World War Bronies 734 members · 129 stories
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German Empire meets Equestria, I have been working on ideas for a potential story.
Here's what I've got currently.

1. The link between the two worlds is a portal of sorts, (whether the initial contact is caused by going throught the portal first or the portal appears afterwards can be debated)

2. the portal is or will eventually be of reasonable size, for this to work i estimate that the portal needs to be large enough for ships and possibly planes to go though, (again whether this portal is always open or it can be manipulated with can be debated)

3. The portal should be in the sea, putting on the land causes a number of diplomatic, economic and social issues in both short and long term.

4. Germany makes first contact or is the first to be contacted. (depends on who arrives and or leaves) so the portal should be close in proximity to the German Empire

I put the portal in the German Bight, southeast of Heligoland

5. I considered that if Germans are the first to cross the barrier, then It could be made interesting by the sudden disappearance, and sudden appearance of a small German flotte, around this area in 1906.

6. Why 1906? A few reasons being Kaiser Wilhelm II and the navel race between the German Kaiserliche Marine and the British Royal Navy

7. As for the ship that disappeared I figured it to be something like this

One German Fleet

Lost in German Bight, August 1906
1 Königsberg class Light Cruiser: SMS Königsberg
1 Imperial German Yacht: SMY Hohenzollern II
1 German Crown Prince Wilhelm

And he would be our main (German) pov character for some part of the story

Crown Prince Wilhelm

Wilhelm on the SMY Hohenzollern

How livid would Kaiser Wilhelm II when his son and heir apparent just disappears along with the Hohenzollern Yacht, and the SMS Königsberg.

There would be many an angry letter to George the Fifth, when the Kaiser thinks its the UK's doing

One of the issues that prince wilhelm will need to solve is preventing an Anglo german war from breaking out due to "I'm missing, presumed dead, and Britain may be responsible " circumstances

As for the official Eqestria/Kaiserreich meeting between Kaiser Wilhelm II and Princesses Celestia and Luna. We can assume some things will occur.

Mutual Recognition of the nations of The German Empire and The Co-Principality of Equestria

An agreement of about the trading of knowledge between the worlds
(at this point I'd like to point out that the rest of Europe is going to expect an official World summit with equestrian representatives to take place)

Perhaps some sort of exchange system between universities in Germany and Equestria.
(Twilight Sparkle, Proud Graduate of The Humboldt University of Berlin)

Procedures for the travel, residing, and immigrating of ponies to and from Germany and vice versa. (Visit Beautiful Germany Today for a change of scenery) (Equestria might become the new big tourist spot for Germans)

Trading agreements between the Kaisereich and Equestria. (Given the portals location, Germany will be Equestria's #1 importer of goods, and Germany's economic sphere in china just became mostly redundant.)

Treaties allowing Germany to construct: an Embassy in Canterlot, an economic trading concession on equestria's coast (wherever the portal on equestria's side is, maybe baltimare? Somewhere else?) as well as allow Equestria to have its own legation in Berlin, and it's own trading on Heligoland.
(That island's importance to the German Empire is on the rise)

Edit: I've determined the location for the German Trading port

I assume that there might be a plan for Germany to supply Equestria with specialists and experts as well as allow Pony Experts to study German Tech for industrialization purposes.

If Equestria is going to keep other great powers from reducing it to european colonial possesions (a scramble for Equestria, has a nice ring to it), it will look to the german empire to modernize both its economy and it's military
(Equestria will most likely have quite a few orders to german arms factories)

A German-Equine non-aggression pact

And many other things that will shape these two worlds future.

(Insert photoshopped picture of this meeting here)

It would probably be a good idea to make sure that Kaiser Wilhelm Doesn't do anything he's gonna regret on this trip, he doesn't have a good track record on being a diplomatic person. I assume that Crown Prince Wilhelm will be the most knowledgeable Person for the job since he's gonna spend the better part of a month or so in equestria,so it'll be up to him to set the diplomatic groundwork.

As for Where this takes place.
Crown Prince Wilhelm, by the time this is brought up, will has no objections to it being in equestria, and a state visit to equestria by all european leaders will eventually happen. Although, Wilhelm II might be skeptical on traveling to stranges lands.
So I think that Wilhelm III would have already sat down with the princesses anyway, and they would have this meeting in Germany. After which the kaiser might have a state visit.

3748264 there are things like Nazi's meet Equestria, such as with Bismarck.

For the economic and diplomatic effects this would have on Europe, that depends on how the great powers take the sudden arrival of a new world.

I assume every head of state will have to make an official press speech about Equestria and it's natives once it makes the front page. (If a portal to another planet doesn't make the front page of every paper, I don't know what would)

So it will be up to those groups of men to shape Human-Pony relation for decades depends on their take of it.

Would Europe see them as viable trade partners and potential citizens, as strange beings that aren't like us but are tolerable, or as animals that will be persecuted.

To the British, such an event might bring Britain's global dominance into question. The sun may never set on the British Empire, but Princess Celestia controls it. Britannia rules the waves, but now the Royal Navy only sails upon half of them. The Empire might span a fourth of the world, but Germany has one in their back pocket. To the other great powers, Germany is dominating the Equestrian market. Britain would, at least, want to make their presence known and get a share of the market (It's china all over again to them), to make sure that these ponies know the might of Great Britain. His majesty, George V isn't one to take a no from colorful taking ponies lightly. (better watch out when the Royal Navy arrives on the scene)

(It should also be noted that the British now regret handing Helgoland over in the Helgoland-Zanzibar Treaty)

France would see its old enemy exploiting the Equestrians, and it's up to the French Republic to protect them from the Germans. While French companies might make its way into Equestria, I see them gaining more prominence with other races and ponies such as the Prench (since 1907) and the Gryphons (since 1910). Even then, France will probably not treat them as equals for a while.

Of course, to Germany, being more than tolerate to their new neighbors (Puns :P ) is expected, the crown prince respects them, chances are the kaiser does (eventually).

Not only will most of the Equestrian trade be with Germany (Equestria might get a Zollverein invitation), Equestria will also become more industrialized with German help and German goods.

I expect there will need to be a Bit-GoldMark exchange rate.

Since the portal is so nearby, I have no doubt that both Europeans and Equestrians will travel between the worlds and maybe even settle down. With the way certain regions are in Germany, Some ponies might travel/immigrate to certain areas in greater numbers

The Pony population will obviously be higher for the areas of Hamburg, Bremen, and Helgoland, being closer to the portal. Berlin will also gain a Pony Minority (because it's the capitol)

Now for The different Pony types and their places in Germany

Unicorns: Their high intellect and pursuit of knowledge puts them into professions of Scientists, Professors, Business Owners, Merchants. They would have greater numbers in cities such as Hamburg, Cologne, Berlin, and Munich. There also is a growing number of unicorns who participate in the stock exchanges in Frankfurt and Berlin. Expect a number of unicorn students and professors (soon) in Germany's Universities such as Leipzig, Königsberg, and Marburg. Unicorns ability to utilize Magic* also would have them working for the German Government in R & D
*(I still need to work on the subject of magic and it's effects on society)

Earth Ponies: Their strength and skills with plants and animals make them renowned in Europe's agriculture sector. With larger populations in Pomerania, East Prussia, and West Prussia. While some earth ponies come to Germany to establish farms, many settle to work on the Large Prussian Junker Plantations or study Europe's advances in mechanized farming

Pegasi: Their flight and cloud manipulation* capabilities have them appearing across the nation in many careers. The largest employer of Pegasi is the Kaiserliches Postamt with its new Luft-Post service. The Luft-Post allows the transfer of letters and packages across the nation and to countries of: Switzerland, Luxembourg, Austria-Hungary (Austria Proper and Bohemia-Moravia only), and Denmark as well as Neu Königsberg via Pegasi. Their expertise in flight has put them at the forefront of aero development. Sizable Pegasi communities exist mainly in Southern Germany, with higher altitude settlements in Bavaria and Wurttemberg.

(The issue of Pegasi and their ability to control weather is also something I need to cover. I'll say that they can move clouds, but creating other weather effects, like floating cloud fortresses capable of reducing a good amount of Europe to rubble, will have to be a no)

This is all that I have worked out currently. (It's actually quite a lot, when I look at it all)
If you like my ideas, or have some story ideas yourself, then please contribute.

Would portals open up anywhere else in the world?
Do other nations in Equestria's world make contact?
What is the reaction of the British and the French? Depending on the timeframe, this could result in a battle for influence or Equestria and other nations being dragged into WWI.
Does colonization of places such as Africa effect relations?
Does Equestria join the Central Powers (which was established in 1879).
A German Empire story? Can't wait:pinkiehappy:! Always had a soft spot for the Imperial Germany (dunno why. Maybe its because everyone prefers the Brits).

Looks like something I will enjoy, I'll give it a read if you make it.

3748269 While, there are a number of Equestria and humankind meet during WW2 stories, this could be different as it wouldn't be Equestria being on either side during World War Two or a few Allied or Axis soldiers get stuck in Equestria. Rather it would be how the appearance of Equestria changes the balence of power in Europe. Hell their very appearance might cause the Great War.

3748264 I'll give it a read if you make it. But one suggestion; Have an industrial revolution occur in Equestria with a huge arms race suddenly spouting up in their world between Equestria and the other nations as a result of the industrialization. In fact you could make that be the catalyst for an alternate WW1 with France and Britain fighting against each other and what not.

1. I've considered more portals showing up, but for a decent period, maybe a year or two, the only portal would be the German Bight one.

2. Yes, The Great Powers aren't going to let Germany keep another dimension all to itself. (The portals location will hamper their effectiveness)
Think of China when considering Europe and Equestria. (see Unequal Treaty for more lol) They may have more influence in the other Non-Equestria areas. It's a battle for Economic control and even territory when it comes to France and Britain (Scramble for Equestria)

3. Colonial possesions may very well cause strains in Diplomatic Relations.
(Germany is looking like a better option here, fewer colonies than the rest and generally better conditions for the people in them)

4. The pressure brought on by the Entente and Germany's help to Equestria will probably drive Equestria into the Central Powers camp. It might take a while for that to happen though.

Oh how I can't wait for Equestria to be thrusted into the affairs of Europe or as I like to call it in this time period a clusterfuck.

Also please don't let the scramble for equestria turn into something like the opium wars.

Maybe later make Equestria like Japan in terms of rise to power.

3748325 An industrialization of Equestria will likely occur. With German support (in technical skill), the need for Industry (Spears aren't going to cut it in the 20th century), and the aid of magic to make the transition easier, Equestria, much like japan, will become on par with Europe in industrial, and therefore, military capability. Whether or not the Great powers will aid or attempt to slow industrialization, (much like china), is the key factor there.

3748390 It won't be like the opium wars. For one, Germany is already on the path of working with Equestria (no blockading for you, Royal Navy). Two, it will be less like cutting Equestria up and more like the rest of Europe grabbing what's left (They'll still try to get those ports though, can't let Germany have all of the market.). Three, I just stated that the hope for Equestria is to pull a Japan and match Europe industrially. Four, I doubt Europe's ability to intimidate Equestria like they did for China, most likely they will attempt a repeat of the Unequal Treaties and will fail since Celestia can understand what such treaties would do to the economy. (Mess it up really badly, if you wanted to know)

It's still gonna be a "Clusterfuck," if not more, so there's that to enjoy watching. (There will be a lot of Butthurt, Unemployed Diplomats who get Royal Canterlot Voiced out of a DIMENSION.)

3748542 Thank you kindly Good Sir

I'll continue putting up these blocks of text as it helps story development greatly

Here is the list of characters I currently plan to have in the story (need a name)

Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm - our main character. Kronprinz Wilhelm will have to be the initial representative of the German Kaiserreich, the German people, and humankind to the Co-Principality of Equestria and Ponykind. After three days of being stuck in Equestria and some talks with the princesses, He returned to stop a war from breaking out. After which he announced the existence of another dimension filled with sentient ponies and untapped resources and exploitable economies.*

*(it should be noted that he didn't say anything past the ponies part, but Europe was already taking the hint)

Kaiser Wilhelm II - Emperor of Germany and father of Friedrich Wilhelm. Kaiser Wilhelm almost causes a war to break out over the disappearance of his son. Calmed down some when Kronprinz Wilhelm showed up three days later (with a world of ponies and deity like princesses as well). The Kaiser has since accepted the facts (mostly), heeded his sons words and had Germany become the first human nation to recognize the Co-Principality.

Princesses Celestia and Luna - The dual monarchs of the Co-Principality of Equestria. After the portal opening of 1906, They began to modernize with German Support. They were approached by many nations before, during, and after the Geneva World Summit in the winter of 1906. Most of these nations offers treaties and trade agreements. Almost every treaty was so unfair that the only Great Powers that Equestria has formal diplomatic relations with are:
Germany (There is still no suprise here),
The United States (Roosevelt gave the Great White Fleet the privilege of gracing Manhatten),
Great Britain (sent a fleet with less goodwill than the U.S. one on their third attempt),
Japan (after 1909) (the Japanese are in the same boat when it comes to Europe),
and Russia (doesn't really have a way of harming Equestria)

-The Co-Principality of Equestria

The Mane Six - the six elements became good friends with the Kronprinz during his 'stay' in Equestria. They didd various things once the Helgoland Portal opened again.

Princess Twilight Sparkle - Twilight was more than curious about the other world, more than the Kronprinz could satisfy so he offered her the opportunity to study at the Univeristy of Berlin. Twilight would later take up the role of Human-Equestrian relations Minister for the Co-Principality, allowing her to travel across the world.

Rainbow Dash - She was first of the elements that meet the Kronprinz after Celestia tasked the group to investigate the surge of magic off the east coast. The German visitors were more than perplexed by the existence of such flying creatures. Rainbow Dash is currently working with the German Army and a Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin in the development of flight technology. Her work can be summed up as "Sure it works, but it could be Faster And Cooler." (Rainbow Dash 1910)

Rarity - while the Kronprinz's arrival was surprising, her surprise was in Wilhelm's outfit and its" atrocious plainness". To which Wilhelm said "You and my father will get along just fine," to no one in particular. Rarity's travel did, in fact, amaze her with Berlins architect and the finely uniformed Germans. After Berlin, she traveled to Europe's centers of Art and Fashion: Paris, Rome, Vienna, London. She then introduced European Society to Equestria.

Fluttershy - the embodiment of kindness initially found the Humans to be frightening (not much of a surprise here), She eventually warmed to the Kronprinz, yet she would be wary of Kaiser Wilhelm II for long after their first meeting. She also, almost singe-hoovedly, caused the British King to reflect on his methods "Listen here, King George, having a big navy doesn't give you the right to run the world." (Fluttershy, 1915) Fluttershy continued her work of kindness with both the German and the newly formed Equestrian Red Cross Organization.

Pinkie Pie - the connecting of the two worlds saw pinkie pie roam across Europe, meeting the leaders of the world (and still appearing in the most unexpected places, unannounced). Her actions reinforced the fact that Pinkie Pie breaks the laws of physics for Two Dimensions as no human scientist can determine how she does it. Pinkie's actions of spreading joy we're meet with approval by many. For the worlds Governments, there was nervousness over pinkie and her ability to appear at any place at any given time as well as tell about any government's classified information. Many intelligence organizations got more funding and more than a few secrets were secured a tad bit more. "Hmmm . . seems like Britain is making tanks, I wonder what that is?" (Pinkie Pie, 1917)

Applejack - the hardworking, honest farm pony showed reluctance in trusting the German Prince, "Ya'll think that this human Germane 'noble' would come here with his fancy ships for no reason." After no malevolent intentions arose, Applejack found reassurance as well as trust due to the Prince's lack of pomp that she expected of him. When the worlds connected, Applejack went to Germany with the rest of the elements and observed the Agricultural Innovations of the human world. Ever the traditional mare, Applejack was reluctant to accept the need for technological advancement in Agriculture. She did however, eventually see the need to transfer Equestria from a farming nation to one of industry if it was to keep up with the likes of Europe. Under the advise of President Roosevelt (who she became good friends with), she took a trip to America and found a number of resemblances between certain areas and cities in the U.S. and Equestria. "In some places, it was nothin but little bits of home, in other places, it was near uncanny." (Applejack, 1909)

Ok that's the current main characters and what they will be up to. as always I am open to suggestions and questions (seriously, do ask, it helps me write more)

Also let it be known that this is the main character list, not all of them, these are just the ones we will follow for the story. there is still plenty more people and ponies to populate these planets and a plethora of P-words to punctuate. (unintended repetition)



........ . . . . . .

(There will be Lyra)

Also a question to everyone.

The current portal is obviously advantageous to Germany and Germany Alone, so I plan to have more portal open a year after the initial one.
Something to keep it fair (fair enough) to the other nations.

Where do you think other portals should be and where would they go to
(In the sense of what would be around the portal and less of where geographic wise)

I'm curious how Celestia and Luna's abilities would work in this verse. Because if they are magically or physically powerful enough to serve as multi-shot nuclear weapons in the early 1900s, they would basically drop-kick Equestria up to world power level almost instantly as soon as anyone found out what they could do. I seriously suspect that the Brits and Frenchies wouldn't be stupid enough to piss off the being that can move around the sun and moon.

I think having one turn up near Hiroshima would be very interesting. Especially once the Japanese realize that Celestia, at least in Equestria, is basically their goddess of the sun Amaterasu. I suspect they would probably flip out, maybe act with hostility, maybe not.

3752431 interesting, we do need one in the pacific and having it in the Sea of Japan would suit me well. It would be interesting to see the Princesses Celestia and Luna (would the Japanese have translated names?) meeting the emperor, the supposed descendant of the sun goddess herself. I feel like, while their powers as Sun and Moon deities are going to have them be revered as such but not the actual Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi since in the human realm, they can't really control the sun (they have noted that they don't have to but nobody knows), but their magic abilities are still frightful and they are seemingly immortal (at least in age, no one has tried very hard to shoot at the nice alicorns yet) The fact that Celestia and Luna are that old really gets people wondering though.

I am curious whether the Japanese would think of the Equestrians as just another group of Gaijin, or whether they would be friendly towards them due to them being in a similar boat to Japan (recently exposed to Western culture and technology, far behind in the field of tech, so on and so forth).

Here are the lists of current supporting characters that I've given bios and whatnot, it's not all of them yada, yada. Respond with advise etc. etc.

Bernhard von Bülow - German Chancellor - Bernhard is first introduced when he has to break the new of the Kronprinz's disappearance to the Kaiser, it was said that everyone in the palace could hear the resulting outrage, Bernhard also helps set up the Equestrian-German talks that would solidify Equestria's entrance into the Central Powers in 1913. Bernhard in a smart, calculated and soft-spoken man who holds the ever daunting task of keeping the kaiser from "mucking it up". After he left his position as Chancellor, he became the Foreign Ambassador to the Co-Principality of Equestria.

Edward VI - King of England, Emperor of India and a bunch of other titles that make him feel more important. The English king leads the British Empire through the arrival of the ponies whom he took as "Dupes of Berlin." He did not however stay british influence into the other world. He is most responsible for the Anglo-Gryphon treaty of 1909 after the opening of the North Atlantic portal. He did not however, live to see this alliance to the Great War. Succeeded by his son George V, the end of the Edwardian Period went with him, along with the old way of European Politics

(Lyra during trip to Ottoman Empire)
Lyra Heartstrings - Lyra was among the first ponies to meet the German Kronprinz. Her old fascination of humans and their culture has never wavered after the two became friends. She became a leading Equestrian Human expert after the portal opening. It is said that the Kronprinz continues correspondence with her.

Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau and President Armand Fallières - the two french leaders sent diplomats to Equestria after the portal opening, but were shocked when the Princesses sent their diplomats away after a treaty fiasco. After losing formal diplomatic ties with Equestria, the two formed ties (and a military presence) with other world nations after the Atlantic portal opened

Tsar Nicholas II of Russia - the Russian empire was reeling from unrest riots and the loss of the Russo-Japanese war when the portal opened. That didn't really change anything though, so . . . Yeah. Due to the ever rising threat of civil war, Nicholas established changes and reforms in the empire*. Russia maintains diplomatic relations with the Co-Principlity but Russia doesn't really get much from this besides the trade and another place for Russians to immigrate too. (Fillydephia and Baltimare has very sizable Russian communities)
*(it should be noted that most of these changes didn't occur until after Russia lost control of some parts of its empire)

Emperor Meiji of Japan - Japan shares a number of similarities with the Co-Principalities. No one understood the transition from a farming nation to an industrialized great power like the Japanese Emperor did. While his life ended not long after the portal connecting the world of ponies to the Sea of Japan opened in 1909, the meeting of the Co-Principality and the Japanese Empire solidified relations between them. Princess Celestia had an interesting visit to Japan, as her magic power had her compared to the sun Goddess Amaterasu, who the emperor is a descendant of the Goddess. It has since been established that the Alicorn Princess is not in control of the sun for the Earth.

President Theodore Roosevelt - the Rough Rider American formed an interesting relation with the Co-Principality, mostly due to a friendship formed with Applejack during the Geneva Summit of 1908. He, however, pursued a somewhat agressive diplomatic stance with the Principality. The most notable instance being his sending of the Great White Fleet to Equestria in late 1908. The Great White Fleet is also significant due to its finding of the Atlantic Portal in early 1909. Roosevelt continued his presidency in a landslide election, and pursued a policy of help foster Democracy abroad. His work actual attributed to the political reforms the Co-Principality undertook during the late 1910s.

I'm thinking of doing the story sort of like one would tell about history in a book with cut-ins for the main storyline
(Why do I post these so late at night)

Theodore Roosevelt about to get shit done

Did you know he once got shot, delivered a long speech, and then went to see a medic?

He probably will still get shot, and be a badass in this alternate history story. He will also:

Split two continents - Panama Canal
Discover another inter-dimensional portal (to a universe we already found?!) in 1909
Caused protests in Equestria for more democratic, progressive ideals (such is the price of industrialization)
Opened American-Equestrian trade
Punch Blueblood in the face for mistreating women
Signed the Meat-Inspection Act of 1906 (would the Equestrians be more revolted by humans eating meat or how unhygienic the U.S. meat industry is?)
Ride 100 miles on horseback in one day, nonstop, while president, in a blizzard. . . Bully.

So yeah, Theodore Roosevelt , Presidential American Badass 1901 - 1912

I seriously wonder what effects Equestrian magic would have on the outcome of WWI. Especially considering that, theoretically, unicorn shield spells could protect against small arms fire, and possibly light artillery.

political reforms the Co-Principality undertook durping the 1910s.


3768131 thanks for catching that.

Group Admin

So the question is how does this effect the independence movements in the Balkins, as well as World War I and the collapse of the Russian and German Empires during the 1917 and 18 Revolutions

Europe as of 1906

The Co-Principlaity doesn't have any interests in the Balkans and Ottoman control in Southern Europe will still fall apart. the borders might not be the same though. The Balkan leauge might hold together for more that 3 minutes after the Turks are kicked out.

Bulgaria will rise, for they are the "Prussia of the Balkans"

As for Russia, the portal connection won't affect them very much, Equestria may serve as a different place for Russians to immigrate to. That applies to most of Europe though. The Civil war may still break out, but I think that the different Great War will allow more intervention in the war to stabilize Russia and keep the more radical fellows out of St. Petersburg. There will be the breakaway republics though and russia will be more russia proper by the end of it all.

Austria will likely fracture if there isn't some serious reform. Austria would have to make it equal with a Triple monarchy with the Serbs. Since This is very unlikely so we will probably see Balkan Austria-Hungary leaving. What's left will remain with Austria-Hungary, now cut down a size.

Germany will need to deal with the socialists but they certainly won't usurp the kaiser. If anything the kaiser will remain so the military doesn't take control of the country (If things get that bad). These problems haven't gone away with the arrival of Equestria, so yeah, I can't say much about how the war gos, besides that fact that the Entente can't really starve out the Germans now.
(So they'll likely win or at the least get a fair treaty at Versailles)

With Equestria and it love of friendship, we could see Europe sitting down and end the war a few years in.

3748270 Not sure on how Celesta controls the sun.

3774698 my take on it is that in Equestria, Celestia has a magic connection with the sun and can will it to move through the sky. Thus, in Our World, Celestia would not have this magical connection to our sun so it doesn't move (we move around it). Since Celestia is tied with Equestria's sun, while she is in our world, her magical powers are lessened. The same applies to Luna.

This is at least, how the scientists come to conclusions on this. (It still is debated within the scientific communities of Europe)

My latest block of text, question it or comment or something

Modernizing the Equestrian Army Part 1 of ?

Turning a military that utilized little more than spears and ceremonial armor was quite the challenge of the German Empire, but it supplied officers capable of doing such.

The man they choose to lead this monumental task was Erich von Falkenhayn. A rising commander at the time, he became the head military advisor to the Co-Principality in early 1907. Falkenhayn was chosen for his skill, his work with the kronprinz as an advisor, and his more open mind to "teach an army of talking equines how to fight like real soldiers."

Erich Von Falkenhayn Military Advisor to Co-Principality

The first obstacles in the principalities modernization was fairly obvious, how does one apply even the most basic of tactics and strategies to ponies. The first being the need to introduce the use of modern firearms into the military. Previously the navy and to an extent the Royal Guard used simple cannons. The introduction of handheld firearms required such weapons to be wielded by a pony. It took several months of testing and adjusting before the creation of the Gewehr 71P. The 71P was a modified Mauser Gewehr 71 that accommodated for ponies lack of mandibles. It has a trigger guard that could fit a hoof and be operated by a pony. The bolt as well, was adapted for pony use. It was determined that the original, single shot version of the Gewehr 71 was easier for a pony to operate. The rifle itself was shortened so it could be used properly. Rather than producing new rifles, the Royal Guard was armed with modified surplus Gewehr Rifles being phased out of German service.

The Mauser Gewehr 1871

Getting the Royal Guard well versed with these new weapons was also a challenge for Falkenhayn. The rifle requires two hooves to properly aim and operate. As such, the act of firing while galloping is a near impossibility for *all. In a similar sense, to use the rifle, the pony needed to be in an upright position. After a number of weeks of practicing with wooden versions, the Royal Guard was issued the 71P.
*(Moving while firing can be done by unicorns via levitation and Pegasi hovering off the ground)

The uniform of the Royal Guard also changed to reflect modern european armies.
The Royal Guard now sports a formal Prussian Blue uniform, with a German style shako. The frontline uniform of the Equestrian military is a light gray with a peaked cap.

Generalkapitän Shining Armor Commander of the Equestrian Guard and Co-Principality Ground Forces

While the units that comprised the Royal Guard were now proficient at the use of the new rifles, Falkenhayn continued to train the ponies in infantry tactics, The Guard was reorganized into Squads and Regiments. This however became an issue for Falkenhayn, as Equestria's military was small compared to that of even the likes of lesser european countries. The need of a larger military and the need for a professional army was fixed with formation of the Equestrian Army in the summer of 1907. The Equestrian Army would have greater numbers than the Royal Guard, now a branch of the army, tasked with just protecting the Princesses and Canterlot. The Equestrian military was comprised of *volunteers and reservists, who would be called up in times of need. The Equestrian Army would number at 400,000 by 1910 including reserves. *(Celestia was resistant to the concept of conscription)

Firearms adaption did not stop with the 71P. The portal connection opened the firearms industry to the ponies of Equestria and the adaption of Revolvers and Pistols followed suite. The main change with pistol weapons was the adding of a brace that rests on the front leg of a pony, allowing the pistol to be held with one hand and to make shooting on three legs possible.

Applejack and Rarity testing the adapted pistols. Wielding a M1879 Reichsrevolver and an ornate percussion cap pistol, Respectively.

I'll probably gather ideas about Equestria's industrial modernization next, then come back to this.

The Central Powers shall defeat all!

I made this ten minutes ago in paint.
Its crap, but its still cool

3748264 oh dude now that would be something.

3831034 What about it intrigues you? I've been writing out some of this. (it's not going to be lengthy, but I try.)

I just want to see it actually written as a story. Also, what kind of Navy does Equestria have?

3839598 the story is progressing rather nicely. (Not bad considering my lack of experience in writing.)

The Frigate ES Baltimare

The Equestrian navy would be reasonable if Europe was still in the 1840s, lets just say that steam engines have hampered its effectiveness. The Co-Principality will need to order ships from Europe's shipyards to pick up the slack and do it quick. (The Equestrian navel chiefs and the German navel advisors agree on this fact as both are now tearing their hair out.) with any luck the current snickering by the great powers will end in a couple decades. Until then the Equestrians will make due and have their navy serve in a ceremonial fashion.

As for how good it is. I can say that it would beat the Prussian navy in 1840. (If that fact means anything.)

(Slow navel development comes down to the lack of technology and general lack of need of it.)

If pegasi are good enough at avoiding AA fire, Equestria could maintain air superiority over the coasts, making a Navy less necessary.

3880923 That may be true, but a few things about it.

1. Yes, Pegasi control the skies, but the British are still down there. (They need aerial bombs. The problem is making them light enough to carry, but powerful enough to do sufficient damage.)

2. Air tactics are new thing. The German Army trained Pegasi to be light infantry that can move quickly, but lack heavy support. They didn't train them to fight in the air, rather traverse the air to the fight.

3. You are correct in the usefulness of air power. There are really useful as spotters for artillery and gaining intelligence, but Pegasi usage as ground support will not be found until later.

4. Equestria's true safety from Britain is that Risk Theory works now. The Royal Navy can prevent The High Seas fleet from causing trouble. It can best Equestria no doubt, navel wise. The Question is can it Blockade both? (The answer is no. You can cut Germany off from the world, but it has another to compensate.)

Anti-Air guns will still be an issue, as bullets are deadly.

There is also the risk of Pegasus boarding parties.

3881112 I actually didn't consider that, maybe later in the story they could train such boarding Pegasi teams. They may not be very effective against capital ships, but smaller warships such as cruisers could perhaps be taken for Equestrian Service. I see ships being captured and scuttled by the Equestrians before the British can react. I don't see this tactic becoming used until a ways through the war. Give it till 1916, then we will see what the Pegasi Flying teams can do.

Then there is also the deal with weather manipulation. If the pegasi whip up hurricanes off Equestria's coasts, there's no way in hell the Royal Navy would willingly even TRY to close to shelling range.

3884331 (activate Kronprinz Wilhelm)

"Hiter. . . hitler. . . I've heard if that name before . . . wasn't he in that book series about unsung heros of the Weltkrieg? . . . What was the name of the series. Unsure Kampf, our fight, something like that, maybe?" Kronprinz Wilhelm guessed.
That's about as much as you'll hear about an A. Hitler

This is a Type II alternate history .
See Alternate History Scale

There was no right-wing takeover of Germany. The Kaiser's power may have been lessened by wars end, but he's still in charge.

I can't say what Post Weltkrieg Europe is like, due to the fact that I'm unsure how the war itself goes.

As for the question of a second war occurring, there will most likely be such a war, the first one didn't settle everything well enough, this version will be no different. Not even the power of friendship can stop nationalism.

3883740 Pegasi weather manipulation is used against Entente forces, mostly in the form of harassing the Brits by raining (and occasionally using lightning) on their trenches. Take that Tommy!
That becomes more difficult when the Brits get more AA guns. (A lot more to be specific. Good thing they aren't that effective.)

Pegasi could make storms to try and dissuade Entente ships.
As used at the Battle off Vanhoover in late 1914

The problem with this tactic is Manpower, or rather the fact that a lot of Pegasi are already at the front. If you wanna try that on a larger scale. Then your gonna need to take Entire Pegasus Regiments off the line.


Japan's spread across Asia will continue, even if Germany wins the war, the pacific possessions are as good as lost, they'll probably sell them.

Austria-Hungary is in a downward spiral, winning the war will not stop it, rather it will show its dependence on big brother Germany. I wouldn't doubt Austria becomes a lesser German kingdom and the Kingdom of Hungary stays Hapsburg (probably holding onto Croatia and Slovakia.) There may be Independent Poland with Congress Poland and Galicia.

Germany will need to deal with its socialist elements after the war, they'll accept some demands, and stop the extremists. I'm looking at You, Rosa Luxemburg.

Equestria is dominated by Nobles, Celestia may be a benevolent ruler, but maintaining that level of power after the portal opening is an impossibility. She's too popular to ever be overthrow by leftists, but the noble ponys are not. I predict Equestria gaining an elected body by the 20s. Tough wars usually make people want to have a say in government.

This photo tells a story in of itself, but I wrote up a little backdrop to it for my story (that I'm still writing if anyone still here is wondering)

Three years. The Co-Principality repelled the Entente from the Equestrian realm after nearly three years of fighting.

When that front was almost over last summer, the Equestrian Europa Korp went from just small numbers to an army size force. They went from being a minor aid to a major part of the upcoming Spring Offensive.

More Soldiers were needed if victory in the west was to be ever achieve the gains it did, the troops from Russia and the Balkans helped, but Equestrians were called as well.

If only I had know then, how different their war was from ours, how the fighting in San Palomino and Las Pegasus was from Flanders and Verdun and the Somme.

When the Pony divisions came to Europe, they must have thought they had seen it all; they faced the same enemy back home, the same weapons of war were used agaisnt them, But a transition to France and Belgium is as stark of a difference as Potsdam is to the Sahara.

To us, this was what we had faced since the beginning, the no mans land, the shelling, the gas attacks and the air raids had become all too usual.

To them, it was a new hell, one worse than any they had ever braved.

It's a miracle that those who survived the offensive still retained any string of the innocence and happiness I saw in them before the war.

Gott Help every last one of them.

Kronprinz Wilhelm, Commander of Army Group Deutsch Prince and all Equestrian Europa divisions in the Verdun area

Dated June 9th, 1918
In response to the rising number of Equestrian Shellshock cases after the Spring Offensive

Comment posted by Tigerdovefan34 deleted Dec 14th, 2015

4285819 Hey I just have a question ( a couple of them):
1. would Italy stay in the CP? It would make sense because Italy only joined the entente to get austrian lands, have food, and keep coal. With equestrian in the CP, the blockade of Italy would be able to be bypassed and Italy would still get the resources they need for survival (food, coal, steel, ect). If italy joins the CP, France will have a hard time as it will have to fight even harder in africa and defend their southeast. Britain will also need to protect Malta and suez at the same time leaving egypt to fight on two fronts (ottomans and Italy) Berlin would pull a few strings for italy to get Italian austrian lands.

2. would admiral essen be given the ok to attack sweden? with the possibility of a portal appearing anywhere, essen might be given the ok in attacking sweden, thus basically screwing russia to fight in so many place (would denmarck and Norway be forced to join the entente by britain?).

3. Would the dutch join the war? the same as essen except with a bombing campaign as britain will be desperate to destroy equestria and the dutch might hurt them a little.

4. would spain join the CP? basically spain might jump at the chance to unite Iberia and destroy france and seeing the recent CP victories as france is spread thin at this point, spain might join germany. at this point, france would be screwed over as they would be fighting on so many front the supply line will be bleh and there will gaps in the lines that the CP can exploit.

5. probably ASB, probably not, but would Romania, Greece, and Albania join the CP? given how far russia is spread thin, Romania will finally be able to get Bessarabia from them in a peace treaty (brest-litovsk that is harsher anyone?) Albania might be forced to join the CP or face the might of Big Brother Italy (which in reality, practically sucked. I personally believe that the albanians, who were in extreme chaos at this point, could fight them off, but I digress) finally, greece will be the nail in the coffin for serbia and montenegro as the army and people of both nations will have no choice than to surrender to the CP thus ending the very thing that WW1 started over. (Balkan front might end in a couple of months because of a quadruple invasion of serbia, 4 months minimum, 8 months tops)

6. two parter: would the USA really want to fight against equestria who, as you said, they have great relations with and would the entene be practically useless to join unless the USA had a death wish at this point? The USA never EVER fought an ally and/or betrayed their trust. okay, we did it on one or two, maybe very few, occasions. but no less than that. this would leave the spring offensive to be less rushed and have more time to be developed properly. The entente would be dead weight as france is crippled from fighting on so many fronts and britain would have unrest within the empire, so I ask, IS IT WORTH IT?!

7. Discord? reformed, basically the first WMD in history, CP would instantly, ok, never mind I can see why you wouldn't put him in.

8. would japan, south africa and austrailia cut their losses and keep their gain or no?

9. please make twilight a general and slap the s:yay:t out of conrad von hutzendorf :twilightsheepish: and have churchill be a general in equestrian and have some other politician (gray perhaps?) suggest gallipoli and and sicily, churchill commits suicide after his failures and have Fluttershy be the leader of the liberal party and her brother (if he shows in time) the leader of the reactionary or conservative( maybe even fascist party:rainbowderp: I can ply think of the response flutter shy will have) and have pinkie and applejack as the communist party? Twilight will be an amazing general, perhaps the 2nd best by far. she would be 2nd best to ,and only to, paul lettow von vorbeck who, as you should know, HAD THE MOST SUCCESSFUL GUERILLA CAMPAIGN IN HISTORY.

10. would the kaiser keep his crown or would hindenburg and lundendorf still usurp him and the same for the princesses?

11. some flutterdash with dash on one of the fronts and with flutters as a homefront nurse and the two writing back to one another please? Just love a good flutter dash and a good WW1 love story.

12. This isn't a question ( or is it


Nah, I'm just yanking your chain. keep up the good work. :twilightsmile:

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