Dusk Shine's Love Life 521 members · 147 stories
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Dusk Shine and Sonata Dusk. It makes so much sense. So much that I made a group for it.

Also, DuskDusk is the best ship name in the history of ship names. Don't deny it.

DuskDusk OTP!

4147253 the ship makes zero sense :ajbemused: at all :facehoof: but I'm already in that group and I still like this ship :twilightsmile: DuskDusk :heart:

I will admit, this is a good ship. But I am curious, in your headcannon how will Dusk from TULLODS would do when he personally meet with the Dazzlings, either individually, or together, and how would they react with each other. Would he like only Sonata, would he feel responsible for the Siren's predicament after the Battle of the Bands, would he somehow not just won Sonata's heart, but Aria and Adagio as well? What would you type?

4148382 Well, I'm not sure how it would play out. However, if I had to guess, it would go something like this:

Adagio: What?! Who's this guy?!

Aria: I don't know, but those girls really seem to like him.

Sonata: Of course they do! He's so dreamy! :heart:

Aria: Sonata, you're the worst.

Adagio: Well, she has a point. He's a hunk! :heart:

Aria: Oh wow. You've got to be kidding me.

Adagio: We must recruit him!

Sonata: And then we can all marry him and have beautiful siren babies!

Aria: I don't even...

Hahahaha! Man I can see that happening.

4148621 because im 70 or 80 chapters from eg2 in my own Dusk Shine based story, I'm not going to go into spoilers. That said, Sonata abd Dusk is a cute ship, and I do have some plans for that same scene. Very cute pairing though haha

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