World War Bronies 734 members · 129 stories
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Those Krauts can't keep the marines at bay!

4920799 what about discord and the rest of europe against them, hmmmm?:duck:


1. While Equestria changes some things, Italy already was starting to cooperate with France and Britain before the POD, and while Equestria's food and coal supplies will help the Central Powers, A. It is not an inexhaustible supply, and B. Germany and Austria already offered Italy what they saw as reasonable OTL with plans to renegotiate the Tyrolian Border, but the Entente is promising Italy the world to join.

2. I honestly had not heard about Admiral Essen or his plans to attack Sweeden, so I haven't planned Scandinavia to get militarily involved in the war.
(Minus Finland, obviously.)

3. The Dutch? No, Britain wouldn't go to war to protect one of the Benelux only to attack anothe

4. No plans for Spain taking action in the war.

5. Greece and Rumania are at an impasse, both have Hohenzollern monarchs, but this caused so many issues for both as Romanias wanted Hungarian land and Greece wants Bulgarian and Turkish land so how can they fight alongside all three?!

6. Now, Equestria did get friendly relations with the United States due to a personal friendship with a Mr. T.R. Roosevelt (Maybe you've heard of him.) and the involvement of Equestria in the war complicated the debate of neutrality, I'm not saying anything else.

7. Well, Equestria magically connecting to earth is already ASB, and the potential ability of Discord to turn Europe's armies into Gravy for a Turkey Dinner makes him impossible to include in the war, so yes, I put in reasons why he can't be used as the Ultimate weapon of Equestria.

8. Japan is basically uncontested in the pacific, they will make gains. Australia. . . Maybe, South Africa can have Namibia if it can kill Lettow-Vorbeck, (we'll see how well that goes.)

9. Gonna have to break this down. . . Okay, um.. .

So Twilight, I don't know if she has any military planning knowledge, (she probably does from her books, but the military tactics she's likely read about are more than obsolete in this modern war.

I still see Twilight more as a diplomat type, spending the war in neutral countries trying to organize peace talks.

Ah, von Hotzendorf, that idiot made a debacle out of everything, but I can't see any situation where Twilight would be in a place to slap him, it would be cool, but it would have to be the Austrian Emperor who slaps him if anyone was gonna get away with it.

Churchill may go to Equestria after his position in the admiralty, but churchill wouldn't commit suicide, he may drink more, like more than OTL Churchill more, but Churchill's no quitter!

As for political parties, are you saying to have Fluttershy be in charge of Equestria's liberal party, a member of, I can see, but leader?

I already have leaders of the Social Liberal Party, the National Pony Front and the Conservative Reform Party in mind.

Yes Lettow-Vorbeck is great, we see him quite a bit.

10. The kaiser keeps the throne, the Ludendorff dictatorship, as it is later known, comes and goes.

11. I've got Fluttershy as a nurse in Equestria and France, Rainbow serving on fronts near and far, and the two having correspondence, is it friendship, is is love, probably the former, then again. we do see a lot of friend parings for everyone. (With the occasional one night encounter.)

12. *GASP* the war was secretly planned by the most powerful elites and mega corporations, so they could keep control of the masses, WAKE UP WORLD!! Silly.

Any ETA on this?
Looks good

Thank you, I haven't been able to work on it as much as I would've liked to during college, so I couldn't tell you when I'll post it, I will be working on it quite a bit during the break though.

4922475 1. Italy was offered the world by the entente yes, but they feared that if Germany won the the war against them, then Italy would be ruined. in 1915, the PM of Italy was basically looking at the best deal for them joining the alliance or entente in the war. if the princesses are persuasive enough, or starlight glimmer is there a(will she be in the story?), then Italy and the CP could have a deal. Basically, think of austro-prussian war: Italy sucked, but was given venetia for helping prussia while prussia didn't take anything from austria. also, the Italians would go "if we lose, we still gained land, so we didn't technically lose."

2. It's true and there is a TL called the stupidity of admiral essen and another one called Essen's folly in which the same thing happens.

3. actually there was a case where a british did bomb the netherlands one time and queen wilhelmina demanded an apology as well as constant violations that britain did with dutch shipping but as they say "might makes right" so the dutch never pushed it, but they might in this TL with a better prepared CP ready to help (evening out between belgium, seen, netherlands)

4. Spain might jump in if the leader is expansionist enough but France and britain will be seen as too weak to defend and portugal did have a crappy army (just like their neighbor (puns) to the west), but we might see protests in spain by the people that say: "El renacimiento del imperio español está asegurado si nos unimos a los poderes centrales, así como iberia unificadas." (translation: The revival of the Spanish empire is assured if we joined the central powers and unified Iberia.) or "Francia y britian son débiles , portugal es incapaz de defenderse adecuadamente , hay que unirse a alemania y venganza precioso para Napoleón Bonaparte , Alfonso , ¿no quiere la gloria de España para volver . Si lo hace, entonces escuchar a nosotros, los españoles , y España será más temía que nunca lo vamos a hacer que el mundo pisotear bajo nuestros pies . por favor , imploramos se une a las potencias centrales y revivir el nacionalismo muertos y en estado latente de nuestro gran país y una vez despertado , vamos a ser imparable." (translation: France and britian are weak, portugal is unable to defend itself properly, we must join germany and precious revenge for Napoleon Bonaparte, Alfonso, do you not want the glory of Spain to return. If you do, then listen to us, The spanish people, and Spain will be more feared than ever before as we will make the world trample beneath our feet. please, we implore you join the central powers and revive the dead and dormant nationalism of our great country and once awakened, we will be unstopable.") though Alfonso will just ignore them and talk to his advisors (was Alfonso XIII in power at this time?). perhaps late 1917 - early 1918.

5. look at number one

6. don't spoil anything, but the USA people will hate to betray someone who they've grown close too (but wilson hates the CP, so I don't think he would have a problem:rainbowwild:)

7. that's why I went never mind, but the CP might use him as a last resort and with equestrians permission.

8. the empire will keep the gains but the dominons are in a tough spot, say in the Entente and get trampled if the CP win or become independent and face the wrath of the mother country if Britain. )good Tl of this called Prince Henry of Prussia: Rise of the U-boat)

9. I think Twilight would learn pretty quick that the British won't ever surrender and France will just scoff at the idea of peace with colored pastel horses. She might get some modern war books from a couple generals that we all know and love/hate. Flutter shy, I see as a kind of hitler, starting out as a member but becoming leader later on as the oppression of war and being a nurse would get her out of her shyness and become much more vocal about a constituntional monarchy with a lot more pony rights. I see Twilight being the antithesis to Churchill as well as equestria to britain. we all admit that Vorbeck is among the greatest if not the greatest mind in warfare for the 20th century and possibly earlier.then have the emperor be persuaded by twilight to slap conrad and execute him for stupidity. also twilight might implore the kaiser to build more U-boats saying that with enough of them, britain will starve to death 3 months into the war.

10. good, ludendorf should be executed for treason and so should Hindenburg when the war is over. the princesses?

11. It was just a suggestion but you may gain 1,666 readers because of it.

12. Indeed. :duck:

13. (extra) some wartime oppression? and of course the use of unicorns and pages is to spay on enemies and foil plans before they begin because just like moltke said "no plan survives conflict with the enemy." also, FS's brother. he's going to appear next season, so what would you have for his personality?

that's all for now. see you later:pinkiehappy:

also, the herero and namaqua genocide change the relations a little and then all the villains that the entente can aid/release to destabilize equestrian?

4922475 are you ok or are you working?

Please make this. I haven't ever seen a WW1 or pre world war 2 story on this site so please do this

3748264 To me that wouldn't be far off.

Ltluigi, where are you? finals week?

Are you going to add an article about the outcome of the Russian Revolution and the outcome by Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky?

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