The Jazzy Fillyfoolers 245 members · 202 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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Group Admin

So I feel that I have been sort of a week link in this group. I feel like I have literally only contributed with a name and some words in a title? Intro? The thing you see when you enter the group.

So here I am throwing some damn music on this thread, hoping to get to know some the many, MANY members... sorta like a father who finds out he has a bunch of kids and now he wants to meet them.

So what ya say? I would like to talk to y'all and get to learn about your music tastes and all sorts of stuff.

I put up some music, so please put up a taste of your musical preferences :twilightsmile:

Group Contributor

This group is dead, mate.

Group Admin

Why? We have so many members. It can be revived all Frankenstein style.:raritywink:

reader of the night
Group Admin

Not really, it had it time but the intrest has faded.
It was a good run but even i hardly browse this place anymore, its more of an archive now, not an active hub.
Also your turning this entire thread into a music thread with mostly youtube links and hardly any discussion since almost noone will take the time to listen to all the songs posted and discuss about it since they are all opinions containing personal taste.

Group Admin

I just wanted to meet some of the members... I mean, I helped create this place in my small way... but I judt feel like I never did anything. I kinda make something and then abandons it:fluttercry:

I wanted to do more on here, I just never got the time or motivation and I feel bad for it:ajsleepy:

reader of the night
Group Admin

Sometimes its time to let go and enjoy something for what it is, not for what could have been.

Group Admin

I am glad for what it became... I just wish I could have done more...:fluttercry:

reader of the night
Group Admin

Eh, you set it up.
Sounds enough to me.
There is always something that can or could be done extra.
If you always worry about these could have been extra's then worry and stress will weight you down.

Group Admin

You're right. I'm sorry about making a fuss about it. I guess having a failed story and all this school stuff is tearing on me. I'm sure you know how that is. Also Ruirik isn't answering me for some reason and I don't know why.

Group Admin

Especially the first thing. I can now imagine how Josh might have felt when he released "My little Tavi".:ajsleepy:

I can understand hate and bias, but man why don't they just ignore it then?

reader of the night
Group Admin

Because everyone has their flaws.
And there are a lot of people here.

Group Admin

Yeah I guess you're right... Something to lighten the mood perhaps? I just bought a bottle of single malt scotch:twilightsmile:

Group Admin

I'm certainly planning to:twilightsmile:
It's just not really a good thing to drink on a monday night as a student... well I already had a glass and that's it. Tastes amazing XD

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