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Eagle Heart
Group Admin

Here ye, here ye! Our kind and generous leaders hath bestowed upon us regulations that must we must abide! Lords Eagle Heart and Late Registrator hath been given authorative power amongst the people to enforce these laws!

Law the first!: If it is not in relation to any of the royal members, take it somewhere else where it be welcome.

Law the second!: Be respectful of your fellows, or else the wrath of love and toleration be rained down upon thee! Any ill-will toward other members can and will be able to be dealt with by any authorative figure. If thou hast any complaints about a specific member, thou mayest contact any administrator by way of private message.

Law the third!: Spam will not be tolerated under any circumstance, and will be met with one warning. Said warning will be a bag of dog feces lit on fire and laid upon thine doorstep. A second offense shall lead to a ban from our organization.

Law the fourth!: Arguments of which of the royal family is better than the other, will be ended swiftly. Though it is permitted to speak of which is thine favorite. Any offenders shall be sent to the dungeon where they must relearn to love and tolerate... by any means necessary.

If any of these laws should be broken, thou will be let off with a warning. On thine second offense, thou shalt receive a strongly worded warning. On thine third offense thou will be punished. On thine fourth offense... there is no fourth offense!

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