day is the 12th.
So another reason why next week is a no go. :derpytongue2:
As for heals, we won't be acquiring a cleric, but Kody's Paladin with Lay on Hands should do some to alleviate our healing issues.
And Vic's Druid will get cure spells, so we will get the ability to heal better, it just wasn't with us tonight.
As for fight difficulty, that's entirely my bad, for a couple reasons.
1: I was planning for a party of 7, not 4, hence the large enemy groups.
2: Historically I tend to plan out really easy fights. Almost too easy in fact, which I'm making a conscious effort to change in this campaign, because while the plot and characters are where I get a lot of fun, it's less interesting if we breeze through every single encounter.
3: We only had one primary combat character. Don't get me wrong, a party that consists only of strong melee fighters is not a good party. you absolutely need strikers like rogues and sorcerers, and leaders like bards and clerics for the party to function at its best, otherwise you're just a bunch of dudes with swords who crumple at the first obstacle that requires more complex strategy. But at lower levels especially, support classes like bards, or casting classes like sorcerers don't contribute quite as much damage to fights.
That said, I know we were gonna be deficiant a bit, so In hindsight, it was stupid of me not to go in beforehand and nerf the fights a bit, and i'm sorry it didn't occur to me to do that. :facehoof:

953446 The best fights are the ones where somebody almost dies, not the ones where you stop all the bad guys in a couple rounds. So don't nerf it too much.

Also, yeah, barbarians are way overpowered at first level, expect that to tone down fast. Our biggest problem was lack or healing or rest. I went into the second fight with less than half hit points (3 per night of rest out of 15 total) so I got dropped by one lucky roll... that'll go away as we gain levels and get a better sense of what everyone can do.

That said, I still say your crit on that giant wolf was frickin' awesome.
I said I wanted it to happen, and it did. It was like a gift from the role playing gods.
That said, basically every time I said "Please hit" the person would immediately miss. :trollestia:

Group Contributor

'Twas a fine quest! I took some morbid laughs out of watching everyone fall unconscious and when we seriously considered burning down Sweet Apple Acres. :rainbowlaugh:
And I think I'll leave my stats here, just in case I lose my character sheet (highly likely)

STR: 8 -1 (+1 basic attack bonus)
DEX: 17 +8 (+2 racial)
CON: 12 +1
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 12 -1 (-2 racial) [I has the dumbz sumtimes]
CHA: 13 +3 (+2 racial)

Sleight of Hand (1 rank)
Disable Device (2)
Intimidate (3)
Knowledge [Dungeoneering] (2)
Perception (2)

Enforcer - I can make an Intimidate check when I deal nonlethal damage. If it succeeds, the target is shaken for a number of turns equal to the damage I dealt. If I crit and the Intimidate check succeeds, the target is frightened for 1 turn and shaken for a number of turns equal to the damage I dealt.

Rogue Talent:
Slow Reactions: Enemies hit by my sneak attack can't make attacks of opportunity for 1 round.

reader of the night
Group Admin

I'l jump in the next game, due to circumstances and heavy metal festivals i couldn't make it.
Had a wall of death two times, it was fucking epic. :rainbowdetermined2:

Session Two:
Mission Abort due to technical failings including, but not necessarily limited to:
Preto's internet sucking.
Skype's voice chat hating everyone.
Google+'s voice chat hating everyone.
Google+ not wanting to load to the roll20 campaign.
Preto only hearing the first half of people's sentences even when voice chat does work.

Will reattempt in two weeks time.
Hopefully with better results.
Intending to abandon voice chat in favor of text chat.

So place your votes, would we rather use Roll20's built in chat feature, or skype's text chat.

Also, have an open slot, but in the interest of fairness, I'm going to offer it to people in the order in which they expressed interest, which is as follows.
1. E: a friend of Preto's offline.
2. A friend of Trips' whose name Preto has yet to receive.
3. P: a friend of Preto's offline, who has a fimfiction account, but Preto doesn't know the name.
4: anyone else who expresses interest, should such a person come up.

Apparently can't speak in complete sentences.

1005892overrated grammar is.

We should try rolld20 chat first and use Skype as alternate. Skype does work well enough, but multiwindows might be too much of a pain.

Can play on 26th until 5 pm.

three hours could be enough to finish up the quest.
If everybody else wants to meet up this Sunday to try and make up for the canceled session, then I'm certainly game.

So I'll leave it up to group majority.
Do we want to meet up on Sunday? Then resume the usual schedule?

Also, As we're going to do text chat, I've been thinking about ways to try and expedite this so we don't waste tons of time typing shit. Here's what I have.
If you're using your move action to move, just move on your turn, don't bother telling me that you're going to move.
As for your other actions, just say "Standard", "swift" or "move" before what you use that action for.
For example: "Standard: I'm going to attack Goblin 3 with my longsword"
It should help to keep things straight.
Also, use quotation marks if you're speaking in character. basic I know, but it bears saying.
Conversely, if we want to go heavier role playing, we could use parentheses for out of character speech. Any thoughts?
Lastly, if you want to make macros to shortcut lots of stuff, that wouldn't be a better idea, because it's a lot shorter to type out "#longsword" that "/r 1d20+5 Doing 1d8+2 on a hit".

Any other thoughts?

reader of the night
Group Admin

I like it.
Will try to get into this game.

1013424 so plan is to start 2pm EDT. (GMT -5) on Sunday. I'll be there.

Not a bad plan.
We needed you Acreu. :fluttercry:
How else can we go on without your ability to inspire courage?

In other news, we won't have her joining this Sunday, but an offline friend of mine'll probably be joining the following session. :yay:

Session 2 (redux) status report!
Killed Skeletons in the fog!
Were ambushed by Kobolds upon entering Draconia!
Were taken captive by those same Kobolds!
Discovered that Rainbow Dash in fact can fight! (defeated a group of 13 single hoffed)
Found new allies in the captives taken by the Kobolds?
Experience total: 1878
Next level at: 3300

Player near death count: 8
Player death count: 0
DM Derp count: 3

DM quest acquired: find more background music, and clean some of the bs music out of the jukebox.

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