The Jazzy Fillyfoolers 245 members · 202 stories
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Gliss is best pony. Discuss.

P.S. This forum is so deserted and barren... Oh, and we're one member away from 125. Yay.

P.P.S. I bought myself a Paddington bear. Well, technically, I bought it for my son, but damn, I never had one as a kid. He's so cute!

No she's not. She is the imagined perverted pony of IJAB who is also a perverted pony (I mean this in the best possible way). And as far as I can tell she is quite the horrible pony. I mean, she enjoy's braking ponies hearts. That's evil. I mean sure, have all the sex you want, be polygamous, have an open relations with many, but don't take joy from crushing others.

And I think this is why the bonies like her, she's cruel. She'll play with your heart and then tear it out. And that's what you want for some reason or another. Or perhaps you just like a woman who sleeps around and who'll have sex with you. I don't know.

But I do know this, she is not best pony. She is not even best OC, or even OOC. She is the bottom of the barrel OC. Not created in anyone's image, just created for the sake of a story.

Perhaps the worst reason for creation.

So no, she is not best pony. Not even close.

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She... is... what? She just plays rock'n'roll in a garage band... with her bandmates... Gliss. Glissando Philarmonica Scratch. You know? From ITAF?

Not Exie. Gliss.

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Psyche from University Days is best OC...
That is all.

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He's nice, but not by far the best I've seen, really.

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Urgh, you OC-readers and your... OC... reading.

I may have to start reading Fallout:Equestria or Chess Game of the Gods fics just to see what all this OC business is about.

Sorry, really should read better. Um... I guess I like her. Except I really don't like the whole "Rock & Roll is the voice of the young", then there's the whole the constant having sex. Like she's what? 16? Don't think it's the best for her to have sex. Also what's with the horn condoms, thought you went a bit wrong with that. Slightly stupid.

But the character's fine, if a bit swichy with her emotions and having a slight case of "YOU DON"T UNDERSTAND ME MUMs! THIS IS THE 50's and Rock and Roll will set us free."

reader of the night
Group Admin

Ahhh, an intresting way to jumpstart this forum.
As in, pretty ... well, doing this is quite common ... no common is not the right word, this way is so barren that Diogenes himself would be proud, at least if that cynical bastard could feel any pride.
But lets start this conversation for (redacted) sake.
Now i wouldn't go so far as labeling her as best pony (but that i quite hard, i mean, go to an icecream parlor and someone says, you can only pick one and you will stick with that choice for an X amount of time, i am quite in love with blueberry yogurt but hazelnut and strawberry are delicious as well)
Of course these flavors have to be well made, good flavor is hard to come by these days. I don't care what anyone says, having good taste is a horrible burden to have these days.
As for the thingy about Gliss.
Well i like that hot blooded teen, and her errors are understandable with her age, i mean, what do we seek when we are 16?
Acceptance? succes? a brighter future? who do you fight for, yourself or the world? I tell ya, if i would ever meet her in the flesh, then i am sure that she would reek of idealism.
But, i like idealistic people, although i am saddend that their illusions will be popped and that later on in life they will look back and say: These dissapointments are not what i expected them to be.
But the world needs hopes and dreams to get send in the meatgrinder, hopefully a few of them get though.
But yes, what do we seek when we are sixteen.
Most of those hot blooded teens do not seek what i seek now.
But so is life, experience is needed to gain, in person, advice or inspiration.
I have the feeling that if Gliss is not carefull that she will learn a lot quite fast.
Then again, Gliss and carefull, lets hope that she will not drown in the flood of experience and hope that she can turn the tide with knowledge during the pounding of the flood.
So yeah, i like Gliss, she's just another teen, not their leader, not the chosen one, just another one.

reader of the night
Group Admin

Acceptance is hard to come by.

(As It's not so interesting to have a discussion wherein everyone takes the same side, I'm going to go ahead and play devil's advocate for a bit.)
I submit for consideration that Gliss is best pony by virtue of her nature as a flawed character.
Gliss, to me, seems to have a tendency not to think things through. This causes her to immediately run with whatever solution to a problem immediately presents itself. For better or for worse, and often for worse, Gliss won't think through the consequences of her chosen action, and is therefor surprised when said consequences come and bite her in the rear.
Gliss is slightly stubborn so, regardless of the viability of her chosen action, she will always see that initial solution through to its conclusion, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that this is not working to solve her problem.
Gliss is also, as Reader has stated above, idealistic. She is smart and observant enough to recognize issues in her society, and doesn't want to leave them be, hence her tendency to run into situations headlong without thinking them through.
This all adds together into a believably flawed character. Her heart is in the right place so I, as a reader, identify with her and want to see her succeed. Her flaws, however, lead her plans to work out differently than she hopes, and do so in a believable way. The flaws are consistent with her established personality, so it feels like the same character I root for because of her idealism. When she succeeds, I celebrate with her. When she fails, I weep for her. All without straining my willing suspension of disbelief.
Gliss is best pony because of her potential. She has flaws that will realistically affect her struggles within the context of the story, forcing her to learn from her failures and grow as a person, which are ultimately the aspects of a character that lead to a good story.

reader of the night
Group Admin

I like it.
A lot of this is what i had in mind but couldn't really put in text. (i blame the booze)
I quess that we can say that Gliss in a young one, a young one with potentional but she has and will learn the teachings of the world and life.
Potentional is a great thing, but its not a free ticket towards succes.
She will learn this soon.

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1483923 1482937 1483735
Oh dear, Josh did in fact say 'best pony', didn't he? We are currently taking part in a discussion over one of the burning issues of the fandom:

Who is best pony?

I, for one, am going to play a very safe route for now and say that Fluttershy deserves the title of best pony.
My arguments may be rather boring, but each of them will hold true when tested. Fluttershy is by far the sweetest pony ever written, whether in canon or otherwise. I hardly need to write down her good qualities as those who are gathered here are already well aware of them. She is kind and does all of the things that this kindness would entail.
Yet, I feel that this kindness alone is not enough to warrant the title of 'best pony'. Most ponies in contention for said title are kind in there own way.
No, what sets Fluttershy apart from the rest is her diffident nature and, more importantly, her ability to overcome shyness. There are many people, both within the fandom and without, who could learn from this example. Fluttershy is quiet and reserved but grows to understand that it is okay to voice your opinion and be assertive, even when others may not agree or when faced by someone with an iron will (see what I did there?).
But Fluttershy learns the difference between being assertive and being downright mean (again, I feel that I don't have to go into specifics). More important to me, however, is her reaction to this. Fluttershy hides away because of her mistake. She literally locks herself in her home and tries to stay away from her friends.
Again, a feeling that I and many others can relate to.
Yet, Fluttershy truly learns what she had done wrong and, more importantly, what she had done right. She found the balance between assertiveness and pompousness; a balance that everyone must learn in order to get anywhere in this world.
That wonderfully shy pegasus serves as a role model for all of those people who hide a passion for something but simply can't get words out. Fluttershy is best pony.


But you must ask yourself this: What plot potential is there within Fluttershy's personality?
Every episode about Fluttershy Is directly related to one of two things: her relationship another pony (usually Rainbow Dash) or her own inherent shyness. (Hurricane Fluttershy, Dragonshy, the episode with Iron Will which has a title that currently escapes me)
I submit for consideration that Fluttershy's inflexibility in the plots that she can meaningfully contribute to limits her suitability for the title of "Best Pony".

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1482937 My kindergarden class had a Paddington bear, and each week one of us got to take him home and write about our experiences with him in a little journal they gave us. Best week ever, sans doubt.

reader of the night
Group Admin

I can always relate with dear old Flutters.
Always have seen myself as a bit of an mix of Pinks and Flutters with of course a nice touch of being myself.
As for best pony.
Ice cream man, ice cream.

Group Contributor

I'll admit that it's a well made point, but it is also a point that can be made for the other Mane Six. Twilight has to overcome her fear of failure, Applejack has to overcome her workaholism, Rainbow Dash has to overcome her boasting nature, Pinkie's vice is her over-energetic nature that leads her to jump to conclusions, Rarity's is her elegance and care for pomp and circumstance. Their episodes focus around these problems because, as you pointed out, the flaws are consistent with their characters. I will go a step further and say that their flaws define their characters.
Now, in regards to plot potential, I'd imagine that Fluttershy, like all of the other characters, will have to continue to push her boundaries. We'll see the growth of her character as Flutters will probably confront another pony (my money's on it being Rainbow Dash) and probably cause a change in them that will be meaningful, but at heart she will always be that shy pony that we saw in episode one.
It's not inflexibility. It's just who Fluttershy is. :yay:

You make an excellent point sir, however, there is a difference at a very basic level between the fear of failure and inescapable shyness, the fear of failure can be brought on by virtually any task one can conceive (failing to report in on time, failure to prevent some disaster, failure to fit in, failure to unravel some mystery), whereas shyness is defines the issue from the get go (fluttershy is unable or unwilling to confront a person, and must overcome that unwillingness.)

The stupid thing here is that in playing devil's advocate, I've condemned myself to argue against my actual favorite character.:facehoof:

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But that's not entirely true. While confronting a single character will likely play a large role in future Fluttershy episodes, shyness is not limited to one-on-one character interaction. Hurricane Fluttershy is a prime example of this.
In fact, Hurricane Fluttershy has little to do with shyness per say. It's more about overcoming the past as Flutters had to get rid of the taunting in her head that said that she couldn't fly. Meaning that shyness isn't the single way that the writers can play off of Fluttershy's character.
However, I digress slightly from my point in saying that there are various ways to introduce shyness. Inability to speak to someone else, inability to perform in front of people, and inability to take charge of a situation to name just a few.

Group Contributor

Gliss is not Littlepip.

Gliss could become best pony, she has enough potential to become a truly trancendant iconoclast that leads Equestria's culture into a new, more open and honest age where love, not the trappings thereof, is the highest standard ponies hold themselves to. Love can conquer many things, and only with love can any species grow greater than our previous selves.

BUT this is still only potential; Gliss could just as easily,nay more easily, fail to become anything more than another whiny entitled teen angsting all over the place while accomplishing exactly shit. And that's not the worst fate; she could fall into one of her mothers' traps and never escape. She dodges between the pits and snares, knowing of danger but not the shape of it, too blinded by her own pointless rage to really select her own path, aiming for a target even she cannot name.

She will land, one day, somewhere. And when she does, a great cloud of dust and smoke will block the sun, and then it will clear. Then we will know the true Gliss, and we may even see the best pony. But right now, she is high in her arc, and heaven knows not where she shall come down.

Group Contributor

You will start reading Fo:E now. *Waves hand*

Well, when I was sixteen, I f:yay:cked around all the time as if there were no tomorrow. We were all that way, I suppose. Gliss is all right: she has sex with only one pony.

I applaud you, sir. No, really. I clapped my hands IRL.

When I said, "Gliss is best pony", I didn't mean "the best of the best". I just wanted to lighten up the forum a little. And yes, Fluttershy is incredibly cute. :yay:

You are one lucky guy, Bandy. I never went to kindergarten: I learnt silly things like fencing and horse riding instead. :ajsleepy:

Ice cream is best pone.

With one sentence, you have ruined the whole point of this thread. But really, I didn't mean "the best of the best". I just wanted to have something to talk to on this Forum, for it's kinda forlorn or something.

This is deep. Thank you. I shall take this into consideration.

reader of the night
Group Admin

Well that's not really what i meant with it but i can go with it.

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I would discuss some things as well because I could see myself enjoying it, but I have no Internet and am on my phone. Of course that happens right when people start postin threads.

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That's irony. Irony sucks.

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