Adopt a Human 1,690 members · 271 stories
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what is classified as human because i'm curous because of stuff like orcs night elves dwarfs and so on would they count as human?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I like to go by the Elder Scrolls method.
Of course, that's Dwarves are extinct and are the ancestral race to the Elves AND Orcs and that humans are completely separate to them.

i thank you for your opinon good pony tho i dont think dwarves are extinct they are just in a plain in oblivion somewhere in skyrim well thats my opinon at least

Well, they're not on Nirn, any more, so they're still technically extinct ON Tamriel.

There is also the Sannarah series explination in that the original dwarves, trolls, orcs, gnomes and the like all died out with the expansion of mankind with the exception of elves and faries but re-evolved or re-emirged from different races of man after the Apocalypse as a means of survival and only the creatures of fae origin remained other than man. So on that scale orcs, dwarves, trolls etc would be humanoids descend from man but elvish races and farie races like pixies wouldn't be. Then there is the DnD explanation. That goes that each race either evolved separately or was created separately (dwarves from moradin. And dragon born from bahmuht) so in the D&D sense only the human races and half human hybrids count (like teiflings, half elves and half orcs)

Comment posted by Aunty Furby deleted Jul 11th, 2017



They are actually many things that can be counted as a human they can also be split into Four categories (These are mythical Humanoids)

Human skinned humanoids

These humanoids can pass unnoticed in human society. Their ears may be slightly misshaped, their eyes may not line up, or their height may not measure up, but their difference in appearance can be attributed to genetic mistakes or mutation. Sometimes they live separated from society, live in alternative realities, or occur only by night or under specific circumstances. This category includes elves, fairies, nymphs and house spirits.

Monster skinned humanoids

Portions of these humanoids are clearly not of human make. Drastic differences in skin colour, eye type, scales and fur, claws and tails. The average person may find them quite unpleasant and untrustworthy because they are not all human.

Monstrous humanoids

These humanoids are likely to instill fear and revulsion. They may walk, talk, and think like a human, but they are obviously not.

Temporary form humanoids

These are creatures that may temporarily disguise or transform into a human shape, but have entirely different true forms.

Here are some examples!

Human skinned humanoids

  • Arkan sonney
  • Bannik
  • Brownie
  • Changeling (Not to be confused with the insect like beings in equestria)
  • Clurichaun

Monster skinned humanoids

  • Adlet
  • Ent
  • Fairy
  • Centaur
  • Faun
  • Lich
  • Ork/Orc

Monstrous humanoids

  • Ala
  • Black Annis
  • Ghoul
  • Goblin
  • Gremlins
  • Titan

Temporary form humans

  • Kitsune
  • Huli Jing
  • Kumiho
  • Manananggal
  • Selkie
  • Werewolf
  • Vampire

There are many more creatures if you want to see the rest of them go HERE!

umm can you simplify that

These are all humanoid or related to humans if you want to say it like that

oh ok sorry long day at work and my brain doesnt want to work with me

K (Im tired as well been a long day)

The simplified version is this: with sannarah series explanation, if its an elf or farie in heritage, its not human but if its orc, troll, dwarf, halfling or gnome in heritage than it is human. D&D explanation is that none of those are human. Both consider half breeds to be human, and both count vampires and were-beasts as diseased or cursed humans if they were of human descent before becoming which ever they where

Humanoid is used to describe ANY race that has at least some human like qualities be they orc goblin dwarf, elf or what have you but being humanoid doesn't automatically mean they are human

huh okay then so elves arnt human but orcs are

If you decide to go the sannarah route than yes, the DnD route no

ok i think ill just go with maybe for the question as a whole because i did not mean to open a can of worms

Yea there is a couple ways to take it depending on the universe in question you're looking at. Plus the question "what makes a human?" Is a tricky one

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