The Jazzy Fillyfoolers 245 members · 202 stories
Comments ( 18 )
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Hey guys,
First time author here, I was wondering how one would go about getting a story approved to be in this group. You're all a wonderful bunch of writers, and I was wondering what the procedure was for all of that.
I've been working on a couple of projects I intend to post eventually, and to alleviate my guilt at procrastination, I decided to sit down and write a short one-shot fic about Vinyl Scratch. Now, because I've followed this group from pretty much its inception, though never took an active part, I naturally thought of it as a good community to ask for advice and possibly a place to put my story. I haven't made any action towards submitting it to the site at all, because I'm the least bit paranoid I'm going to screw something (or everything) up.
I know its a lot to ask, but I was wondering if someone might look over my attempt for me and offer tips and advice. It's only about 3,500 words, and I'd really appreciate it somebody helped out.
Thanks so much, you guys are awesome,

1255603 accomplish these points for adding your story to this group:
A) you're a writer
B) it contains following ponies: Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, both in each other.
C) your story is approved by the Fim mods
D) you figured out how to add a story to a group.

now follow these hard and very complicate steps and you'll get your story in the Jazzy Fillyfoolers.

P.S.: what's is about it? what help or something?

I'm sorry, that wasn't very clear. I was wondering if somebody might (fingers crossed) pre-read for me, or at least look it over and tell me I'm not a terrible writer. Or the opposite, as the case may be.

Group Contributor

I wouldn't mind giving it a look. At least until one of the actual editors gets in. As for 'approval'... Well, there really isn't any guide line to it. You just have to be a member of the Jazzy Fillyfoolers.

Not to be yet another in a long list of pre-reader offers, I'd be more than willing to take a look if you'd like.
I can't offer much as far as editing, nor much advice from the perspective of an author, but if I were to figure it out by the hour, I've probably spent more time in my life reading than anything else, so I could possible be able to give advice on any worries you have about your flow, pacing, ect.
It'd be the least I could do given how much the community's given me.

Thank you guys so much for replying, I really appreciate it!
Anyway, should I just message you guys what I have through the fimfiction system?

reader of the night
Group Admin

Gimme gimme gimme.

I can do that.

reader of the night
Group Admin

I couldn't just not re-read step B.

it contains following ponies: Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, both in each other.

In each other.
I don't think that that is absolutely needed but it would help. :twilightblush:

Group Contributor

I have to go with Scribble on this one. Are you using Google Docs? We would be able to leave comments on specific parts if you are; it just makes everything a little easier.

I could put it on a Google Doc, I guess. One sec.

Thanks so much for your feedback! Anyway, I changed the GDocs settings so anyone can comment, like you said. I think I probably will decide to continue this universe, if the criticism you guys gave me was any indication. I am very tempted to do so, although I'm currently working on another fic right now as well.

To answer your other question, I've never really written in an official capacity before, other than stuff for school, but I am really interested in doing more now. I did choose the dialogue format as a stylistic choice, but after reviewing it, I probably will make some small changes.
Thanks for the awesome feedback (and the ego boost XD)

Group Contributor

On my way to read it.

Really!? Thanks so much! :raritystarry:
It's actually posted now (my only story), so if you want to check it out there, that'd be cool to!

Group Contributor

I'm already looking through it. :twilightsmile:

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